Statusing the Milestone

After selecting the As Of Month, and entering a revised Forecast Date if necessary, you can status the milestone by doing one of the following:

Which action you take depends on the EVM you selected for the WBS element. The actions required for each type of EVM are described below. To jump to a description of an EVM, select it from the list that follows, or you can scroll through the descriptions.


Milestone Weights

0/100, 25/75, 40/60, 50/50

BCWP Entry

Percent Complete

Milestone Weights with % Complete

Level of Effort

Key Event

Earned Standards


After you have statused all WBS elements that are in process, run the Calculate BCWP process to calculate and determine BCWP values for the period being statused.


This selection does not compute BCWP. Use this option when you want the WBS element displayed on the Gantt chart, but the element does not represent budget information. If you want the milestone symbol on the Gantt chart to be shaded, check the Complete field.

For example, you may be in the proposal stage and no work has been completed for a WBS element. Or you may be using a Planning Package resource to store unallocated budget and you do not want it to show on the Gantt chart.

0/100, 25/75, 40/60, 50/50

To status a milestone when one of these EVMs has been selected, complete the following steps:

  1. When work has started on the milestone, enter a check in the Complete column for the Start milestone. MPM will use the first figure to represent the amount of the scheduled budget earned. For example, if you selected 25/75, 25% of the budget will be counted as earned.

  2. When work is 100% complete, enter a check in the Complete column for the complete milestone. MPM will use the second figure to represent the amount of the scheduled budget earned. For example, if you selected 25/75, 75% of the budget will be counted as earned.

% Complete

In the % Complete field of the WBS row, enter the cumulative percent complete for the overall WBS element for the As of Month being statused. The cumulative percent complete reflects the status of the WBS through the As of Month.

Level of Effort

You do not have to enter data for this EVM. MPM will automatically calculate the earned value for the fiscal periods where work (BCWS) is scheduled. BCWP = BCWS for all months for which BCWP is calculated. If you want the milestone symbol on the Gantt chart to be shaded, check the Complete field.

Earned Standards

In the Cum BCWP field on the WBS row, enter the cumulative standard hours completed for the overall WBS.

MPM uses the figures you enter in the Cum BCWP field to calculate the cumulative percent complete. The formula is:

BCWP standard hours / BAC standard hours

MPM applies the cumulative percent complete to BAC and the cumulative BCWP is displayed and stored in Standard Hours for the As Of Month. The Estimate Type for BCWS must also be set to Standard Hours so the BAC is in standard hours. If these are not the same, BCWP will not calculate accurately.

Milestone Weights

To claim a milestone as 100% complete for the As Of Date being statused, place a check mark in the Complete field.

When milestone weights are used, MPM uses the following formula to calculate a cumulative percent for the WBS:

(Weight of completed milestones / total weight for all milestones) x BAC (in base unit selected)

The calculation is for the month in which the milestone is statused as complete. As milestones are accomplished, the WBS cumulative percent complete is adjusted based on the milestone weight ratios.

BCWP Entry

In the Cum BCWP field on the WBS row, enter the cumulative BCWP value for the overall WBS task in the base unit selected. The value you enter is stored in the As Of Month. MPM calculates percent based on the Cum BCWP you enter divided by BAC in the base unit set in the Estimate Type field of the Baseline window in Integrated Planning.

Milestone Weights with % Complete

If the milestone is 100% complete for the As Of period being statused, place a check mark in the Complete field to claim the milestone.

If the milestone is not 100% complete, enter the percent complete in the % Complete field and revise the forecast date to the planned completion date.

MPM calculates the BCWP in the same way it calculates Milestone Weights, except it adds percent complete of all completed milestones plus percentage weight of all partially earned milestones before dividing by total weight.

Key Event

Place a check mark in the Complete field to claim a milestone as complete.

This EVM allows a work package to earn LOE (Level of Effort) value for all months up to the first month with an incomplete milestone. This includes, but does not go beyond, the current month. In addition, value is earned for any future months in which all milestones are completed.

The basic criteria for this EVM are:

When MPM calculates BCWP, it stores the value in the month entered by you in the Compute BCWP Through Which Month field. This differs from other EVM calculations where the value is stored in the As of Month.


You do not have to enter data for this EVM.

MPM first calculates BCWP for all WBS IDs except apportioned effort. After completing those calculations, MPM calculates BCWP for all apportioned effort WBS elements.

MPM calculates BCWP by copying the cumulative earned value percent complete from the Base WBS, applying it to the apportioned WBS, and then calculating the dollar value of BCWP based on the Apportioned WBS's base unit divided by BAC.