Contents of the Dashboard

Use the contents of the dashboard to quickly view information and tools available for your BPM.


Item Description
Project Research Map This displays all projects in Specpoint and in e-SPECS through a heat map representation with colors and numbers that indicate the count of projects by country, state, or province.
You can perform the following actions on the Project Research Map:
  • Filter and search for projects
  • View the top 10 search results
  • View search results in a comprehensive list view
  • Export project data
  • View project overview information
  • View project sections and listed or specified manufacturers

See Project Research Map.


Widget Description

Firm Contacts

This widget displays the contacts in your BPM.

See Firm Contacts.

ENR News This widget displays news articles from Engineering News-Record.

See ENR News.

Recently Listed

This widget displays the latest published product listings.

See Recently Listed.

Deltek News

This widget contains a link to the Deltek Media Center web page.

See Deltek News.