Resource Utilization by Organization

Use the Resource Utilization by Organization report to review employee utilization data.

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This report helps you do the following:

  • Identify employees who are under- or over-scheduled, or under- or over-utilized.
  • Analyze resource assignments by organization, with or without full-time equivalent values included.
  • Identify resource assignments for specific types of plans.
  • Review all "soft-booked" hours for a period of time. "Soft-booked" hours are hours entered in plans but not yet approved. In contrast, "hard-booked" hours are hours for assignments that have been approved. Plans can include both types of hours.

This report only includes the planned hours and amounts for employees or generic resources. If you have plans that do not have any employees or generic resources assigned, the report does not include those plans.

If a project plan has unpublished changes, a caution indicator () displays on the report at the project detail level as an alert that you are not viewing the most current data for that plan. Note, however, that the indicators only display if you have selected a plan work breakdown structure (WBS) level as the lowest assignment row level for the report.

Organization Rows, Resource Rows, and Plan Rows

The Resource Utilization by Organization report uses three types of rows:

  • Organization rows, which identify the organization to which each employee belongs.
  • Resource rows, which identify the employee or generic resource.
  • Plan rows, which identify the plan and the levels of the plan WBS that have planned hours.

Capacity and Demand

Capacity is the number of hours that the employees can work in a period, based on the number of hours per day each employee is assigned in the Employees hub. Capacity can be displayed as hours or as full-time equivalents.

Demand is the number of planned hours for a period. It also can be displayed as hours or as full-time equivalents.

To determine whether you are over capacity or under capacity, Vantagepoint compares capacity to demand:

  • If the demand is greater than the capacity, you are over capacity. You may need to hire more people or adjust the employees’ schedules.
  • If the capacity is greater than the demand, you are under capacity. Your firm or organization does not have enough demand to fully occupy your employees. The report displays under-capacity values in parentheses.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Values

Full-time equivalents (FTEs) are a common way to measure employee productivity and project staffing needs. For the Resource Utilization by Organization report, you specify the number of hours that equal one full-time equivalent on the Options tab. Vantagepoint calculates full-time equivalents using that entry and the hours per day specified in the Employees hub for each employee.

On this report, you can display the following either as full-time equivalents or as hours:

  • Capacity
  • Demand
  • Over capacity or under capacity

If you include graphs on the report, you can graph either full-time equivalents or hours.

Record Selection

For the Resource Utilization by Organization report, you use the Employee lookup to select employees to determine the report contents (rather than selecting plans, as you do for other planning reports).

Key Settings that Affect this Report

Options on the Resource Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Resource Settings) directly affect the Resource Utilization by Organization report. On that form you specify the following:

  • Utilization Thresholds: How Vantagepoint calculates over-utilized and under-utilized values.
  • Scheduled Thresholds: How Vantagepoint calculates over-scheduled and under-scheduled values.
  • Soft and Hard Booking: Whether or not Vantagepoint uses soft-booked and hard-booked hours as employee planned hours or generic resource planned hours. All assignments automatically default to soft booked unless you have access rights to hard booked hours. Hard booked status means that you have access rights to hard booked assignments, and adding, copying, or moving hours results in those hours being assigned a hard booked status.

In addition, the In Pursuit Projects in Scheduled and Utilization settings on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings) determine whether or not projects that are assigned to an in pursuit stage should be included in the calculation of scheduled and utilization hours and percentages.

Asterisks (*)

If the values displayed in the plan rows for employees or generic resources do not add up to the total shown in the corresponding totals line, the total is marked with an asterisk (*).


Because this report uses colors to highlight values that fall outside acceptable ranges ("over-scheduled" values in red, for example), use a color printer when you print the report, if one is available.


Title Description

Set Up Resource Planning

Learn how to set up the resource planning module, including selecting options for entering and viewing project, opportunity, and resource plans.

Resource Planning: Reschedule Plan and Assignment Dates

Learn how to change the resource assignment dates or duration for an entire plan or for a specific labor assignment.

Resource Planning: Reassign Resources

Learn how to change resource assignments for a project plan.

Resource Management: Project View

Learn how to use Project View to review and update resource assignment hours, including estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours, for one or more projects.

Resource Management: Resource View

Learn how to use Resource View to review and update resource utilization percentages for employees and generic resources assigned to projects.

Resource Management: Reporting (On-Screen List Report)

Learn how to generate reports in Resource Management. You specify which resources are included, the level of the WBS for which you want to see data, and the columns displayed on the report.

Resource Utilization by Organization Report

Learn how to use the Resource Utilization by Organization report to analyze employee utilization data.