Timesheets Footer

Use the fields in the footer area to sign, approve, and reject timesheets.  

Sign Timesheet


Click the button to the right of Signature to sign the timesheet.  Normally, the employee for whom the timesheet is entered signs the timesheet. However, employees with the necessary access rights can sign another employee's timesheet with an interim signature.

In the following cases, the Signature button is disabled:

If there are unsaved changes when you click the Signature button, you receive the following confirmation message: "Unsaved changes, do you want to save?"  

Click Yes to save the changes and continue with the signature process.  Click No if you do not want to save the changes. In this case, the signature process is discontinued.

A number of validations are performed during the signing process. Depending on your configuration settings, some of these validations can produce the same message either as a warning or as an error.

If you receive an error, the signature process cannot continue. See Validations Performed.

If there are no warnings or errors when you click the Signature button or you click the Continue button on existing warnings, the Sign Timesheet dialog box appears.

Signature Text

The text that displays in the beginning of the dialog is taken from what the System Administrator entered in the "Signature" Signature/Approval Text field in the UDT Options tab of the Time Configuration screen.

Enter Password

To sign a timesheet, you must enter your password. A signature is required at the end of each timesheet period. You must sign the timesheet before a supervisor can approve it.


Select the OK pushbutton to complete the signature process. If you do not enter a password, the system will display the following error message:  "Password is required."  

If the system determines the entered password is incorrect, it will display the following error message: "Invalid Password."  You will need to either enter the correct password or select the Cancel pushbutton to close the dialog without signing the timesheet.

If the signature is successful, the dialog will close and the timesheet will be updated with your employee name displaying in the Signature field. If the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the employee ID will follow the employee name within parentheses.  

If you hover the cursor over the Signature field or the Signature pushbutton, the date and time of the signature will display.  The status on the timesheet will also be updated to "Signed."

The color of the employee name in the Signature field will be red if someone other than the employee signs the timesheet.

The Revision table is updated with the employee ID and the date/time of the signature. You can see this information by selecting the Audit function.

Workflow will take the appropriate action, depending on your system configuration.  


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the Sign Timesheet dialog without completing the signature process.


This area provides a legend to the color coding that appears in the columns on the timesheet:


Click the button to the right of the Approval field to approve the timesheet.  In the following cases, the approval button is disabled:

Time & Expense with ESS provides a custom dialog box that you can use to store additional information with the timesheet and to initiate additional processing when a timesheet containing overtime hours is approved. If your system is set up to use this dialog box for the employee's timesheet class and the timesheet contains overtime, the custom dialog box opens when you click the button to approve the timesheet. For more information, see Custom Dialog_for_Overtime Processing.

Approve Timesheet

If there is text in the Signature/Approval Text field on the UDT Options tab of the Time Configuration screen for "Approval," the Approve Timesheet dialog box appears the first time you click the approval button. For subsequent approvals, this dialog box does not open unless you leave the Timesheet screen and then return to do another approval.

Approval Text

The text that displays in the Approve Timesheet dialog box is the text in the "Approved" Signature/Approval Text field on the UDT Options tab of the Time Configuration screen.

Enter Password

Enter your password to proceed with the approval process.

You must enter the correct password to approve timesheets.


Click OK to continue the approval process.

After the approval process finishes, the timesheet is updated to show your employee name in the field.  If the Show Employee ID check box on the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen is selected, the employee ID follows the employee name within parentheses.  

The timesheet status is also updated to "Approved," unless your system requires line level approval and there are "Pending Approval" or "Rejected" lines on the timesheet.  In this case, the timesheet status does not change and the following message appears:  "You have functionally approved the timesheet.  However, the timesheet status will not change to approved until one or more timesheet lines are approved."

If you hover the cursor over the Approval field or approval button, the date and time of the approval is displayed.  

If you selected multiple timesheets for approval, the next timesheet in the list is displayed.  

The Revision table is updated with the employee ID and the date/time of the approval. You can see this information by selecting the Audit function.

If you have set up events and related notifications for timesheet approval, the workflow will initiate the appropriate actions. You can set up events for these actions:

A "...with Warnings" action occurs when after Time & Expense with ESS displays a message warning you of an abnormality in that timesheet and you approve the timesheet without changing it to resolve the abnormal condition. Currently, such a warning only occurs if a timesheet contains hours for dates outside of the employee's employment period (that is, before the hire date or after the termination date).

If multiple timesheets have been selected for approval, the dialog box closes, the timesheet is approved, and the next timesheet selected for approval is displayed.


Click Cancel to close the Approve Timesheet dialog box without completing any approvals.


Click the second button to the right of the Approval field to reject the timesheet.  In the following cases, the rejection button is disabled:

The Reject Timesheet dialog box opens when you click the rejection button.

Reason for Rejection

Enter up to 254 characters to explain the timesheet rejection. You must enter text for the rejection to occur.  


Click OK to complete the rejection process. The status on the timesheet is updated to "Rejected."

New revision records are written with the rejection reason, the rejecting person's employee ID, and the date/time of the rejection. You can see this information by selecting the Audit function.

Workflow will take the appropriate action, depending on your system configuration.  You can set up events for these actions:


Click Cancel to close the Reject Timesheet dialog box without rejecting the timesheet.