Resource Utilization by Organization Chart Tab

Use the Chart tab to choose the type of chart to be displayed on your report.

Chart Type

Field Description
No Chart Do not create a chart for this report.
Column Chart A chart that renders bars vertically.

If you select Column Chart, then for each group that you specify on the X axis, you can specify up to three columns or series for the Y axis. For example, you can set up a column chart that displays cost amount, billing amount, and budget amount for each project groups by project and .

Chart Only Report Select this option to generate the report with the chart but without the columns of data.
Make Chart 3D Use this toggle if you want to render the chart type as a three dimensional model.


Drag the toggle to the on position () if you want the chart to look like this...

...or drag toggle to the off position () if you want the chart to look like this:

Chart Options

Field Description
Chart Title Enter a title for the chart.
Value of Y-Axis

Select one of the following to indicate the values on the Y-axis:

  • FTE Only: The Y-axis displays full-time equivalent values, based on the planned hours for the reporting period.
  • Hours Only: The Y-axis displays the planned hours for the reporting period.
Display Value Labels in Columns Select this check box to display the number of full-time equivalents or hours on each column.
X Axis Title This option appears only on column and bar charts. The default title for the X axis is the label of the first level of grouping on the report. You can change that default text. If you change the first level of grouping, Vantagepoint updates X Axis Title to match the new first level.
Y Axis Title This option appears only on column and bar charts. Enter a label for data listed on the Y axis. When you make selections in the Display Data field, Vantagepoint displays a default title, but you can change it.
Show Chart For

Select one of the following options to indicate where in the report you want Vantagepoint to display a chart graph:

  • Report Total Only: The report displays one graph. The graph represents values for all resources and plans included on the report.
  • Each Employee Organization on Report: The report displays one graph for each organization. The graph represents values for all employees and plans for that organization that are included on the report.
  • Each Employee Organization and Report Total: The report displays one graph for each organization and a graph for the report as a whole.
Font Size Specify the font size for the chart. Vantagepoint uses this font size for all text and amounts associated with the chart.
Chart Height Specify the height of the chart area in inches or millimeters based on the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab. If you use inches, use decimals for fractions of an inch (for example 3.50). The chart title, legend, and chart will display in the area defined.
Chart Width Specify the width of the chart area in inches or millimeters based on the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab. If you use inches, use decimals for fractions of an inch (for example 3.50). The chart title, legend, and chart will display in the area defined.
Top Alignment Specify the top margin in inches or millimeters based on the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab. If you use inches, enter decimals for fractions of an inch. For example, enter 1.5 for an inch and a half.

If you intend to display the chart on your Dashboard, we recommend that you set the Top and Left options to 0 (zero).

Left Alignment Specify the left margin in inches or millimeters based on the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab. If you use inches, enter decimals for fractions of an inch. For example, enter 1.5 for an inch and a half.

Set Chart Data

Field Description
Display Capacity Line Select this check box to display a thick, dashed line across the graph to indicate the capacity for the organization or for the company. If you select this option, you cannot select the Make Chart 3D option.
Show Probability % Range

Use these fields to specify the range of plan probability percentages.

Valid entries are 0 to 100. The ranges cannot overlap. For example, if the ending value for one range is 80, the starting percentage for the next range must be 81 or greater.

Vantagepoint uses the estimate of the probability that a plan will become a project in the Probability field on the Summary pane of the Projects hub to generate the graph.

Label Enter a label for each probability percentage range.
Color Select a color for each plan probability range. Vantagepoint displays the corresponding stacked segments in those colors on the graph.