Accounts Payable Payments Table Formats (APPayment)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing accounts payable payments.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Vendor varchar Required. The vendor number. This must be a valid vendor number in Vantagepoint.
Voucher varchar

Required, when Require entry of voucher numbers is selected on the Accounts Payable tab of Settings > Advanced Accounting > System AP.

This number must be a valid voucher number entered via either Vantagepoint or the InputAPVoucher table.

VoucherLine integer Required. The voucher line number. This number must be a valid voucher line number entered through the InputAPVoucherLine table.
CheckNumber varchar Required. The check number for this voucher payment.
CheckDate datetime The check date for this voucher payment.
PaymentAmount decimal The amount of this voucher payment.
FunctionalAmount decimal