Contents of the Add Product Listing Window

As a Deltek administrator, use the contents of this window to create a new premium listing or premium proprietary listing.

General Options

The following general options are available:

Option Description
Choose a Listing Type Select whether to add a new Premium listing or Premium Proprietary listing.

See Product Listing Types.

To clear your selection, click X in this field.

Add Product Click this button to add a new premium listing or premium proprietary listing.

Contents - Premium Listing

When you set Choose a Listing Type to Premium, the following fields are available:

Note: The availability of each following option depends on the option that precedes it. Enter or select values for the following fields in the order listed. For example, you can only select a Family after you select a Company.
Field Description
Company Select the BPM or company for which to create a new product listing.
In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a BPM, enter the name of the BPM and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.
Family Select the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a family, enter the name or number of the family and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.
Existing Product Type or New Premium Plus Product Type Select one of the following options:
  • Existing Product Type: Create a product listing under an existing product type in Specpoint. You can select from product types within the MasterSpec library and existing premium plus product types.
  • New Premium Plus Product Type: Create a product listing under a new premium plus product type that you will define.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Type Use this field to select a product type or create a new premium plus product type for which the product is applicable.

Depending on your selected option, you can perform the following actions in this field:

Selected Option Description
Existing Family Select the product type for which the product is applicable. Premium plus product types are prefixed by (+).
In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a product type, enter the product type and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.
New Premium Plus Product Type Enter a unique name for the new premium plus product type.
Note: When you create a new premium plus product type, the premium plus product type will be usable as an existing product type for future listings.
Product Model Number Enter the product's model number or code.
Product Name Enter the product's name. The product name must be unique.

Contents - Premium Proprietary Listing

When you set Choose a Listing Type to Premium Proprietary, the following fields are available:

Note: The availability of each following option depends on the option that precedes it. Enter or select values for the following fields in the order listed. For example, you can only select a Family after you select a Company.
Field Description
Company Select the BPM or company for which to create a new product listing.
In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a BPM, enter the name of the BPM and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.
Existing Family or New Family Select whether to create the product listing under an existing family or under a new custom family.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

The following options are available:
  • Existing Family: Create a product listing under an existing family in Specpoint. You can select from families within the MasterSpec library and existing custom families.
  • New Family: Create a product listing under a new custom family that you will define.
Family This field is available only if you selected the Existing Family option.

Select the family for which the product is applicable.

In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a family, enter the name or number of the family and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.

The platform automatically assigns the category based on your selected family.

Family Number This field is available only if you selected the New Family option.

To create a custom family for which the product is applicable, enter a unique number for the new custom family under which the new product listing belongs. The family number must be in this format: ######.##.

Family Name This field is available only if you selected the New Family option.

Enter a unique name for the new custom family under which the new product listing belongs.

Note: When you create a new family, the family will be usable as an existing family for future premium proprietary listings.
Category This field is available only if you selected the New Family option.
Select one or multiple categories under which the new family and product listing belong. In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a category, enter the category and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear a category selection, click X in the pill of the selected category.
  • To clear all your selections, click X in this field.
Existing Product Type or New Product Type Select whether to create the product listing under an existing product type or under a new custom product type.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

The following options are available:
  • Existing Product Type: Create a product listing under an existing product type in Specpoint. You can select from product types within the MasterSpec library, existing custom product types, and existing premium plus product types.

    This option is available only if you selected the Existing Family option.

  • New Product Type: Create a product listing under a new custom product type that you will define.
Product Type Use this field to select the product type or create a custom product type for which the product is applicable.

Depending on your selected option, you can perform the following actions in this field:

Selected Option Description
Existing Product Type Select the product type for which the product is applicable. Premium plus product types are prefixed by (+).
In this field, the following additional actions are available:
  • To search for a product type, enter the product type and select an option from the autocomplete results.
  • To clear your selection, click X.
New Product Type Enter a unique name for the new custom product type for which the new product listing is applicable.
Note: When you create a new product type, the product type will be usable as an existing product type for future premium proprietary listings.
Product Model Number Enter the product's model number or code.
Product Name Enter the product's name. The product name must be unique.