Enter a New Expense Authorization

If you are a supervisor and have rights, you can enter an expense authorization on behalf of one of your employees.

To create a new expense authorization and enter expense data, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Expense module, click Plan Expenses ›› Expense Authorization on the main menu.

  2. On the Expense Authorization Welcome page, click new.gif Create.

You can also create an expense authorization by copying an existing one. Learn more about copying an expense authorization.

  1. After you click new.gif Create, three tabs display: Purpose, Location(s), Default Charge(s) in the Create Authorization screen.

    1. Complete fields and options on the Purpose tab and click Continue.

    2. Complete fields and options on the Location(s) tab and click Continue.

    3. Complete fields and options on the Default Charge(s) tab and click Create.

For more information about fields and options on these tabs, see Enter Background Data.

After you click Create on the Default Charge(s) tab, the screen refreshes and the following additional sections display in the Expense Authorization form:

  1. When you have added all the necessary information to complete the authorization, click Submit submit-act.gif on the toolbar. The following tabs may display as part of the submittal process.

For more information about fields and options on these tabs, see Submit an Expense Authorization.

  1. If attachments, such as an airfare quote, hotel room confirmation, or trip authorization form, are required, the Workflow Status section of the expense report displays.  Learn more about adding attachments.