Validations Performed

Daily Regular Hours

The timesheet must meet daily regular hours limits as defined in the Timesheet Classes screen. The system uses the edit selected by the System Administrator in the Edit field in the Daily group box for the employee's timesheet class during the period of the timesheet. The Minimum and Maximum limits are also established in the Daily group box.

Only workdays within the range of timesheet dates are included in this edit. Workdays are defined in the Work Schedules screen. Regular hours are defined as hours charged to a UDT10 that does not allow overtime or labor cost-only charges.

If the value in the Edit field is "No Edit," no editing will be done. If the value is "Soft Edit," a warning message will display if the daily limits are not met.  If the value is "Hard Edit," an error message will display if the daily limits are not met. The date in question will display in the message.


The following day(s) have less then the required minimum regular hours:

Sep 20, 2003

Sep 23, 2003

Weekly Regular Hours

The timesheet must meet weekly regular hours limits as defined in the Timesheet Classes screen.  The edit depends on the value entered by the System Administrator in the Edit field in the Weekly group box for the employee's class during the period of the timesheet. The Minimum and Maximum limits are also established in the Weekly group box.  

The value entered in the Week Starts field in the Weekly group box determines when the weekly calculation begins. Only weeks that end within the timesheet period are checked.

Weekly regular hours are defined as hours charged to a UDT10 that does not allow overtime or labor cost-only charges.

If the value in the Edit field is "No Edit," no editing will be done. If the value is "Soft Edit," a warning message will display if the weekly limits are not met. If the value is "Hard Edit," an error message will display if the weekly limits are not met. The beginning and ending dates of the week in question will display in the message.


The following week(s) have less than the required minimum regular hours:

Sep 15, 2002 - Sep 21, 2003

Period Regular Hours

The validation on the number of hours entered for a timesheet period is a little different then the daily and weekly validations. In the Period Standard group box in the Timesheet Classes screen, the System Administrator specifies the type of edit to have when the number of hours entered on the timesheet is below the standard amount and when the number of hours exceeds the standard amount. The standard amount of hours is defined in the Work Schedules screen.  

If the value in the Under Edit and Over Edit fields is "No Edit," no editing will be done. If the value is "Soft Edit" in the Under Edit field, the system will display a warning message if you do not enter the defined number of standard hours.  If the value is "Hard Edit," the system will display an error message if you do not enter the defined number of standard hours.  

If the value is "Soft Edit" in the Over Edit field, the system will display a warning message  if you enter more than the defined number of standard hours. If the value is "Hard Edit," the system will display an error message if you enter more than the defined number of standard hours.  


The timesheet exceeds the recommended maximum regular hours.

The timesheet has less than the recommended minimum regular hours.

Daily UDT01 Type Hours

The timesheet must meet daily UDT01 Type regular hours limits as defined by the System Administrator in the Timesheet Classes and UDT01 Type screens.

The edit depends on the value in the UDT01 Type Edit field in the Timesheet Classes screen in the Regular Hours Rules group box for the employee's class during the period of the timesheet.  The hour limits are set up in the UDT01 Types screen in the Daily Min Hours and Daily Max Hours fields.

If the value is "No Edit," no editing will be done. If the value is "Soft Edit," the system will display a warning message if the limits are not met. If the value is "Hard Edit," the system will display an error message if the limits are not met. The UDT01 Type and cell date will be provided in the message.

For example, the UDT01 Type assigned to the charge could specify the Daily Max Hours as "8.00."  If an employee charges 10 hours on that line and the Edit field in the UDT01 Type group box of the Timesheet Classes screen is "Hard Edit," the employee will receive an error when signing his timesheet and will not be able to continue the signature process.


The following charge types exceed the maximum regular hours on the day(s) specified:

Direct - Sep 23, 2003

Time In/Out

If the Time In/Out value for the timesheet class is "Disabled" or "Optional No Edit," the validation for time in/out will not be performed.  If any other value is selected, the system will perform the following validation. Only those charges that are designated as hours worked for time in/out will be included. This is determined by the value of the Time In/Out checkbox in the UDT01 Types screen for the UDT01 type for this charge. Cost-only hours are not included.

The system will check to see whether the time in/out hours for each day balance with the recorded hours for each day. The calculation determines the number of hours between the out time and in time, adds any off-site hours, and subtracts any non-work hours. It then compares that number to the allowable time in/out hours entered on the timesheet.  

If they do not balance, the system will display a message. Depending on the Time In/Out value for the employee's class, this message will be either a warning or an error.


The entered hours for the following day(s) do not balance with time in/out hours:

Mar 21, 2003 Entered - 8.00 Time In/Out - 7.00

Start/Stop Times

If Edit for start and stop times for the timesheet class is set to Disabled, the validations for start and stop times are not performed.  If any other value is selected, Time & Expense with ESS does the following:

If a timesheet fails one of these validations, Time & Expense with ESS displays either a warning or error message, depending on the value in Edit for the employee's timesheet class.


The following days have start/stop times where the stop time is missing:

Mar 21, 2008

Overtime Hours

When you attempt to sign a timesheet and overtime edits, either soft or hard, are specified for your timesheet class, Time & Expense with ESS applies the overtime editing rules to each day in the timesheet period. Which set of rules—daily, seventh consecutive day, or weekly—is used for a given day is decided as follows:

Daily Overtime Edits

If the timesheet class daily overtime rules call for overtime edits and the Level 2 threshold is not being used, TEESS confirms the following:

If the Level 2 threshold is being used, TEESS also confirms the following:

Seventh Consecutive Day Overtime Edits

If the day is the seventh day of the week and the employee has at least some hours for every day of the week that count toward overtime, the seventh consecutive day overtime rules are used. The editing occurs just as it does for other daily edits except that the type of edit and the threshold information are those specified for seventh consecutive day overtime for the timesheet class.  

Weekly Overtime Edits

If the timesheet class weekly overtime rules call for overtime edits and the Level 2 threshold is not being used, TEESS confirms the following:

If the Level 2 threshold is being used, TEESS also confirms the following:


This validation checks to see that a holiday charge was charged on days designated as holidays for the employee's timesheet work schedule. A warning will display if the holiday is designated as flexible. An error will display if the holiday is a non-flexible holiday.

Example of a warning:

The following scheduled holiday day(s) do not have hours charged against a holiday charge:

May 31, 2004

Example of an error:

The following scheduled holiday day(s) must have hours charged against a holiday charge:

May 31, 2004


This validation checks to see whether a leave charge was charged on days designated as leave for the employee work schedule. A warning displays if the untaken leave day was designated as flexible.  An error displays if the leave is not flexible.

Example of a warning:

The following scheduled leave day(s) do not have hours charged against a leave charge:

Mar 26, 2007

Example of an error:

The following scheduled leave day(s) must have hours charged against a leave charge:

May 26, 2007



Review the warning messages.  You will still be able to sign your timesheet with warnings listed.


Review the error messages and correct any issues. You will not be able to sign your timesheet until you correct the errors.


If you have errors, this pushbutton will not display.  If you have only warnings, select this pushbutton to continue with the signing of the timesheet.


If you have errors, this pushbutton will be labeled Close.  Select it to close the Sign Timesheet dialog.

If you have only warnings, this pushbutton will be labeled Cancel.  Select it if you wish to cancel the sign process and close the Sign Timesheet dialog.