The Edit Standard Bills screens consist of four tabs and three subtasks. They can be used as follows:
The Identification block contains the project number and name as well as the customer number and name. This block always displays regardless of which tab or subtask is currently in use.
The Standard Billing Info tab contains information on the invoice number and date, status, billing format, billing currency, due date, amount due in both functional and billing currencies, and billing period. You can edit many of the fields in this tab before printing. The table window displayed below this tab contains the lines that will be shown on the bill when it is printed.
The Header tab contains information on payment terms, bill number, post sequence number, receivables account/org, references numbers, and bill heading. Some of the fields in this tab are automatically populated and can be edited if necessary.
The Totals tab contains information on other charges, as well as invoice due amounts in functional and billing currencies.
The Addresses tab contains information regarding the billing and remittance addresses. The default customer address from the Customers screen will automatically display in this screen. The default remittance address from the Billing Settings screen will automatically display in the Remittance Address field. Both defaults can be changed if necessary.
The Exchange Rates subtask contains information on billing currency, rate group, and conversion rates. You can use this subtask to edit billing currency, rate group, or rate date.
The Detail subtask contains all the detailed information from the posting of the transaction. In order to access the Detail subtask, you must select one or more of the lines in the main table.
The Customs Info subtask (accessed from the Detail subtask) contains information for VAT and Sales tax reporting.
You can use these screens to edit amounts on the bill if you have selected the Allow User to Edit Bills checkbox in the Controls tab of the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing). You cannot add lines to the bill, but you can edit existing lines. You cannot edit bills with a status of "Reverse" or "Void." These types of bills can only be deleted or posted. Complete all changes to the bill in the table in the Standard Billing Info tab.
If you make changes to direct amounts in this screen, you must also calculate the effect on the indirect cost, since the system does not calculate this.
The recommended way to make changes to the bill is to use the Adjust Open Billing Detail screen (Projects\Process\Billing) or to use the original source journal to initiate the change. These methods will ensure that the general ledger and billing history files reconcile.
Use these screens when you want to review or change the information that has been computed for the bill. The information in this screen in available only after bills are calculated and before the bills are posted.
Use of the Edit Standard Bills screen is not mandatory, but is recommended as part of your internal quality control procedures.
Why should changes to the transactions be made in the original entry screen?
You should always make changes to the transactions included on a bill in the original entry screen or in the Adjust Open Billing Detail screen. Changes made in this screen will not be reflected in the General Ledger unless they are corrected at the original source or in the Adjust Open Billing Detail screen.
The Adjust Open Billing Detail application creates a journal entry that requires posting to the General Ledger. If you change billable data in the Edit Standard Bills screen, a discrepancy will be created between the amount billed and the General Ledger balance. Once the bill has been posted, there is no record of manual changes made in this screen. Adjustments for retainage billings and over ceiling amounts should be made in this screen to prevent the creation of discrepancies.
Why are some of the cumulative billed amounts missing from the detail table?
Some of the cumulative billing amounts may be missing from the detail table if you selected the "Suppress" feature when you calculated the bills. This feature is used to save processing time in the Calculate Bills process (Projects\Process\Billing).
If you did not select the "Suppress" option, all the cumulative billing data displays in the table.
What can I do in this screen when a bill is on "Selected" or "Unselected" status?
When a bill is on "Selected" status, it can be printed and posted. Once a bill has been changed to "Selected" status, it can no longer be recalculated. If you need to recalculate the bill, you must change the status back to "Unselected."
When a bill is on "Unselected" status, it can be recalculated but not printed or posted. You can print a bill that is on "Unselected" status, but it will print in draft format.
What is the source of the data in this screen?
The information to produce standard bills comes primarily from the Open Billing Detail table. Transactions are posted to the Open Billing Detail table at the same time that they are posted to the General Ledger. All the transaction detail is stored in both this screen and the Open Billing Detail screen.
The transaction information remains in this screen and the Open Billing Detail screen until the bill is posted.
What happens to the data in this screen after the bill is posted?
The Post Standard Bills process will transfer the data in this screen to the billing history tables (including the BILL_EDIT_DETL_HIST, BILL_INVC_HDR_HS, PROJ_BILL_HS, and BILLING_SUM tables).
The BILL_EDIT_DETL_HIST and BILL_INVC_HDR_HS tables contain transaction detail for posted invoices. The PROJ_BILL_HS contains the total billing amount and retainage amount. The PROJ_BILL_HS table is the source for revenue equals billings calculations and for total amount billed columns on the Unbilled Analysis reports. The BILLING_SUM table contains a record for the cumulative amount billed by line on the bill. The BILLING_SUM table is the source for the cumulative column on the bills.
The system deletes the detail transaction data from the OPEN_BILLING_DETL, BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR, and BILL_EDIT_DETL tables when invoices are posted.
Use the Edit Standard Bills screen when you are ready to bill retainage for the project.
You must have selected the Allow Users to Edit Bills checkbox in the Controls tab of the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing) in order to bill for retainage in this screen.
Use the following steps to bill retainage:
Highlight the row that contains the retainage transactions type.
Open the Detail subtask.
Enter a negative amount in the Retainage field for the amount you want to bill.
Select the Recalculate function.
The invoice should now show a positive amount for retainage on the invoice.
How are over ceiling amounts billed after the ceilings have been increased?
Use this screen to bill over ceiling amounts that were excluded from previous bills. This situation occurs when the ceiling is increased after bills containing over ceiling amounts have already been posted.
You cannot bill over ceiling amounts if have not selected the Allow User to Edit Bills checkbox in the Controls tab of the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing).
Use the following steps to bill over ceiling amounts:
Highlight the row in the main table that contains the over ceiling amount.
Open the Detail subtask. The detail for the row selected in the main table will be displayed.
Use the Billing CurrencyOver Total Ceiling Amount, Billing CurrencyOver Cost Ceiling Amount, or Billing CurrencyOver Fee Ceiling Amount columns to enter a negative amount to bill.
Use the Recalculate button to recalculate the invoice.
Save the screen.
The invoice should now include any over ceiling amounts that you want to bill.
Use these non-editable fields to review the project and customer information. The system will populate the fields in this block when the Calculate Bills process has been executed and a record for this project and customer has been produced. The project descriptions and customer name will automatically display.
The Identification block will display in this screen regardless of which tab or subtask is currently in use. This screen is optional as it is not required in the billing process.
Use this block after you have run the Calculate Bills process (Projects\Process\Billing), but before you have printed the final bills.
Once you have viewed and, if necessary, edited your standard bills, you can print and post them using the Print Standard Bills and Post Standard Bills screens, respectively. You can also use the Edit Standard Bills screen to change the status of your bills. You can print your bills while they are in an "Unselected" or "Selected" Status, but only "Selected" bills can be posted.
This non-editable field displays the project you are billing. The non-editable field to the right displays the project description.
You cannot add new bills in this screen; you can only access existing bills that have been generated using the Calculate Bills screen (Projects\Process\Billing).
This non-editable field displays the customer established in the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing). The non-editable field to the right displays customer description.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this subtask link to open the Exchange Rates subtask, which contains information on billing currency, rate group, and conversion rates. You can use this subtask to edit billing currency, rate group, or rate date.
Select this subtask link to open the Detail subtask, which contains all the detailed information from the posting of the transaction. In order to access the Detail subtask, you must select one or more of the lines in the main table.
Changes to this screen update the following tables: