Calculating BCWP

Whenever you need to calculate Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP), you use the Calculate BCWP utility in Project Maintenance. For example, whenever you modify milestone information in Integrated Planning, you will want to calculate a new BCWP.

When calculating BCWP, you can apply the following restrictions:

WBS Element Options

If you select this option:

MPM calculates BCWP for:

All WBS elements

All WBS elements

Statused, LOE, Key Event & Apportioned WBS Elements

  • Any WBS element that has an estimate saved or imported since the last BCWP calculation.

  • Any WBS element that has been repriced since the last BCWP calculation.

  • Any WBS element that has had milestone changes saved since the last BCWP calculation.

  • All WBS elements with apportioned, LOE, and Key Event EVMs.

Only Statused & Apportioned WBS Elements

Same as above, except LOE and Key Event elements are included only if they have been statused.

Special Guidelines

Impact of Budget Changes on BCWP Values

Any change to the budget after WBS elements have been statused will have an impact on the calculation of BCWP. For information on budget changes, refer to Impact of Budget Changes on BCWP Values.

To calculate BCWP for a project, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Maintenance window, select a project.

  2. Click Tools » Calculate BCWP. MPM displays the BCWP dialog box.

  3. Enter the From and Through dates. Enter the dates in the MMM YY format.

MPM will accept most date formats and convert them to this format.

  1. Select one of the WBS element options.

  2. Initiate the calculation by choosing OK.