Contents of the User Management Page

Use the contents of this page to view, filter, create, activate, deactivate, and invite users.

Navigate to the following contents:

Header Toolbar Contents

The following options are available on the header toolbar of the User Management page:

Item Description

Page Title

This displays the name of the page that you are currently viewing.

+ New User Click this button to create a new user for your BPM.


Field Description
User Limit This displays the maximum number of Specpoint users whose Status is Active or Pending Invite within your BPM account at any given time.

Your BPM can have inactive users beyond the user limit.

In Use This displays the number of users whose Status is currently Active or Pending Invite within your BPM.

User List

This list displays all the enrolled users and previews user information under the column headers. Each column has a filter field which you can use to filter the list of users based on a user attribute. The following columns are available:

Field Description
First Name This displays the user's first name.

To filter the list of users by first name, enter a name in the filter field for this column.

Last Name This displays the user's last name.

To filter the list of users by last name, enter a name in the filter field for this column.

Email This displays the user's email address.

A guest user's email address display with the following prefix: (Guest).

To filter the list of users by email address, enter an email address in the filter field for this column.

Permissions This displays the user's permission or level of access.

To filter the list of users by user permission, select Admin, Author, or Contributor in the filter field for this column.

Note: The reviewer user permission will be available in a forthcoming release.

For more information, see User Permissions.

Account Admin This indicates if the user is the designated account administrator for your BPM.

For more information, see User Permissions.

Discipline This displays the user's discipline or nature of work.

To filter the list of users by discipline, select disciplines in the filter field for this column.

For more information, see Disciplines and Professional Roles.

Role This displays the user's role or position in the company.

To filter the list of users by role, select roles in the filter field for this column.

For more information, see Disciplines and Professional Roles.

Status This displays the user account's status: Active, Inactive, or Pending Invite.

To filter the list of users by status, select statuses in the filter field for this column.

User Record Menu Icon Click this icon to expand the menu and view available options for each user based on the user's status. The following list shows the available menu options for each status:
  • Active
    • Edit: Edit information about the user.
    • Deactivate: Deactivate user account. The user can no longer log in to Specpoint until you activate the user.
  • Inactive
    • Activate: Activate user account. The user will be able to log in to Specpoint.
  • Pending Invite
    • Resend Invite: Send the invitation email to the user again.
    • Cancel Invite: Cancel the invitation email to the user.

You can click a column header to sort the list of users by that header's column.

Page Controls

The following table shows the available options that you can use to configure how you can view the list of users:

Item Description
Rows Select the number of users to display per page. You can display 10, 25, 50, or 100 rows per page.
First Page Icon Click this icon to view the first page
Previous Page Icon Click this icon to view the previous page.
Next Page Icon Click this icon to view the next page.
Last Page Icon Click this icon to view the last page