Use this subtask to add new quotes to the selected part row. Use in the table window to enter a quote line for a vendor or an existing RFQ.

Proposal, Rev

The values in these fields come from the main screen.

Item, Rev, U/M, Provisional

The values in these fields come from the main screen table window for the selected part line.

Procurement Type

This field displays the procurement type code assigned to the proposal item on the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen. Procurement type codes default for the RFQ that is generated from this proposal. Establish procurement type codes on the Manage Procurement Types screen.

Quotes Reqd

The number of required quotes defaults for the RFQ that is generated from this proposal. Set the number of required quotes on the Manage Procurement Types screen.

Proposal Quantity Breakpoints

1 to 5

The values in these fields load from the main screen table window for the selected item line. Each calculated value in the proposal quantity break field loads in the appropriate field in this group box

Vendor Quotes

When you add a new vendor quote line in this table window, populate the appropriate fields, and save the record, the quote line defaults to the table windows found in the Matl Costs WS and the Proposal Item Costs subtasks, where you can roll up the costs for calculating proposal costs.

You can access the quote line on the Manage Vendor Quotes By Item and Manage Vendor Quotes By Vendor screens.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the RFQ in which the vendor quote is a response for the selected item. Only those RFQ IDs whose Status is O (Open) or P (Pending) in the RFQs subtask display in the lookup results. RFQ lines that already have a quote ID assigned or have a status of C (Closed) on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item or Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens do not appear, but you can enter them. You can also select RFQs on the Select Request for Quotes from Proposals screen.

When you enter a closed RFQ ID (with an assigned Quote ID), the system displays a warning indicating that the RFQ is closed. After populating the appropriate fields, make sure to click the Add to Proposal Costs button, and save the record. The assigned quote ID defaults to the Matl Cost WS and Proposal Item Costs subtasks.

Vendor, Vendor Name

When you populate the RFQ field, this field defaults with the vendor ID assigned to this RFQ/RFQ line. If the RFQ field is not populated, enter, or click to select, a vendor ID for this quote line. The Vendor Name field displays the vendor name as it appears for the vendor ID on the Manage Vendors screen.

The vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor. If the vendor has an Approval Code of Not Approved or Pending, Costpoint displays a warning.


This field displays Y (Yes), N (No), or P (Preferred) if the vendor is assigned to the part on the Manage Parts screen and the Assign Vendors to Items screen.


If you populated the RFQ field, the buyer ID that appears for the RFQ line in the RFQs subtask defaults in this field.


Enter the ID of the quote for this line. If the RFQ's status is C (Closed) or a quote ID is already assigned to the RFQ line, the system displays a warning that the RFQ is closed. After populating the appropriate fields, make sure you click the Add to Proposal Costs button, and save the record. The assigned quote ID loads into the Matl Costs WS and Proposal Item Costs subtask table windows.

When you click OK at the bottom of this screen, the quote line's information loads, and you return to the main screen. However, you can modify the line's information before saving the record, and you can access the quote line on the Manage Vendor Quotes By Item and Manage Vendor Quotes By Vendor screens. If you selected the Auto-Assign Quotes check box on the Configure Vendor Quote Settings screen and left the Last Quote ID field on that screen blank, Costpoint assigns the next sequential quote ID. However, you can populate the Quote field manually, whether the Auto-Assign Quotes check box is selected or not.

Quote Type

Enter, or click to select, the quote type code for this quote line. Establish quote type codes and descriptions on the Manage Vendor Quote Types screen. This is a required field.


Enter the number of the quote line that contains the item. If a Quote exists, this field defaults with the appropriate value when you save the record.

Quote U/M

This field displays the item's unit of measure for the quote line. If the unit of measure on the quote line is different than the part's default, Costpoint searches for a matching unit of measure conversion on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or Manage Units of Measure screen (for both standard and provisional parts) to determine whether or not it can convert the quote quantities and costs. If it finds a matching conversion factor, Costpoint populates the Net Unit Cost (Part U/M) and Quantity (Part U/M) fields in the Matl Cost WS subtask with the converted cost and quantity, respectively. However, if no matching unit of measure conversion exists, Costpoint displays an error. In this case, you must enter a matching unit of measure conversion on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or Manage Units of Measure screen (for both standard and provisional parts).

Quote Date

This field stores the date when the quote line was created. This field defaults with the system date when you enter a new line.

Quote Quantity Breakpoint 1 to 5

These fields loads values from the main screen table window for the selected item line. Each calculated value in the proposal quantity break field loads in the appropriate field.

Breakpoint 1 to 5 Net Unit Cost

Enter the quoted cost for the specified required quantity (for each value in the Quote Quantity Breakpoint 1 to 5 fields).

Extra Charges

Enter any additional fixed charges that are added to the order of this item. The system adds this value to the line when it defaults to the Matl Costs WS subtask.

Charge Type

Enter, or click to select, the assigned line charge type for this quote line. Establish charge type information on the Manage Line Charge Types screen.

Lead Time (Days)

This field stores the vendor lead time for the item as it appears for the quote line.

Expiration Date

This field displays the expiration date when the quote costs expire for the item.

Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part, Mfg Rev

These fields display the manufacturer part ID, description, and revision number (if applicable) for the part being quoted. If you entered an RFQ for the line, these fields default from the RFQ line. If you entered only a vendor, these fields default only if they exist for the part on the Manage Alternate Parts screen and the Preferred check box is selected. If a manufacturer/vendor combination exists for the item on the Manage Alternate Parts screen and the Preferred check box is clear, you can click in these fields to view the selections. These optional fields are available on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item and Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens, where you can use them to select other manufacturer parts previously entered on the Manage Alternate Parts screen. Establish manufacturers on the Manage Manufacturers screen.

Vendor Part, Vendor Rev

These fields display the vendor part ID and revision number (if applicable) for the part being quoted. If you entered an RFQ for the line, the vendor part displays with these fields' values from the RFQ line. The vendor part ID also defaults when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen (if the Preferred check box is selected) and you entered the vendor ID for this quote line. This optional field is available on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item and Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens so that you can select other vendor parts previously entered on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Vendor Approval Status

This field displays the vendor's Approval Code, set on the Approve Vendors screen. The statuses are:

Quote Line Notes

Use this field to enter notes for the quote line.

Add to Proposal Costs

Click this button to add the selected quote line to the Proposal Item Costs subtask.