Header Fields for the Projects Form

Fields and options that display on the Projects form in the header area above the tabs are generally available regardless of the currently selected tab.


Descriptions of the other fields and options on this form are available in other Projects hub help topics.

Field Description
Project search

To locate an existing project, enter a partial or complete name or number in the Find <hub record> field at the top of the active Hub or application form. If you are working in the Projects hub and you switch from one form in that hub to another, your search information is preserved, and the project you select remains selected.

x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record to display on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Project Click this option to create a new project.

This option is available if your security role has the access rights required for adding records.

When you add a new project, Vantagepoint also creates a plan for that project. Depending on how you add the project, you may have an option of copying an existing project plan. If not, Vantagepoint automatically creates a plan for the project using default settings, so you can immediately begin entering planning data.

Click the Switch to List View icon to see the list view of the form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form rather than on separate tabs. Records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. To add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid, click to the right of the grid and use the Select Columns dialog box.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

For more information about working in list view, see Use List View.

After you have switched to list view, click the Switch to Detail View icon to see the detailed view of the form. Detail view is the view that displays by default when you open a form for the first time; thereafter, the view that was active when you closed the application will display the next time that you display the form. In detail view, all fields are displayed on tabs on the form. The detail view is the one that is described in help topics in the Help system.
Click this icon next to the project name to display the Project Structure dialog box.

If the project has a WBS with more than one level or it has a linked promotional project, the dialog box displays the levels and elements in the structure. You can then select another WBS element to display in the Projects hub, or you can edit the project structure. You can also select a WBS element for the linked promotional project, if one exists.

If the project currently only has one level in the WBS and no linked promotional project, the Project Structure dialog box gives you options for adding WBS elements at lower levels. Click + Create a New Project Structure to add WBS elements individually using the Edit Project Structure form. To choose WBS elements from a project template, select the template in Use a Project Template and click Use Template.

By default, the Project Structure dialog box displays immediately below this icon, and when you select a WBS element, it closes. However, if you are working in the Projects hub and you want the dialog box to remain open after you make a selection so it is readily available for navigating to other WBS elements, drag the dialog box to a different location. It will then remain open while you work, as long as you do not select a different project or leave the Projects hub.

If the project belongs to a billing group, click this icon next to the project name to display the Billing Group dialog box. That dialog box displays the projects in the billing group, along with any lower-level WBS elements, so you can select another project or lower-level WBS element to display in the Projects hub.
Project Name and Project Number When you select a project to view or edit, the project's name and number display at the top of the form below the search field.

If you navigate to a lower level work breakdown structure (WBS) element, the number and name of that element and the number and names of the parent elements above it in the WBS are displayed.

Last modified date, time, and user The last modified date, time, and user name display below the record's name to indicate when the record was last modified and the name of the person who made the changes, unless the user ID is not mapped to a user name, in which case only the user ID displays. Note, however, that in rare cases, the name of a system process (for example, a conversion process related to a product upgrade) may display in place of a specific user name as the source of the last modification.
and Click to the right of the Summary pane to collapse the pane and expand the main part of the form. When the Summary pane is collapsed, click to expand and display it.