Amex Record 1 Airline Mapping
The Amex KR1025 Record 1 Airline Mapping file layout identifies detail information for fields 614 through 819 as they relate to airline expenses. The file contains the field name, the picture location, the character location of the field, the length of each field, and any notes regarding the field.
Note: The following file layouts, while not used as often in Deltek Expense as the ones described above, are still part of the Amex KR1025 file layout.
Field | Picture | Location | Length | Notes |
Air Departure Date (CCYYMMDD format) | X(08) | 614-621 | 8 | Date of departure on the first leg of the trip. |
Air Return Date | 652-659 | 8 | Date of return on the first leg of the trip. | |
Air Routing | X(27) | 622-648 | 27 | IATA travel point code for each leg of the trip (up to 9). |
Air Class of Service | X(08) | 649-656 | 8 | The code for the class of service for each leg of the trip (up to 8). |
Air Carrier Code | X(16) | 657-672 | 16 | The code for the carrier for each leg of the trip (up to 8). |
Air Ticket Issuer | X(37) | 673-709 | 37 | Name of the airline or travel agency issuing the ticket. |
Air Issuer City | X(30) | 710-739 | 30 | City name of the airline or travel agency issuing the ticket. |
Air Issuer State | X(06) | 740-745 | 6 | State code of the airline or travel agency issuing the ticket. |
Air Passenger Name | X(35) | 746-780 | 35 | Name of the traveler using the ticket. |
Air Agency Number | X(08) | 781-788 | 8 | The number of the airline or travel agency issuing the ticket. |
Air Ticket Number | X(13) | 789-801 | 13 | Ticket number. |
Air Routing additional details* | X(18) | 802-819 | 18 |
Parent Topic: American Express (Amex) Record Mappings