Accounts Payable Vouchers Table Formats (APVoucher)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing accounts payable vouchers.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Vendor varchar Required. The vendor number. This must be a valid vendor number in Vantagepoint.
Voucher varchar Required. The voucher number that should be used to tie payments and line items to a particular voucher.
InvoiceDate datetime Required. The invoice date for this voucher.
Invoice varchar Required. The invoice number for this voucher.
VoucherDate datetime Required. The voucher date for this voucher.
LiabilityCode varchar Required. The liability code to use for this voucher. This must be a valid liability code in Vantagepoint.
BankCode varchar Required. The bank code to use for vouchers in this file. This must be a valid bank code in Vantagepoint.
PaymentTerms varchar Required. Next, PWP (Pay When Paid), Hold, or Date. The payment terms for vouchers in this file.
PaymentDate datetime Required. The payment date, if Payment Terms field is Date.