
Use this form to manage the list of objects that a user has opened and to remove the lock on one or more objects for a specific user.

Objects are data items to which access control is granted. These objects are created and maintained within a supported application. For example, an object may be a project, a code file, or a menu item. You can view a list of objects that are currently opened from within PPM Administrator, and remove a lock on an object when necessary.

When a user opens an object, a lock is generated. Depending on how the object was opened, the lock can be a shared lock (which means others can also open the project) or the lock can be exclusive (which means no one else can open or edit that object while it is locked). Locks prevent two different user actions from conflicting. For example, if one user begin editing a control account, another user cannot edit the same control account (either manually or via a process such as recalculate) until the lock on the control account is cleared. This is very important for the log that tracks changes to the baseline.

On occasion, if connection to the database is lost, a lock will remain open. You can remove these invalid locks from the Locks form. You should confirm with the users that they are not using the object before removing the lock.

When you click SECURITY > Locks, PPM Administrator displays all opened objects in Locks List View. In this view, you can edit information for multiple objects at one time in the grid. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns.

Note: The list of objects on this form are currently stored in the WST_LCK table.

To access this form, see Display the Locks Form.

Field Description
Other Actions You can export (all or selected) to CSV by accessing this drop-down menu and choosing the appropriate option. For more information, see Other Actions Drop-Down Menu.
Remove Lock Click this button to remove the selected object or objects from the grid. Removing a lock on an object that is opened by the user who is currently logged in to a supported application can cause data corruption. If you attempt to remove a lock under these circumstances, the security administrator issues a warning, informing you about the situation, and requiring you to confirm the action.
These grid header options allow you to expand to full screen, filter the list, download the data to CSV, and select columns by clicking the corresponding icon. For more information, see Working with Grids.
OBJECT NAME This column displays the name of an object from the product, such as Demo Calendar.
TYPE This column displays the type of object.
  • BREAKDWN: A code file in Cobra
  • CALC: A resource file in Cobra
  • FISCAL: A calendar in Cobra
  • RATE: A rate file in Cobra
  • CLD: A calendar file in Open Plan
  • COD: A code file in Open Plan
  • PRJ: An Open Plan project
  • RDS: A resource file in Open Plan
PRODUCT This column displays the product that contains the locked object.

You can sort list of objects by product or access type by clicking and selecting the mode in the Product drop-down list.

USER This column displays the full name of the user who has the object locked.

You can filter this column. Clicking the drop-down arrow displays the list of users arranged alphabetically by first name, last name, and user ID.

MODE This column displays the mode or access type for an object that the selected user opens:
  • Exclusive — While one user has the object open in exclusive mode, other users can access it in read-only mode.
  • Shared — Any number of users can have the object open in shared mode.
  • Read-Only — Any number of users can have the object open in read-only mode.
  • Briefcased — This mode is only available for projects, and indicates that a user has checked out the project. When a user has the project checked out, other users can view but cannot modify the project.

You can sort list of objects by mode or access type by clicking and selecting the mode in the Mode drop-down list.

DATE LOCKED This column displays the date and time when a user opened the object.