Contents of a Listing Card - Manufacturer

Use the contents of this card to view information about a product listing with a listing type of Manufacturer. The contents of this card enable you to access information details about the product and its BPM.


The following information is available on a product listing card for a product with a listing type of Manufacturer:

Item Description
Corporate Logo/Company Display Name This displays the corporate logo of the product's manufacturer if available. Otherwise, this displays the company display name.

Click this logo or name to view the Company page of the product manufacturer.

Publication Date This displays when the BPM published the product listing.

For listings from other BPMs, you can only view published product listings or listings with a publication date.

Status This displays whether the product listing is Active or Inactive.

For listings from other BPMs, you can only view active product listings.

Image Placeholder This displays a MasterSpec Approved Manufacturer label as a placeholder.
Category This displays the product category.
Product Name This displays the complete name of the product.
Family This displays the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Type This displays the product type for which the product is applicable.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Listing Type This displays a Manufacturer label in a gray bar to indicate the product's listing type.

See Product Listing Types.

To view more information about the product on its Manage Listing page, click any of the following items:
  • Image Placeholder
  • Category
  • Product Name
  • Family Name
  • Product Type