Upload a Document on the Supporting Document Dialog Box

Use the Supporting Document dialog box to upload supporting documents that you want to attach to transactions.

Prerequisites: Select a transaction file to view or edit and click the or in the Document column.

If you use the Vantagepoint on-premises product, the Supporting Document dialog box displays only if Transaction Document Management is configured. For more information, see the Supporting Documents and Files online help topic.

To upload a document on the Supporting Document dialog box:

  1. Use one of these methods for uploading supporting documents:
    • Drag and drop the files onto the Associated Documents grid. The grid becomes highlighted to indicate that a file is copying. When complete, the document displays on the grid and you can proceed to Step 3.
    • Click the + Select files for upload link on the Supporting Document dialog box to access the browse/open file dialog box. Complete the remaining steps within this procedure.
    An error message displays if FileStream is not enabled. Contact your system administrator for details.
  2. Use standard Windows functionality to select one or more documents and click Open.
    The document's filename displays. The accepted file types are: PDF, Word, Excel, jpeg, tiff, png, bmp, and gif. You cannot upload password-protected documents. Documents are converted to PDF format, uploaded, and display on the Supporting Document dialog box.

    Before you upload an Excel file, be sure to format the file so that each Excel page has a defined print area. This will ensure that the PDF conversion process will not insert page breaks or change the formatting such that columns are broken.

  3. Click the Description field text box to modify the document's description.
  4. To attach the document to all new transactions that are entered, select the Attach to All Future Lines check box.
  5. The transaction defaults to have the Attached to this Line checkbox selected. Clear this check box to remove the document's association with the transaction.
  6. Click Save.