Grouping and Sorting Window

Use this window to group and sort the product listing cards on the Product Listings page. This enables you to have a more organized view of the product listings and quickly find specific listings.

Groupings work with sorting criteria. Moreover, grouping and sorting that you configure apply with product listing filters. You can create any combination of grouping, sorting, and filtering configurations to produce a customized view that fits your needs.


You can group product listings on the Product Listings page by creating grouping criteria. A grouping criterion consists of the following elements:
  • A product attribute by which to group the listings, such as a company, listing type, or family
  • An expanded or collapsed setting which determines whether to display or hide a group's child groups (if any) and product listings
You can configure up to three grouping criteria. For multiple grouping criteria, Specpoint employs hierarchical grouping based on how you configure your grouping criteria. This means that your first grouping can hold multiple second groupings and your second groupings can hold multiple third groupings. For example, if your first grouping is Family and your second grouping is Listing Type, then you might see the following groupings on this page:
    • Premium
    • Manufacturer
    • Premium
    • Premium Proprietary
    • Manufacturer

When you create a grouping criterion, Specpoint creates a sorting criterion on the Sorting tab with the same selected product listing attribute and at the same order level as the grouping criterion.

By default, the Product Listings page groups the listings by Family and Product type.


You can sort product listings on the Product Listings page by creating sorting criteria. A sorting criterion consists of the following elements:
  • A product attribute by which to sort the listings, such as a company, listing type, or family
  • A sort order which is either ascending or descending

For multiple sorting criteria, Specpoint employs hierarchical sorting based on how you arrange your sorting criteria. You can set the position of each sorting criterion to prioritize a particular product listing attribute and sort order combination. You can also remove sorting criteria that you no longer need.

Specpoint automatically adds an equivalent sorting criterion for each grouping criterion that you add. You can only modify the sort order for these sorting criteria.

By default, the Product Listings page sorts the listings by Family, Product type, Listing type, and Publish date.