Accounts Payable Voucher Line Items Table Formats (APVoucherLine)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing accounts payable voucher line items.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Vendor varchar Required. The vendor number. This must be a valid vendor number in Vantagepoint.
Voucher varchar Required. The voucher number. This number must be a valid voucher number entered through Vantagepoint or the InputAPVoucher table.
VoucherLine integer Required. The line number for this voucher line.
Description varchar Optional. The voucher line description.
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
Account varchar Required. The account to which this voucher line applies. Project/account must be of the same type.
PaymentAmount decimal Optional. The amount for the voucher line.
FunctionalAmount decimal Optional. The amount for the voucher line, in the company's functional currency.
ProjectFunctionalAmount decimal Optional. The amount for the voucher line, in the project's functional currency.