Employee Expense Report Data Entry Table Formats (DEEmployeeExpense)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing employee expense report data.

Field Name Data Type Notes
Employee varchar
ReportDate datetime
ReportName varchar
TransDate datetime
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
Account varchar
Amount decimal
DetailDescription varchar
SuppressBill varchar
DefaultCurrencyCode varchar Multicurrency feature only.
CurrencyCode varchar Multicurrency feature only. CurrencyCode must exist in CFGEnabledCurrencies table.
PaymentAmount decimal Multicurrency feature only. PaymentAmount cannot be zero when Amount is not zero.
Originating Vendor varchar
TaxCodeSequence1 through TaxCodeSequence10 varchar Vantagepoint validates that each tax code:
  • Has the Active status.
  • Is a valid tax code for the expense report's company.
  • Is an input tax code with the Transaction Entry check box and Employee Expenses check box selected on the Tax Codes settings form (Settings > Accounting > Taxes).
TaxAmountSequence1 through TaxAmountSequence10 decimal If one of these fields in an import record contains 0.00, the import process assumes that 0.00 is the tax amount you want for that tax, just as it does with any non-zero tax amount. If a field is blank, the import process calculates a tax amount for that tax.