Contents of the Control Totals Dialog Box

Use these fields to record and calculate transactions for deposits and timesheets.

Field Description
File Name This field displays the file name for the transaction file. If you use multiple companies, transaction file names must be unique across the enterprise.
Currency This field displays the currency used in the transaction file.
End Date This field displays the end date for the transaction file.
Control Total Enter a control total amount for the transaction file. Depending on how the transaction file is entered in the general ledger account, enter it in the fields in the Debit or Credit section.

The control total is the total monetary amount that will be entered in this batch. For example, if entering a deposit with three transactions: 8000.00, 6000.00, and 4000.00, the control total would be 18000.00.

Control totals are final totals for all of the information that you enter into a specific transaction file. Accountants also refer to this as a batch total. As you enter data, Vantagepoint keeps running totals for the data that you enter; these running totals should equal the control totals before you post the file.

For example, you can calculate timesheet control totals by adding up all of the regular hours and overtime hours on all of the timesheets that you are about to enter. Vantagepoint uses the control totals to verify that the total amounts you enter during transaction entry are equal to the total amounts you planned to enter.

File Total This field displays the total amount for the transaction file.
Difference This field displays the difference between the control total amount and the transaction file amount.