Use this screen to maintain the invoice, receipt, and sales order history for a specific project or customer.
You will use this screen extensively during initialization and to make corrections to project billing, customer billing, cash receipt, and sales order history. This file stores every transaction posted by the billing and cash receipts journals and is updated whenever these journals are posted.
Invoice detail stored in this table is used to calculate and age project and customer accounts receivable.
Note: Any changes you make directly to the Initialize A/R History screen do not update the General Ledger balances. If you make corrections in this screen, those changes will not be reflected in the General Ledger. In addition, your A/R aging report will not agree with the general ledger. |
This screen does not reflect unposted billings or cash receipts.
The Initialize A/R History screen is made up of one block, a table window, and six subtasks. You can use them in the following manner:
The block contains fields for customer account, customer name, project, and functional currency totals.
Use the Customer Notes subtask to enter notes about the invoiced customer. These notes are for internal use only.
Use the Contacts subtask to maintain contacts by invoice for the invoiced customer.
Use the Exchange Rates subtask to override the transaction currency and rate groups. If you change the exchange rate, you must use the "Exchange Rate" recalculation method to calculate the changes. Remember to use the Find Rates and Apply Rates functions in the Exchange Rates subtask when changing currency.
Use the Invoice Detail to initialize additional project A/R detail.
Use the Invoice Notes subtask to enter notes about a specific invoice, such as the date you expect to receive payment.
Use the Sales Tax subtask to enter detailed sales tax information
Use this screen extensively during initialization and to correct project billing, cash receipt, and sales order history. It is not recommended that you make corrections in this screen since there will be no audit trail of your changes. In addition, these changes will not be reflected on the general ledger.
Note: You can apply organizational security to this function. This optional feature allows you to grant or remove rights to view and/or update organizations specific to individual users. In order to do so, you must first run the following security screens: Maintain Org Security Profiles, Maintain Org Security Groups, Enable/Disable Org Security for Modules (Administration\Maintain\Organizational Security\Module Organization Security) and Update Org Security Profiles. You can then activate org security through the use of the Users and the System Settings screen. |
To correct the problem, do the following:
Confirm that the G/L balance is correct.
Return to Maintain A/R History and find the project number or customs ID for this invoice.
Confirm that the Invoice Number field is blank.
Make a print screen of all data, or note the correct data in each field; delete the line in the table window.
Manually add a new line in the table window, thus creating a unique invoice number.
How can I enter the aging detail from the legacy system into Accounts Receivable?
Enter a record with the main invoice information in the Initialize A/R History screen. Also enter a detail line including the posting information for your bill and any cash receipt postings that were applied. If you do not have these details, enter the net amount of the invoice, and use the last period of your legacy system for the posting information.
Go to the Accounts Receivable Aging Report (Accounting\Review\Accounts Receivable\AR Aging Report) screen and print this report, using the cutoff date from your legacy system. Make sure that the aging report agrees with your legacy system aging report. Also, the beginning balances for accounts receivable in General Ledger should agree with this report.
Go to the Project Billing Summary screen (Projects\Configure\Projects\Billing History\Project Billing Summary) to enter the cumulative amount billed for the project. This screen is the source for the Inception-to-Date Billed Amount that prints on the Project Summary Report.
To populate this screen, enter the customer account, customer name, or project. You can also choose whether to include finance charge information and filter which invoices will display. Once you have entered this information, select the Execute icon in the toolbar to display the invoices. You can further filter the displayed invoices by clicking in the table window and selecting the Query icon.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a customer account to view.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a customer name to view.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a project to view.
Select this checkbox to include finance charges on your outstanding invoices.
Select the "All" radio button to display all outstanding invoices.
Select the At Least radio button in conjunction with the Days Outstanding field to view the invoice, receipt, and sales order history for a specific project or customer that is older than the value you entered in the Days Outstanding field.
Enter up to four digits representing the minimum number of days outstanding for your inquiry. Only invoices with a Days Outstanding field equal to or greater than the number you enter will display. The system calculates the Days Over field by subtracting the due date from the system date.
Once you have entered the number of days outstanding, select the Execute icon in the toolbar to populate the table window. You can narrow the invoices displayed by using the Query icon which is available after clicking in the table window.
This non-editable field displays the average number of days the selected customer invoices are overdue.
This non-editable field displays the total for all invoice amounts displayed.
This non-editable field displays the total for all discount taken amounts displayed.
This non-editable field displays the total for all amounts received displayed.
This non-editable field displays the adjustment amount to be written off. The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Balance Due amount.
This non-editable field displays the total for all balance due amounts displayed.
Note: The "INT" function is not available at this time. |
The invoice number (up to 15 characters) is a unique number used to identify individual billings. You must initialize this field as part of the project accounts receivable history initialization.
There are two special invoice numbers; "INT" and "UNK" created by the cash receipts program.
The system will use the customer's account number for the first part of the invoice number and end it with "INT." The "INT" invoice represents the amount of finance charges accrued and paid by the customer.
The system will use the "UNK" plus a unique number to create an "UNK" invoice. The "UNK" invoice represents cash received from a specific customer that has not been distributed to existing invoices.
This field displays the abbreviation of the transaction currency.
The currency names are maintained in the Maintain Currencies screen.
If the record is a system-posted record, the transaction currency will be the currency used on the invoice.
Enter, or view, the total amount of the invoice.
Enter, or view, the amount of cash received for this invoice.
For this non-editable field, the system calculates the Balance Due amount by adding the Amount Received and the Discount Taken fields and subtracting the sum from the Invoice Amount field.
This non-editable field displays the finance charge that was calculated for this invoice.
This non-editable field displays the finance charge that was received for this invoice. This amount comes from the Invoice Detail subtask.
This non-editable field displays the net amount due.
The system calculates this value by adding the invoice Balance Due amount to the Finance Charges Computed amount and subtracting any Finance Charges Received amount.
If initializing, enter, or use Lookup to select, the project number to which this invoice was posted, if applicable.
Otherwise, the project displayed will be the project to which the invoice was posted.
Enter (up to 15 characters), or use Lookup to select, the account to which this invoice was posted.
If a project is entered, the account entered be valid for the project.
If the record was posted in the system and contains a project, the account will be the Billed A/R account in the Project Account Group or the A/R Account in the Sales Group Abbreviation, depending on the type of bill. If there is no project, the account will come from the Customer or A/R Settings screen.
Enter (up to 20 characters), or use Lookup to select, the organization for this invoice.
The organization you enter must be linked to the account entered and within a valid date range. If the record was posted in the system and there is a project on the line, the organization will be the owning organization of the project.
If there is no project, the organization will come from the Customer or A/R Settings screen.
For posted records, this field displays the original date for which the invoice was calculated.
Please note that the system uses the Due Date, rather the Invoice Date, when calculating days over.
For initialized records, enter, or use the Calendar lookup to select, the date the invoice was prepared.
Due Date *
For line items that are invoices, the system calculates this field when you post the billing, based on the terms of the customer.
For records being initialized, enter, or use the Calendar Lookup to select, the anticipated due date. This field is used to age accounts receivable.
For line items that are cash receipts, there is no due date requirement.
Enter the customer PO number (up to 30 characters), if applicable.
Enter the original discount offered to the project for the invoice shown. If the record is system-posted, this is the computed discount.
Enter the project bill number (up to 15 characters) of the invoice, if applicable. If the record was system-posted, the bill number will be tracked by project if you selected Enable Project Specific Bill Numbering checkboxin the Billing Settings screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the customer account to which this invoice was posted, if applicable.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the address code that was used for this invoice. The billing address codes are limited to customers in the Customers screen (Accounting\Maintain\Customers). You can see them in the Customer subtask of the Project Billing Info screen.
Enter (up to twenty characters), or use Lookup to select, the reference number 1 to which this invoice was posted, if applicable.
Enter (up to twenty characters) the applicable sales order, if an invoice is generated from a sales order.
Enter (up to twenty characters), or use Lookup to select, the reference number 2 to which this invoice was posted, if applicable.
This non-editable field displays the rate group code that was used for this customer's invoice.
Rate groups identify the source of currencies and of exchange rate data.
This non-editable field displays the customer name.
Enter the discount taken by the client in payment of this invoice.
This non-editable field displays the adjustment amount to be written off.
The Adjustment Amount cannot be greater than the Balance Due amount.
This field is only populated by posting an entry created in the Adjust A/R Underpayments Amounts screen (Accounting\Transactions\Cash Receipts).
This field displays the last date a cash receipt was recorded for this invoice.
It is updated when you post cash receipts. Enter, or use the Calendar Lookup to select a date, or correct an existing date.
This field is used by all types of invoices and is updated when you post.
If the invoice is a Standard Bill, Project Product Bill, or Manual Bill, this field will contain an "S."
If the invoice is a Progress Payment bill, the invoice type will be "P."
If the invoice is a Delivery bill, the invoice type will be "D."
It is imperative that projects using Progress Payment bills be initialized with the correct invoice types. The calculation process for both Progress Payment bills and Delivery invoices rely on these values.
Enter the amount delivered and make sure that you have entered a value of "D" in the Invoice Type field.
This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Enter Project Product Bills screen or post DD250 invoices from the Enter Sales Orders screen.
This field contains the full amount of the shipped finished good.
This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Enter Project Product Bills screen or post DD250 invoices from the Enter Sales Orders screen.
This field represents the total calculated amount of progress payments liquidated against the delivery invoice. Liquidation amounts are progress payments that have been paid by the customer. They reduce the delivery amount to arrive at the net invoice amount. If the invoice is not blank or "S" (Standard), this amount can be changed as long as the amount is also changed in the Invoice Detail subtask.
This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments.
The value initialized in this field should always represent the liquidation taken when the cash is received. It should differ from the Liquidation Amount only when the payment of an invoice has been adjusted to reflect a different liquidation amount than invoiced. If the invoice is not blank or "S" (Standard), you can change this amount as long as you also change the amount in the Invoice Detail subtask.
This field displays the account that was used to record the liquidation. These accounts are set up in the Project Account Group linked to each project with a Progress Liquidation function code.
It is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Enter Project Product Bills screen or post DD250 invoices from Enter Sales Orders.
This field displays the account that was used to record the liquidation. These accounts are set up in the Project Account Group linked to each project with a Progress Unliquidated function code.
This field is used by progress payment invoices. It displays the account that was used to record the unliquidated amount. Posting progress payment bills updates this field.
If the balance due is greater than zero, the system calculates the value in this non-editable field by subtracting the Due Date field from the current (today's) date.
If the Balance Due field is less than or equal to zero, the Days Outstanding field is set to zero.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the total amount of the invoice.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the original discount offered to the project/customer for the invoice shown.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the amount of cash received for this invoice.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the finance charge that was calculated for this invoice.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the discount taken by the client in payment of this invoice.
This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the adjustment amount to be written off.
The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Func Balance Due amount.
The system calculates the value in this non-editable field by subtracting the sum of the Func Amt Rcvd plus the Func Disc Taken from the Func Invc Amt.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the finance charge received for this transaction.
If this checkbox is unselected, the exchange rate date in the Update Open A/R Exchange Rates screen will be used.
If this checkbox is selected, when you run the Update Open A/R Exchange Rates screen, the current date will be used to calculate unrealized gains and losses.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this subtask link to open the Customer Notes subtask and enter notes about the invoiced customer.
Use this subtask link to open the Contacts subtask and maintain contacts by invoice for the invoiced customer.
Use this subtask link to open the Exchange Rates subtask. Use this subtask to enter the type of currency received in payment for the selected invoice. You can use this subtask to override the currency type in the Currency field. Remember to use the Change Rates function in the Exchange Rates subtask when changing currency.
Select this subtask link to open the Invoice Notes subtask and enter notes about a specific invoice.
Select this subtask link to open the Sales Tax subtask, which displays the detailed sales tax information for the invoice highlighted.
Changes in this screen update the AR_HDR_HS (AR Header History), AR_DETL_HS (AR Detail History), and the AR_NOTES_HS (AR Notes History) tables.