Saving Estimates

When you save data in the Integrated Planning views, how MPM responds depends on the Save options you set. The options control:

Confirming Saves

There is an option you can set that requires you to confirm changes you make anywhere in MPM if you move the focus away from the item being edited without first saving it. You can move the focus by clicking on another row, tabbing to another row, selecting File » Close or File » Exit, switching to another application, as well as several other ways.

You set the confirm option by:

For more information on this option, see Setting MPM Options.

Three Baseline Save Options

When you are creating a baseline estimate, you can have MPM create the initial Estimate to Complete (ETC) at the same time. There are three Baseline save options available:



Save Baseline only

MPM saves the Baseline data only.

Save Baseline and ETC

MPM saves the Baseline data and saves the corresponding changes in the ETC data.

Prompt for ETC save

MPM saves the Baseline data and displays a dialog box asking if you want to save the corresponding changes in the ETC data.


To set the Baseline save options, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Tools » Options. MPM displays the Options dialog box.

  2. Select the Integrated Planning tab.

  3. Select the appropriate option.

  4. To save your selection and close the dialog box, click OK.

Related Topics

Adding Resource Estimates

Using the Overtime Field

Entering Estimate Values

Entering Information Using Autofill

Entering Estimate Values Using Autospread