Use this screen to maintain vendors and the data that relates to payment for vendor goods and services. The information in this screen identifies vendor terms, addresses, and relationships to customers and employees. You can place vendors on warning to warn a user or on hold status to prevent use of the vendor when entering new purchase orders. Use this screen's subtasks to enter information about vendor classifications (size, type), contacts, phone numbers, and 1099-related data. You can enter notes about a vendor and set up defaults for recording the A/P liability and cash disbursement accounts. You can also access this screen and its subtasks in Costpoint Accounts Payable and Costpoint Purchasing.
You can also use this screen to create a record for the Vendor Travel Info screen in Costpoint Travel upon saving a record entered in this screen. This option is available only for clients who have purchased Costpoint Travel. Costpoint Travel uses the Vendor Travel Info screen for Lookups. This option is available only in Insert mode. When you save a new vendor, a message is generated that asks you if the vendor that was entered is a travel vendor. If you select YES, a record will be inserted into Vendor Travel Info screen. Selecting YES prompts you with an option to enter the vendor's default expense organization. The default expense organization will default to each expense report line when an expense report is entered for that vendor.
Set up this screen and the information in its subtasks before entering vouchers or purchase orders into Costpoint. You can change the information in this screen at any time. However, changing an address can cause a check or shipment to be sent to a different address than for which the voucher was originally entered.
Enter a new vendor ID up to 12 characters, or, if you have selected the Enable Auto-Assign checkbox in the Vendor Settings screen, leave this field blank and the system will automatically assign the vendor an ID when you save the screen. The system automatically assigns a vendor ID by adding "1" to the right-most numeric digit of the last vendor ID in the Vendor Settings table. However, if the ID exceeds nine digits, you will receive an error message indicating that you must manually enter an ID for this vendor.
If you are making changes to an existing vendor, use Find to search the database by vendor ID. Alternatively, you can use Query to search for selected vendors based upon criteria you specify in the Query screen.
Enter the 25-character name with which you want to internally identify the vendor. This field is required. If you have more than one vendor with the same name, you can use the Location field to enter information that will help you distinguish between them. This vendor name will be used only on internal reports and will not be printed on checks, bills, customer statements, etc. If you tab through the Long Name field without entering a longer vendor name, the 25-character name defaults into that field as well.
Use this 40-character required field to provide more detail in the naming of your vendors. The vendor long name prints on A/P checks, the A/P Pre-Payment report, purchase orders, requisitions, customer statements, and all bills and invoices. Although this field is required, you can tab through it without entering a long name and the system automatically fills it with the 25-character vendor name. The 25-character vendor name is also defaulted into the Long Name field if the field is blank when you attempt to save.
Enter a location up to six characters long for this vendor. The location can be used to distinguish different vendors with the same name.
Use this drop-down box to select the payment terms for this vendor. Your selection will be the default when you enter vouchers for this vendor; however, you will be able to change the due date as well as the discount percentage and amount.
This display-only checkbox defaults from the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable and indicates that the vendor can be used when creating AP Vouchers that pay PR liabilities.
Select this checkbox to place on hold all of a vendor's invoices waiting for payment.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a customer account. Use this field to relate a vendor to a customer so that if you want more information about a vendor, you can look at the vendor's customer records. It is used for reference purposes only and does not cause any additional processing to occur. Establish customer accounts in the screens in the Customer Info menu in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.
Use this group box to indicate the vendor status.
If you select this radio button, no warning will be issued about using this vendor when you enter a purchase requisition or purchase order.
If you select this radio button, the Enter POs program in Costpoint Purchasing will provide a warning when you enter a new purchase order.
If you select this radio button, this vendor will not be accepted for new orders in the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, an employee ID. Use this field to relate a vendor to an employee. It is used for reference purposes only and does not cause any additional processing to occur. Each employee can be linked to one or more A/P vendors. If the Employee field is populated, Lookup will be able to retrieve banking data from the Maintain Bank Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee when filling the address table below. Enter employee information in the in the Basic Employee Setup menu in Costpoint Employee.
In this group box, the system displays the user ID who entered the vendor, and the date in which the vendor record was originally entered. These two fields are display-only.
This field displays the user ID.
This field displays the current date.
Enter the address code that relates to the address to be entered on this line. If you do not see an address code that properly describes the address, you can set up a new address code here.
Enter the street address and any other address information other than the city, state, country, or postal code.
Enter the city. If the Postal Code has been entered and it has been used before, the City, State/Province, and Country code will automatically display.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the state/province. If the Postal Code has been entered and it has been used before, the City, State/Province, and Country code will automatically display.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the country code. If the Postal Code has been entered and it has been used before, the City, State/Province, and Country code will automatically display.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the postal code that relates to the City, State/Province, and Country code. If the postal code has been used before, the City, State/Province, and Country code will automatically display. If the postal code has not been used before, it will be added to a table that will store the City, State/Province, and Country code for future use.
Enter a unique shipping ID for this address. You can use the ship ID in Costpoint Purchasing or in Costpoint Sales Order Entry when identifying where items should be shipped. You can also assign ship ID information to branch locations (in the Branch Locations screen in the Purchasing Controls menu), customers (in Costpoint Sales Order Entry), and warehouses (in Costpoint Inventory). You can view all ship ID information that has been established in the Display Ship IDs screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
Enter a description of the shipping ID.
Valid values for this field are "Y" (Yes), "N" (No), and "D" (Default). If this address is a remittance or payment address, enter a "Y" in this field. All address codes that are identified as payment addresses (i.e., "Y" and "D") are included in the Lookup in the Address Code field in the Address subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen and Enter PO Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. If you want this address code to default automatically when you enter vendor ID for a voucher, enter a "D" in this field. A "D" automatically defaults into this field if it is the first line in the table window, and a "Y" automatically defaults into this field for all new lines that you add thereafter. If this address code is not a payment or remittance address, enter an "N" in this field.
Enter a "Y" (Yes) in this field if the address is a valid order address. A "Y" automatically defaults into this field for all new lines. Enter a "D" (Default) in this field to automatically default this address code to the purchase order. Enter "N" (No) in this field if this address code is not for an order address. In this case, you must enter the Order To address code before you can save a purchase order.
Enter the phone number for the address just entered.
Enter the fax number for the address just entered.
Enter any other phone number necessary, i.e., mobile phone number, beeper number, etc.
Enter the e-mail address for this vendor.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid sales/use tax code for the address entered. If a Default Sales Tax code is assigned to the State/Province and Country in the Maintain States and Provinces screen in Costpoint System Administration, the Tax Code value will default into this field once you populate the State/Province field for the address line. On A/P vouchers, it will be used as a default tax code if the voucher is taxable. On PO vouchers, it will be used to calculate sales tax when items are shipped to this address. If you do not enter a Ship ID for this address, this field is optional.
This field displays the sales/use tax description.
Select this pushbutton to enter information regarding the legal classifications of your vendors.
Select this pushbutton to set up default accounts that will be used with this vendor.
Select this pushbutton to store information about a vendor's calendar year payments and 1099 requirements.
Use this pushbutton to record notes about a vendor.
Use this pushbutton to open the Subcontractor Payment Control subtask.
Use this pushbutton to open the VAT Info subtask.
Select this pushbutton to open the Multicurrency subtask.
Select this pushbutton to enter Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) information for the selected vendor.
Select this pushbutton to enter contacts and contact information for this vendor.