Creating Vouchers from POs and Multiple Runs

When you create vouchers from purchase orders, you can have multiple open, unposted runs that contain purchase order line items for the same vendor.

You cannot select the same vendor more than once in a given run.

Example: Vendor A has a total of 10 purchase order line items that span across multiple purchase orders entered in Vantagepoint.

  • In starting a Create Voucher from PO session, you select vendor A. In the Open to Voucher grid on the Vendor Review tab, you select the first 2 of the 10 line items and save the run.
  • In starting a Create Voucher from PO session, your co-worker also selects Vendor A. In the Open to Voucher grid on the Vendor Review tab, your co-worker sees the remaining 8 line items, any of which they can select.