Top Bottom Performers - Won Projects

Use the Top Bottom Performers - Won Projects report to see the top and bottom performers, based on a metric that you choose. This report uses data from all projects with a stage of Won.

To instead see key statistics based on in-pursuit project data, use the In Pursuit Project Top-Bottom Performers report.

Refresh Summary Table Utility

You can generate the Project Top-Bottom Performers report from posted data or from a summary table that you update periodically using the Refresh Project Summary Table utility. (This utility calculates and saves project summary information for regular projects only.)

Deltek recommends that firms with large databases generate the Project Top-Bottom Performers report from the summary table for the following reasons:

  • The report generates more quickly.
  • Less of a load is placed on the database server.

Schedule the Refresh Project Summary Table utility to run after business hours each night, so that information in reports generated the next day is current as of the close of business the day before.

Roles Security

Two options on the Accounting tab of the Roles form in Security Settings affect the columns that are available for this report. If Labor Cost Rate/Amounts is set to No Access, Final Totals Only, or Subtotals Only, and if Include Cost Amts in Spent and Profit Calcs is not selected, the following are true for this report:

  • The following columns are not available:
    • Effective Multiplier: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Profit Less OH: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Profit % Less OH: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Spent @ Cost Less OH: Current, YTD, and JTD
  • The values in the following columns do not include labor hours or amounts:
    • Gross Margin: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Profit: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Profit %: Current, YTD, and JTD
    • Spent @ Cost: Current, YTD, and JTD

In addition, if Labor Cost Rates/Amounts is set to No Access, the Labor Direct Cost - Current, Labor Direct Cost - YTD, and Labor Direct Cost - JTD columns are not available.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, this report can include projects from any companies in your enterprise. It is not restricted to the active company. To generate the report for a single company, select Company as one of the record selection criteria. Vantagepoint excludes intercompany invoices from amounts that are based on billing and accounts receivable data.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, the report displays all monetary amounts in the presentation currency that you select. When you compare amounts on this report to equivalent amounts from a project report, be sure that you use the same presentation currency and exchange rate date for both reports.