This subtask displays additional information about the highlighted item line in the Select Items table window.
Most of the information on this screen displays from the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
These fields display the proposal ID, revision (if applicable), and proposal description from the main screen.
These fields display values from the highlighted line in the Select Items table window on the main screen. The item description displays in the unlabeled field to the right of the Rev field.
This field displays the corresponding U/M from the highlighted line in the Select Items table window on the main screen.
This field displays one of the following codes to identify the item type:
P — Standard part
R — Provisional part
G — Good
S — Service
This field displays the total number of lead time days for the highlighted item in the Select Items table window.
This field displays Y (Yes) if the Always Quote check box is selected in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). If the check box is clear, this field displays N (No).
This field displays Y (yes) if the Common Stock check box is selected in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen. This field applies to standard parts only. If the Common Stock check box is clear, this field displays N (No).
This field displays M for Make parts or B for Buy parts.
This field displays Y (Yes) if the Floor Stock check box is selected in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen. This field applies to standard parts only. If the Floor Stock check box is clear, this field displays N (No).
These fields display the selected policy type and minimum and multiple quantity values (if applicable) from the Order Policy group box in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
This table window applies to standard parts only. If any vendors have been assigned to the part on the Assign Vendors to Items screen, the vendor information displays in this table window.
These fields display the vendor name and vendor ID as they appear on the Assign Vendors to Items screen.
This field displays the vendor location code assigned on the Manage Vendors screen.
This field displays a code that indicates whether or not this vendor is approved/preferred for this item:
Y — Yes (approved)
N — No (not approved)
P — Preferred (approved and preferred)
This field displays the business size classification for the vendor as it appears in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.
These fields display the check box selections in the Business Classification group box in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen. These fields provide further detail for vendor classification based on the vendor's legal classification. If a field displays Y (Yes), the corresponding check box is selected on the Manage Vendors screen. Otherwise, N (No) displays, meaning that the classification does not apply to the vendor.
This field displays the Certification Number entered for this vendor in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.
This field displays the Certification Date entered for this vendor in the Vendor Classification subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.
This field displays the vendor's Approval Code, set on the Approve Vendors screen. The possible values are:
Not approved
This field displays the last purchase order number assigned to this vendor.
This field displays the date of the last purchase order assigned to this vendor in Costpoint Purchasing.
This field displays the last quote identifier assigned to this vendor.
This field displays the date of the last quote identifier assigned to this vendor.
This field displays the quantity received of the item from the vendor.
This field displays the percentage of rejections of the item from the vendor. The system calculates this field as follows:
Rejected Quantity /Received Qty.
This field displays the percentage of late deliveries for this vendor. This field is calculated as follows:
The number of late receipts divided by the total number of receipt lines provided from this vendor
This field displays the percentage of late deliveries for this vendor based on the original due date.
This field displays the percentage of early deliveries for this vendor. The system calculates this field as follows:
The number of early deliveries divided by the total number of receipt lines provided from this vendor
This field displays the average number of delivery days for this vendor, based on the day in which an item is shipped and when it is received.
This field displays the average purchase order cost for the vendor. This system calculates this field by summing each total purchase order cost divided by the total number of purchase orders for which the vendor is assigned.
This field displays the starting date of the vendor performance calculation.
This field displays the ending date of the vendor performance calculation.