Top Menu Contents

Use the options on the top menu to access navigation menus, notifications, help resources, and user profile settings.


Item Description
Menu Icon Show or hide the navigation menu.
Deltek Specpoint Logo This is the product name and logo for Deltek Specpoint.
Notification Icon View your notifications.

When you have new notifications, this icon displays a red badge which shows the number of new notifications. The notifications that you receive are based on your user permission.

Help Icon Open the help menu and access help resources.
User Profile Icon This displays a thumbnail of your profile photo, first name, last name, and a down arrow .

Click this icon to display the user profile menu options. From the user profile menu, you can view and update your profile information, change your password, or log out of Specpoint.

Change Account Icon This option is available only if you are a guest user of another BPM or A/E firm within Specpoint. For users under reseller firms, this enables you to access the non-reseller firms which are assigned to your reseller firm.

This displays the change account icon , the name of the current BPM or Deltek account in which you are logged, and a down arrow . In addition, this icon has a submenu that lists the available BPM or A/E firm accounts that you can access. Each account has its account type prefixed to its account name.

Click this icon to change BPM or A/E firm accounts.