Use this screen to set up codes for miscellaneous line charges that can appear on a purchase order, requisition, or sales order. Miscellaneous charges are generally items ordered that are not classified as parts, services, or goods. These charges can include items such as freight, shipping, and delivery. This screen defaults the same settings as the Manage Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry Controls, and vice versa.

Set up this function when Costpoint Purchasing, Procurement Planning, and Sales Order Entry is initialized and maintain it to include codes for new charges or modifications to existing charges. You must establish miscellaneous charge types in this function before they can be entered on a purchase order, requisition or sales order.


Line Charge Type Code

Use the fields in this block to create a new line charge type code or to retrieve a previously saved code. A line charge type code represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a code and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

Charge Type Code

Enter, or click to select, a purchase order line charge type code containing up to six alphanumeric characters. The code can be an acronym or an abbreviation for the miscellaneous charge type being entered. This is a required field.

When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the line charge type code. Later, you can retrieve the code using Query.


Enter, or click to select, a detailed description of the miscellaneous line charge type code containing up to 30 alphanumeric characters. When the code is entered on the purchase order line or requisition line, this code description is displayed and can be modified.


Enter the unit of measure.

Purchase Order Entry Defaults

Use the fields in this group box to select default values to apply when this charge code is entered for new purchase order lines and/or requisition lines. Miscellaneous line charges can be entered on a purchase order, or as additional charges for a PO line item in the Line Charges subtask in the Manage Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Similarly, miscellaneous line charges can be entered on a requisition, or as additional charges for a requisition line item (in the Line Charges subtask) on the Manage Purchase Requisitions and Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions screens in Costpoint Procurement Planning.


When Project Used

Enter, or click to select, a valid active account. When you enter the charge code for a new miscellaneous PO line (in the Misc Type field in the Manage Purchase Orders screen), this account becomes the default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen only when a project exists for the PO line, and if account, org or inventory abbreviation information does not already exist for the PO line. Once you select an account, the corresponding account name displays in the adjacent field.

When Project not Used

Enter, or click to select, a valid, active account. When you enter the charge code for a new miscellaneous PO line (in the Misc Type field in the Enter POs screen), this account becomes the default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen only when a project account, org or inventory abbreviation does not already exist for the PO line. Once you have selected an account, the corresponding account name displays in the adjacent field.

Industry Classification

Enter, or click to select, the default industry classification for this charge type. You can maintain industry classification on the Manage Industry Classifications screen in the Product Definition Controls menu of Costpoint Product Definition. You can also assign industry classification codes in the Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen to establish the vendor size relative to certain industry classifications.


Enter, or click to select, a valid NAICS code for the line charge type. Establish NAICS codes on the Manage NAICS Codes screen. When you enter a valid NAICS code, the NAICS code's description displays in the non-editable field next to the NAICS Code field.

NAICS Code Title

This field displays the description of the NAICS code.


Overshipments Allowed

Select this check box to indicate that overshipments are allowed when this charge type is specified on the purchase order line. This check box provides a default for the Overshipments Allowed check box on the Manage Purchase Orders screen when this charge type is ordered on a purchase order line. If you do not select this check box, overshipments are not allowed by default - the received quantity cannot exceed the quantity ordered. You can override this default on the purchase order line.

QC Inspection Reqd

Select this check box to require quality control inspection for the charge type ordered. This check box provides a default value for the QC Inspection field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen, when this charge type is ordered on a purchase order line. If you do not select this check box, a quality control inspection is not required for the charge type. This default can be overridden on the purchase order line.


Select this check box to indicate that the line charge type is taxable or leave it blank to provide a non-taxable default. This check box provides a default value for the Taxable status of the miscellaneous charge type entered on the purchase order line. This default can be overridden during purchase order entry.

2 or 3 Way Matching

These fields contain the match type and match option for each of the different item types within Costpoint. These values default to the purchase order line. For parts, services, and goods, you cannot maintain these values at the Purchase Order line. For miscellaneous items, you can override the default at the Purchase Order line.


Select the match type from this drop-down list. The values are:


Select the option for the match type from the drop-down list. The values are:

PO Line Commitments

Select the default value that determines the method for calculating purchasing commitments for this miscellaneous charge type. You can override this value on the purchase order line.


Select this option to calculate purchasing commitments for this line charge type based on the ordered quantity, received quantity, vouchered, and posted quantity.


Select this option to calculate purchasing commitments for this line charge type based on the amount ordered, vouchered, and posted to the General Ledger. This is the default.

Subcontractor Charge Type

Select the charge type for the item used in work assignments for subcontractor agreement purchase order (PO) lines. The subcontractor charge type options are Labor, Expense, and Other. This defaults into the work assignment charge line associated with a subcontractor agreement PO line where this miscellaneous line charge type is used.

Sales Order Entry Defaults

Use the options in this block to set default values for miscellaneous sales order (SO) line charges. Similar to purchase orders and requisitions, miscellaneous SO line charges can be entered on a sales order, or as additional charges for a sales order line item on the Manage Sales Orders and Manage Sales Orders Supervisor screens.

Sales Abbreviation

Use Sales Order Default

Select this check box to use the value in the Sales Group Abbrev field in the Header Accounts subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry as the default on the sales order line when a miscellaneous charge code is entered. You can modify the sales abbreviation during order entry.

When Project Used

Enter, or click to select, a valid active sales group abbreviation code. When you enter the charge code for a new miscellaneous SO line in the Misc Ln Chg Type field on the Manage Sales Orders screen, this code defaults only when a project exists for the SO line. You can modify the sales abbreviation during sales order entry. The description of the sales group abbreviation code displays on the adjacent field.

When Project Not Used

Enter, or click to select, a valid active sales group abbreviation code. When you enter the charge code for a new miscellaneous SO line in the Misc Ln Chg Type field on the Manage Sales Orders screen, this code defaults only when a project does not exist for the SO line. You can modify the sales abbreviation during sales order entry. The description of the sales group abbreviation code displays on the adjacent field.

Tax Status

Use the options in this group box to select the method in which newly added miscellaneous sales order line charges should be taxable or non-taxable in the Manage Sales Orders and Manage Sales Order Supervisor screens.

Use Sales Order Default

Select this option to have miscellaneous sales order line charges default with the taxable status of the sales order header. When you enter the charge code for a new miscellaneous SO line on the Manage Sales Orders main screen, the Taxable field defaults with the value of the Taxable check box in the Header Information subtask. If this option is clear, then either the Taxable or Non-Taxable option must be selected for all order lines that use this miscellaneous code.


Select this option to make the sales order line taxable when the miscellaneous charge type code is entered. If this option is clear, then either the Non-Taxable or Use Sales Order Default option must be selected as the tax status.


Select this option to make the sales order line taxable when the miscellaneous charge type code is entered. If this option is clear, then either the Taxable or Use Sales Order Default option must be selected as the tax status.