Using the Overtime Field

The Overtime field has several uses. It can be used to:

If you do not want to use the field for either of these purposes, you can leave the field blank.

Calculating Overtime Rates

If you want to calculate overtime rates for a resource, you can enter a numeric value in the Overtime field. MPM uses the value as a multiplier against the basic rate. For example, if overtime is billed out at one and one-half times the normal rate, you would enter the value 1.5.

To show overtime, you create two entries for the resource. The first entry is used to calculate the basic rate, the second entry is used to calculate the overtime. Burdens for both the basic rate and overtime rate are calculated as straight time based on the burden template assigned to the resource.

Indicating Different Estimates

If you want to indicate different estimates for the same resource in the same resource department, the Overtime field can be used to distinguish the entries. The entry can be up to 20 characters and must contain at least one alpha character. When an entry in the Overtime field containing one or more alpha characters, it is interpreted by MPM as a reference code rather than a multiplier.

Another way to indicate different estimates is to use the XREF-EST field to filter information to match a specific group of data.

Related Topics

Saving Estimates

Adding Resource Estimates

Entering Estimate Values

Entering Information Using Autofill

Entering Estimate Values Using Autospread