More Calculations Tab of the Billing Terms Form

Use this tab to enter any additional fees or retainer information applicable to the project’s invoices.

Additional Fees and Multipliers Section

Field Description
Enable Add-on Fees Select this check box if you want to specify add-on fees for this project. Then enter add-ons in the Add-ons grid that displays below the check box.
Remaining Retainer This field displays when you select the Enable Add-on Fees check box and you use retainers (the Use Retainers option is selected in Settings > Billing > Options. This field displays the amount of the retainer or advance collected from the client that is still available to be applied towards a client’s bill.

Add-ons Grid

Field Description
Seq Enter a sequence number. Vantagepoint uses this number when sorting the add-ons in the Additional Fees section of the invoice. The sequence number is for reference purposes only and does not appear on the invoice.
Description Enter a description for the add-on fee.
Retainer Select this check box to include retainer information on the project's invoices. When you select this check box, the Use Amt check box is selected automatically.
Use Amount Select this check box to enter a flat amount to be used in the Amount field, rather than a markup percentage in the Percent field. You select this check box to enter a project retainer or add-on amount.
  • When this check box is selected, Vantagepoint ignores entries in the labor, expenses, consultants, fees, units, and add-on fields.
  • When this check box is selected for a project at WBS level 1 (project), Vantagepoint prints the add-on amount at the end of the invoice, before the Invoice Totals. If this check box is selected for WBS level 2 (phase) or WBS level 3 (task), the amount prints on the invoice with the detail for that particular phase or task, if Separate Terms is selected. If Separate Terms is not selected, the add-on amount must be specified at the project-level for the percentage to print on the invoice.
  • When this check box is selected, you can specify the particular phase or task that will receive the posting in the Phase to Post and Task to Post fields.
  • The Use Amt option is selected automatically when you select the Retainer check box.
Amount/Percent If Use Amt is selected, specify the amount to apply.

If Use Amt is not selected, specify the add-on or markup percentage to apply.

Important Information

  • When this option is selected for a project at WBS level 1 (the project level), Vantagepoint prints the add-on amount at the end of the invoice, before the Invoice Totals. If this option is selected for WBS level 2 (phase) or WBS level 3 (task), the amount prints on the invoice in the section with detail for that particular phase or task. If Separate Terms is not selected, the add-on percentage must be specified at the project-level for the percentage to print on the invoice.
  • If an add-on percentage is defined at the project level and that project has phases or tasks that have separate billing terms defined, the add-on defined at the project’s billing terms will not impact any phase or task.
  • If an add-on percentage is defined at the project level and that project has phases or tasks that do not have separate billing terms, then the add-on at the project level applies to the phases or tasks with no terms defined.


Project A has three phases.

  • An add-on is defined as 2% at the project level billing terms.
  • An add-on is defined as 3% at Phase 1's billing terms.
  • An add-on is defined as 4% at Phase 2's billing terms.

In this example, Phase 1 and 2 will use the add-ons defined in the Phase 1 and Phase 2 billing terms (3% and 4%, respectively). Phase 3 will use the 2% add-on percentage defined in the project level billing terms.

Show Multiplier Select this check box if you want the markup percentage to appear in front of the description on the invoice; for example, 30% of Labor Billing.
Lab Select this check box if you want the add-on calculation to be based on labor billings.
Exp Select this check box if you want the add-on calculation to be based on expense billings. If consultant billings are broken out from other reimbursables, this only applies to other reimbursables.
Consultant Select this check box if you want the add-on calculation to be based on consultant billings. This only applies if consultant billings are broken out from other reimbursables.
Fee Select this check box if you want the add-on calculation to be based on fee billings.
Unit Select this check box if you want the add-on calculation to be based on unit billings.
Add On Select this check box if you want the add-on to apply to the sum of the previous add-ons. Vantagepoint applies the percentage to all add-ons with lower sequence numbers.

Select the revenue account to which the project’s add-on fee charges will be posted. Selecting an account in this field overrides the company-wide account, for this project only, for add-on fees and allows you to direct the add-on fee charges for the project to a separate revenue account.

If you do not enter an account here, Vantagepoint uses the company-wide revenue account for add-ons as specified on the Accounts tab of the Billing Setup form.

This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click the icon to select one of these actions for that row:
  • Delete: Click this option to remove a line from the Add-ons grid.
  • Copy: Click this option to add an additional charge to an entire invoice section by copying an existing line from the Add-ons grid.
+ New Add-on

Click + New Add-on to add an additional charge to an entire invoice section. Press Enter or click outside the row to add the new entry to the Add-ons grid.

Billing Limits Section

This section is enabled and applies when the Process Pre-Invoice check box is not selected on the Pre-Invoice tab of Billing Terms.

Field Description
Limit method The upset limit method determines how Vantagepoint displays upset limits on the invoice.
Fee limit Enter the limit up to which fee charges may accrue for this project.
Labor limit Enter the limit up to which labor charges may accrue for this project.
Consultant limit Enter the limit up to which consultant expense charges may accrue for this project.
Expense limit Enter the limit up to which reimbursable expense charges may accrue for this project.
Unit limit Enter the limit up to which unit expense charges may accrue for this project.
Add-on limit Enter the limit up to which add-on fee charges may accrue for this project.

Invoice Terms Section

Field Description
Interest Enter the interest rate charged each period on overdue invoices for the project. Enter it as a percentage. For example, enter 10 percent as 10.000.
Grace Period Enter the number of days after which overdue invoices become subject to interest charges. The end of the grace period is calculated based on the invoice date. If you have due dates for invoices, be sure you allow for the difference between the invoice date and the due date when determining the length of the grace period.

Taxes Section

In the taxes grid, enter the tax codes to be applied to the various components on a billing invoice. You can enter as many tax codes as you need. The following are the fields in the taxes grid:

Field Description
Sequence A sequence number prefills in this field when you insert a tax code in the grid. The sequence number determines the order in which the tax displays on an invoice. You can change the number in this field.

If you assign the same sequence number to multiple tax codes, you are warned that the sequence number is already in use. However, you can use the same sequence number for multiple tax codes. The tax codes will be ordered by sequence number, and within the same sequence number, ordered alphabetically or numerically by tax code.

When you delete a tax code from the grid, the sequence numbers are not updated automatically. You can manually change them as needed.

Tax Code From the drop-down list in this field, select a tax code. This list includes only the tax codes that were set up on the Tax Codes form in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes with an active status and as an output only tax or as both an output and input tax. (An output only tax code has at least one of the check boxes selected in the Outputs section of the Tax Codes form. An output and input tax code has at least one of the check boxes selected in the Outputs section and a check box selected in the Inputs section of the Tax Codes form).

If You Use Tax Regions

If you use tax regions, the Tax Code drop-down list includes only the tax codes that apply for the specific billing address that is entered for the billing client on the General tab in Billing Terms, in the Projects hub. The tax codes that apply are based on the tax country that is entered for the billing client's billing address in the Firms hub and the tax region that is entered for each tax code. You set up tax regions and associate them with countries in the Tax Auditing Feature section of the Options form in Settings > Cash Management > Options. For more information, see the "Tax Regions" topic.

When no tax country is entered for a client's address, all tax codes display in the Tax Code drop-down list.

When a client's address has a tax country that is not associated with any tax region, then only the tax codes that have no region assigned display in the Tax Code drop-down list.

Description This field displays the description of the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code field.
This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click this option to remove a tax code from the grid.
+ Add Tax Click this option to insert a blank row into the grid and add a tax code.

Retainage Section

This section is enabled and applies when the Process Pre-Invoice check box is not selected on the Pre-Invoice tab of Billing Terms.

Field Description
Enable Retainage Select this check box to specify retainage terms for this project. When you select this check box, the following fields listed below display in this section.

This field is available only if you set Use Retainage to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.

Percent Enter the percentage to apply as the retainage amount on the invoice. You can then apply retainage amounts to individual sections of the invoice by selecting as many sections (Fee, Labor, Consult, Expense, Unit, Add-on) as you need.

Retainage is usually based on a percentage of the entire invoice, often around 10%.

Limit Enter the maximum dollar amount of retainage that can be generated for this project.
Fee Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Fee section of your invoice.
Labor Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Labor section of your invoice.
Consultant Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Consultant Expenses section of your invoice.
Expense Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Reimbursable Expenses section of your invoice.
Unit Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Unit section of your invoice.
Add-on Select this check box to apply the retainage percentage to the Add-on Fees section of your invoice.
Tax Method To bill for taxes on retainage amounts at the time when retainage is withheld, select Tax when Withheld.

To bill for taxes on retainage amounts at the time when you bill the client for the retainage, select Tax when Invoiced.

If Taxes by Phase is selected on the Sub-Ledger Terms tab for the project, you cannot select this option for a phase unless you also select Retainage by Phase on the Sub-Ledger Terms tab. If Taxes by Task is selected on the Sub-Ledger Terms tab for a phase, you cannot select this option for a task unless you also select Retainage by Task on the Sub-Ledger Terms tab for the phase.

If you change this setting after generating an invoice for the project, Vantagepoint determines whether or not to calculate taxes for the retainage invoice based on the setting that applied at the time you generated the original invoice.

Invoice Override Accounts Section

Field Description
Fee Account The default revenue account for fee billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for fee billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the fee section.
Labor Account The default revenue account for labor billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for labor billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the labor section.
Consultant Account The default revenue account for consultant expense billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for consultant expense billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the consultant expense section.
Expense Account The default revenue account for reimbursable expense billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for reimbursable expense billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the reimbursable expense section.
Unit Account The default revenue account for unit billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for unit billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the unit section.
Add-on The default revenue account for add-on fee billing is defined on the Billing Setup form. If you want to use a different revenue account for add-on fee billing for the project, enter or select that account in this field. If you enter an override account, it displays on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the add-on fee section.
Over/Under Fee This field is only available if Enable Fee Billed Allocation Based on Transaction Detail is selected on the Fee settings form in Settings > Billing > Fee. If that option is selected, a default over/under billed fee account is also specified on that tab. That account is the revenue account to which Vantagepoint posts the difference between the billed fee amount and the sum of fee revenue amounts calculated from transaction detail. Most companies use the billed labor revenue account.

If you selected Enable Fee Billed Allocation Based on Transaction Detail in Fee settings and you want to use a different revenue account than the default account for billed fee revenue calculation variances, enter or select that account in this field.

This field is also available for default billing terms but is not available for reporting default billing terms.