Columns for Top Bottom Performers - Won Projects Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.

Field Description
AR - Current This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are 0-30 days old.
AR - JTD This column displays the total outstanding amount for invoices billed since the beginning of the job.
AR - YTD This column displays the total outstanding amount for invoices billed since the beginning of the fiscal year.
Backlog-Billing Currency

This column is only available if you are using multiple currencies. It displays the monetary value of work that is under contract but that has not yet been earned. Backlog is an indicator of a firm's business volume.

Vantagepoint calculates backlog as follows:

Total Compensation - Job-to-date revenue. (Total compensation = Compensation + Consultant fee + Reimbursable allowance)

For this backlog column, Vantagepoint converts billing currency amounts to presentation currency amounts.

Backlog - Functional Currency This column is only available if you use multiple currencies. It displays the monetary value of work that is under contract but that has not yet been earned. Backlog is an indicator of a firm's business volume.

Vantagepoint calculates backlog as follows: Total Compensation - Job-to-date revenue. (Total compensation = Compensation + Consultant fee + Reimbursable allowance).

For this backlog column, Vantagepoint converts functional currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.

Backlog or Backlog-Project Currency

This column displays the monetary value of work that is under contract but that has not yet been earned. Backlog is an indicator of business volume.

Vantagepoint calculates backlog as follows:

Total Compensation - Job-to-date revenue. (Total compensation = Compensation + Consultant fee + Reimbursable allowance)

If you use multiple currencies, the column name is Backlog-Project Currency. For this backlog column, Vantagepoint converts project currency amounts to presentation currency amounts.

Billed - Current This column displays the amount billed amount for the current accounting period.
Billed - JTD This column displays the amount billed for the job to date.
Billed - YTD This column displays the amount billed for the fiscal year to date.
Effective Multiplier - Current

This column displays the effective multiplier for the current accounting period. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Effective Multiplier - JTD

This column displays the job-to-date effective multiplier. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Effective Multiplier - YTD This column displays the year-to-date effective multiplier. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Gross Margin - Current This column displays the gross margin for the current accounting period.

Vantagepoint calculates the gross margin is calculated as follows: Total revenue - (Labor + Direct and reimbursable expenses)

If you do not allocate overhead, you show project results on a gross margin basis.

Gross Margin - JTD This column displays the gross margin for the job to date.

Vantagepoint calculates the gross margin is calculated as follows: Total revenue - (Labor + Direct and reimbursable expenses)

If you do not allocate overhead, you show project results on a gross margin basis.

Gross Margin - YTD This column displays the gross margin for the fiscal year to date.

Vantagepoint calculates the gross margin is calculated as follows: Total revenue - (Labor + Direct and reimbursable expenses)

If you do not allocate overhead, you show project results on a gross margin basis.

Labor Direct Billing - Current This column displays the direct labor billing amount for the current accounting period.
Labor Direct Billing - JTD This column displays the direct labor amount at billing rates for the job to date.
Labor Direct Billing - YTD This column displays direct labor billing amount for the fiscal year to date.
Labor Direct Cost - Current This column displays the labor direct cost for the current accounting period.
Labor Direct Cost - JTD This column displays the direct labor amount at cost rates for the job to date.
Labor Direct Cost - YTD This column displays the labor direct cost for the fiscal year to date.
Net Revenue @ Billing - Current This column displays the net revenue at billing rates for the current accounting period.
Net Revenue @ Billing - JTD This column displays the net revenue at billing rates for the job to date.
Net Revenue @ Billing - YTD This column displays the net revenue at billing rates for the fiscal year to date.
Profit - Current This column displays the profit amount for the current accounting period: Revenue - Expenses
Profit - JTD This column displays the job-to-date profit: Revenue - Expenses. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit (incl. OH) - YTD This column displays the year-to-date profit: Revenue - Expenses.
Profit Percent - Current This column displays the profit percentage for the current accounting period: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Percent - JTD This column displays the job-to-date profit percentage: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Percent -YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date profit percentage: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Less OH - Current This column displays the profit for the current accounting period, less overhead: Revenue - (Expenses + Overhead).
Profit Less OH - JTD This column displays the job-to-date profit, less overhead: Revenue - (Expenses + Overhead).
Profit Less OH - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date profit, less overhead: Revenue - (Expenses + Overhead).
Profit Percent - Current This column displays the profit percentage for the current accounting period: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Percent - JTD This column displays the job-to-date profit percentage: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Percent -YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date profit percentage: Profit / Revenue. Overhead is not considered in this calculation.
Profit Percent Less OH - Current This column displays the profit percentage for the current accounting period, less overhead: (Profit - Overhead) / Revenue.
Profit Percent Less OH - JTD This column displays the job-to-date profit percentage, less overhead: (Profit - Overhead) / Revenue.
Profit Percent Less OH - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date profit percentage, less overhead: (Profit - Overhead) / Revenue.
Realization Ratio - Current

This column displays the realization ratio for the current accounting period. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates.

Realization Ratio - JTD

This column displays the job-to-date realization ratio. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates.

Realization Ratio - YTD

This column displays the year-to-date realization ratio. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates

Revenue - Current This column displays the revenue for the current accounting period.
Revenue - YTD This column displays the year-to-date revenue.
Spent @ Billing - Current This column shows the amount spent at billing rates for the current accounting period. Vantagepoint calculates the amount spent as follows: Labor + Overhead + Direct expense + Reimbursable expenses.
Spent @ Billing - JTD This column shows the amount spent at billing rates for the job to date. Vantagepoint calculates the amount spent as follows: Labor + Overhead + Direct expense + Reimbursable expenses.
Spent @ Billing - YTD This column shows the amount spent at billing rates for the fiscal year to date. Vantagepoint calculates the amount spent as follows: Labor + Overhead + Direct expense + Reimbursable expenses.
Spent @ Cost - Current This column displays the amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project for the current accounting period.
Spent @ Cost - JTD This column displays the job-to-date amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project.
Spent @ Cost - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project.
Spent @ Cost Less OH - Current This column displays the spent amount (with no overhead included), at cost rates, for the current accounting period.
Spent @ Cost Less OH - JTD This column displays the spent amount (with no overhead included), at cost rates, for the job (project) to date.
Spent @ Cost Less OH - YTD This column displays the spent amount (with no overhead included), at cost rates, for the year to date.
Total Compensation - Billing Currency This column is available only if you use multiple currencies. It displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses.

For this total compensation column, Vantagepoint translates billing currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.

Total Compensation - Functional Currency This column is available only if you use multiple currencies. It displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses. For this total compensation column, Vantagepoint translates functional currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.
Total Compensation - Project Currency This column displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the in pursuit project. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses.

If you use multiple currencies, the column name is Total Compensation-Project Currency. For this total compensation column, Vantagepoint translates project currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.

Unbilled - Current This column displays the amount of revenue that is not yet billed for the current accounting period: Revenue - Billed
Unbilled - JTD This metric displays the unbilled amount for the job to date: Revenue - Billed amount.
Unbilled - YTD This column displays the amount of revenue that is not yet billed for the fiscal year to date: Revenue - Billed
Variance - Current This column displays the variance amount between revenue and the amount spent for the current accounting period: Revenue at billing rates - Spent amount at billing rates.
Variance - JTD This column displays the job-to-date variance amount between revenue and the amount spent: Revenue at billing rates - Spent amount at billing rates.
Variance - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date variance amount between revenue and the amount spent: Revenue at billing rates - Spent amount at billing rates.
Variance Percentage - Current This column displays the variance as a percentage of revenue for the current accounting period: Variance amount / Revenue at billing rates.
Variance Percentage - JTD This column displays the job-to-date variance as a percentage of revenue: Variance amount / Revenue at billing rates.
Variance Percentage - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date variance as a percentage of revenue: Variance amount / Revenue at billing rates.