Procedure for Creating a New Burden Template

Creating a New Burden Template ID

To create a new burden template ID, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the first blank row on the Burden Templates grid with a blank Template ID field.

  2. Enter a template ID. The ID can be up to 20 characters long.

  3. Enter a description for the burden template. The description can be up to 40 characters long.

Adding Burden Codes

To add a burden code to a burden template, complete the following steps:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select a blank Burden Code field under the Template ID.

  3. Select the Template ID and choose Edit » Insert Burden Code.

  4. Select an existing burden code and choose Edit » Insert Burden Code. MPM will insert a blank line before the selected burden code.

  1. Select a burden code from the Burden Code drop-down list box. MPM automatically fills in the Description and Type fields with information from the burden code definition you created in Resources and Burdens.

  2. Select a burden rate from the Apply To drop-down list box. The options are described in the table that follows.




Used only when overhead rate is expressed as a dollar rate per hour and not as a percent.

Prime Dollars

Dollar per hour rate for labor, material, and other direct costs.

Previous Subtotal

Applies percent to the last value totaled excluding COM and Fee. Example: prime dollars + overhead = subtotal. Percent would be applied to the subtotal.

Previous Previous Subtotal

Applies percent to the next to last value totaled excluding COM and Fee (See example).

Previous Burden Amount

Applies percent to the last calculated burden amount.

Previous Previous Burden Amount

Applies percent to the next to last calculated burden amount (See example).

Total Burdened

Applies percent to total burdened amount (prime + overhead). Excludes COM and G&A, and will only apply to the previous overhead. If you have more than one overhead, apply the Previous Burden Amount option above before applying this option.

Total Cost

Applies percent to COM and Fee calculations only. May not be used for burden types.

  1. Save the burden template by doing one of the following:

  2. Click on another row

  3. Click File » Save

  4. Press Ctrl+S

If the Save Confirmation option is on, you will be prompted to confirm the save. Otherwise, MPM immediately saves the changes without prompting you.

Example: Previous Previous Burden and Previous Previous Subtotal

The following example depicts the calculations that would be performed for Previous Previous Burden and Previous Previous Subtotal. Prime is $10 and all OH burden rates are 150%.


Applied Against


Burden Amount


Prime Dollars

$10.00 x 150%



Previous Burden Amount

$15.00 x 150%



Previous Previous Burden Amount

$15.00 x 150%



Previous Subtotal

$70.00 x 150%




Previous Previous Subtotal

$70.00 x 150%





Total burden:


Related Topics

Creating a Burden Template

Burden Template Example and Terminology

Burden Code Order Affects Calculation