Use this section to generate data about diversity information, such as diversity statistics, referral sources, and current status of job seekers who fall under diversity categories.
To view the purpose of any report, hover over its name.
To run a report, click the report name, enter filter options, if necessary, and click the action button (Filter/Search/Run/Generate). In some cases, clicking on the report name runs the report.
If your available reports are numerous, search for a specific report by entering keywords, such as all or part of the report name, in the Search field. Talent Management searches report names for the keywords and returns a list of matches.
- Related Topics:
- Adverse Impact Report
Use this report to identify adverse impact incidents in your hiring practices in the United States. - Affirmative Action Details Report
This report pulls the AA Plan ID, EEOC Job Category, and Job Group details from the requisition. It will return all applicants attached to a requisition with their self-identified diversity statistics. - Diversity Details by Requisition Report
Use this report to display the location, self-identified and visual surveyed Diversity Information statistics, referral source and current status of job seekers to a specific job vacancy. - Diversity Statistics Report
Use this report to display diversity information for all résumés/CVs in the system; both self-identified (SI) and visual surveyed (VS), if applicable. - EEO-1 Report
Use this report to display the gender and ethnicity count for each EEOC Job Category. - Vets-4212 Report
Administrators use this report to view employees and new hires who identified themselves as protected veterans, and to monitor your company's compliance.
Parent Topic: Recruiting Reports