Corporate Budgets Table Formats (CorporateBudgets)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing corporate budgets.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
BudgetName varchar Required. A descriptive name for the budget (for example. Fisc2000).
Account varchar Required. The account number to which this budget applies. This number must be a valid account in Vantagepoint.
BudgetYear integer Required. The fiscal year to which this budget applies, in the format YYYY. The default for this field is this year, based on today's date.
Org varchar Required if organization reporting is used. The organization to which this budget applies. This value must be a valid organization in Vantagepoint.
Description varchar Optional. A description of the budgeted amount, often the account name.
ReferenceBudget decimal Optional. Any amount that you want to enter for your future reference. No calculations are made based on this amount; it exists strictly for comparison to the annual budget described below.
AnnualBudget decimal Optional. The total amount budgeted for the account for the fiscal year.
Amount1 to 13 decimal Optional. The annual budget broken out by accounting period. You can enter the same amount for each period, or you can distribute the annual amount unevenly across the periods.
AvailableForReporting varchar
HeaderNotes varchar
DetailNotes varchar