Use this screen to select items and vendors for which you would like to generate requests for quotes (RFQs) by processing Create Request for Quotes for Proposals application. You can also alter breakpoint quantities and notes for selected rows before saving this screen. Two source table windows are available in which you can select items (including PBOM components, which may be linked to a given proposal) and vendors (from the Manage Vendors screen). You must select at least one row from each table window to populate the RFQ Line Selections table window.

To select RFQs from proposals, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application for the proposal ID.

  2. In the Proposal field, enter or click to select, a proposal record (make sure a valid Ship ID has been saved on the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen for the selected proposal ID). This populates the Select Items table window with items linked to the proposal. If you have already created any RFQ selection rows for this proposal, but have not yet turned them into RFQs, they are displayed in the bottom window.

  3. When you have populated the Proposal field, the Select Items table window, and the Select Vendors table window, you can start selecting items from the Select Items table window. Click on a row to select it. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple items.

  4. Next, in the Select Vendors table window, select the vendors for which you would like to generate RFQs for the selected parts. Again, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple vendors.

  5. Click the Select button to assign part/vendor combination lines and move them to the RFQ Line Selections table window. The Create Request for Quotes for Proposals application uses the information in this table window to generate the RFQ header and line rows. An RFQ line appears for each part/vendor assignment. For example, if you select parts A and B in the Select Items table window, and vendors 1, 2, and 3 in the Select Vendors table window, the RFQ Line Selections table window reflects that vendors 1, 2, and 3 are assigned to both parts A and B, for a total of six lines.

To remove a row from the RFQ Line Selections table window, click the box at the left side of the row and then click the Delete button. (Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple item/vendor rows before using the Delete button.)

  1. Save the record for processing.

You can also create RFQs on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item and Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens.



Enter, or click to select a proposal. After you select a proposal, the proposal revision (if applicable) and description display in the unlabeled fields to the right.

Incl Make Parts

Select this check box before using to include all Make and Buy type parts from the proposal. If you clear this check box, only those parts with a Buy status populate the Select Items table window.


Enter the ID of the buyer to be assigned to the RFQs created from this selection. If you entered a Buyer on the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen, it defaults into this field and is used for the selected RFQ lines.

Select Items

If you select the Incl Make Parts check box before using to load the proposal's item information, all Make and Buy type parts that are applicable to the proposal display. If you clear this check box, only those parts with a Buy status populate this table window. You can use to select items.

Item, Rev, Description, U/M

These fields display the item ID, revision number (if applicable), item description, and unit of measure. These information are established on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Qty Breakpoint 1 to 5

These fields display the quantity breakpoint for each item. These fields display from the Proposal Qty Breakpoint 1 to 5 fields on the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screens. You can modify these fields in the RFQ Line Selection table window after you select the item/vendor combination.


This field defaults with the commodity code for the selected part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). Establish commodity codes on the Manage Commodity Codes screen.

Ind Class

This field displays the industry classification code for the selected part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). Establish industry classification codes on the Manage Industry Classifications screen.


This field displays the NAICS code for the item/rev on the proposal line.

Always Quote

This field displays Y if the Always Quote check box is selected on the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen, which indicates that when this part is used in estimating always requires quotes from vendors. This field displays N if the Always Quote check box is clear.

Item Type

This field displays one of the following codes to identify the item type:

Select Vendors

Use this table window to select and assign vendors and addresses for RFQs for the item you selected in the Select Items table window. When you first access this screen, this table window defaults with all vendor and vendor address information only for those vendors that:

Vendor Name, Vendor, Location

These fields display the vendor name, vendor ID, and location code from the Manage Vendors screen.


This field displays the vendor's address code. Only those address lines of the vendor where the Order Address code is either Y (Yes) or D (Default) on the Manage Vendors screen are displayed.

PO Status

This field displays either Active or Give Warning, depending on which option is selected in the Vendor Status for PO field on the Manage Vendors screen. If the Inactive option is selected for the vendor in the Vendor Status for PO field, the vendor does not appear in the Select Vendors table window.

Vendor Size

This field displays the option that is selected in the Default Size group box in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen. Options are as follows:

Disadvantaged, Woman-Owned, HubZone, HBC/MI, Veteran-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, ANC/Indian Tribe

These fields load from the check box selections in the Business Classification group box in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen. These fields provide further detail for vendor classification based on the vendor's legal classification. If a field displays Y (Yes), the corresponding check box is selected on the Manage Vendors screen. Otherwise, N (No) displays, meaning that the classification does not apply to the vendor.

Certification Number

This field displays the Certification Number entered for this vendor in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Certification Date

This field displays the Certification Date entered for this vendor in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Vendor Approval Status

This field displays the vendor's Approval Code, set on the Approve Vendors screen. The possible values are:

Address Line 1, City, State, Country

These fields display based on the Address Code for the address line in the Addresses subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

RFQ Line Selections

The RFQ Line Selections table window displays the selected item/vendor combinations that you highlighted (and then selected from) the Select Items and Select Vendors table windows. An RFQ line appears for each part/vendor assignment that is selected. Similarly, when you add and save an RFQ line in this table window, it appears in the Request for Quotes subtask of the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screens.

Use the Create Request for Quotes for Proposals application to process the lines in this table window. After an RFQ line is processed, the line's RFQ Created field becomes Y in the RFQs subtask of either of the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates screens, and it also appears on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item and Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens.

Item, Rev, Description

These fields display the item ID, revision number (if applicable) and item description for the selected item in the Select Items table window.

Vendor Name, Vendor, Address

These fields display the vendor name, vendor ID and vendor order address code per the selected line in the Select Vendors table window.


Enter, or click to select, the buyer ID for this RFQ line. This is a required field. If you entered the buyer ID on the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen, it defaults into the Buyer field (at the top of this screen) and into this field, and is used for the selected RFQ lines. Maintain buyer information on the Manage Buyers screen.


This field displays the unit of measure for the item.

Qty Breakpoint 1 to 5

These fields display the quantity breakpoints for the highlighted item in the Select Items table window. You can modify these values for the line.

Line Notes

Use this field to enter any notes to be included on the RFQ line.




Item Info

Click this link to access the Item Info subtask, where you can view specific information for the highlighted item the Select Items table window.

Vendor Info

Click this link to access the Vendor Info subtask, where you can view detailed information for the highlighted vendor in the Select Vendors table window.