Contents of the Company Account Settings Page

Use the contents of this page to find, filter, create, and edit accounts in Specpoint.

Navigate to the following contents:

Header Toolbar Contents

The following options are available on the header toolbar of the Company Account Settings page:

Item Description

Page Title

This displays the name of the page that you are currently viewing.

+ New AccountThis option is available only to Deltek onboarders.

Display the Account Setup page and create a new A/E firm or BPM account.

Table Columns

This page displays all the registered accounts with the following information and filter fields:

Note: You can click each header to sort the list of accounts by the header's column.
Field Description
Account Name This displays the names of the accounts.

In the filter field for this column, enter an account name to filter the list of accounts.

Account Number This displays the account number.

In the filter field for this column, enter an account number to filter the list of accounts.

Subscription Exp. This displays when the account's license of Specpoint expires in mm/dd/yyyy format.

In the filter field for this column, enter an expiry date to filter the list of accounts.

Admin / Author For A/E firms, this displays the maximum number of administrators and authors allotted for the account.

For BPMs, this displays the maximum number of users allotted for the account.

Specpoint includes only users whose status is Active or Pending Invite for this limit.

In the filter field for this column, enter a limit number to filter the list of accounts.

Reviewer For A/E firms, this displays the maximum number of contributors allotted for the account. Specpoint includes only users whose status is Active or Pending Invite for this limit.

For BPMs, this column is not available.

In the filter field for this column, enter a limit number to filter the list of accounts.

Account Type This identifies whether the account is an A/E firm or BPM.

In the filter field for this column, select A/E Professional Firm or Bulding Product Manufacturer to filter the list of accounts.

Status This identifies whether the account is active or inactive.

In the filter field for this column, select Active or Inactive to filter the list of accounts.

Deltek Rep This displays the Deltek representative assigned to the account.

In the filter field for this column, enter the name of the representative to filter the list of accounts.

(Account Row Submenu) Expand the menu and view available options for each account such as Edit.

Page Controls

The following table shows the available options that you can use to configure how you can view the list of accounts:

Item Description
Rows Select the number of accounts to display per page. You can display 10, 25, 50, or 100 rows per page.
(First page) View the first page
(Previous page) View the previous page.
(Next page) View the next page.
(Last page) View the last page