Override the Print with Invoice Setting for a Supporting Document

If a project's billing terms specify that supporting documents get included automatically with invoices, you can override the setting on a document by document basis for an invoice in interactive Billing.

In the Print Supporting Documents section on the Billing Backup tab of a project's billing terms, you can specify that supporting documents for AP voucher and disbursement, expense report, or unit transactions always be included in the invoice PDF file that you email or print for a project. However, you can change this setting for individual supporting document as needed in Interactive Billing so that the supporting document does not get included in the PDF invoice file.

To override the Print with Invoice setting for a supporting document in Interactive Billing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Complete the information on the Billing Session Options dialog box (if it displays), or click Billing Session Options on the Actions bar of the Interactive Billing form and complete the information for the session.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, select a project.
  4. Complete one of the following steps:
    • On the Actions bar of the Interactive Billing form, click Other Actions > View Supporting Documents.

      The Supporting Document dialog box displays the supporting documents for all the unbilled transaction charges.

    • Click the Expense tab or Units tab, depending on the type of charge that has a supporting document that you do not want to print with the invoice, and click in the Documentation field for a specific transaction.

      The Supporting Document dialog box displays the supporting documents for the selected transaction.

  5. On the Supporting Document dialog box, clear the Print with Invoice check box for each supporting document that you do not want to print or email with the invoice.
    The check box is not enabled and does not apply if the project does not have the specific Print Supporting Documents check box selected in its billing terms for the supporting document's type of transaction.
  6. Click Save.