Use this application to view items linked to a proposal and their subassemblies (i.e., PBOMs), and to manually select and/or load cost estimates. Use Find or Query to select an end item on a given proposal line, and the screen will load with all PBOM rows for that end item in an indented BOM format. You can select individual component lines, view cost information about that component, and select the cost information that you would like to have copied over to the proposal for PBOM cost roll-ups. You can also flag those components that you would like to include on an RFQ, and specify which vendor is assigned to a specific RFQ. Additionally, you can record vendor quote information that is received while using this screen. You can maintain costs for different quantity breakpoints. 

The proposal item costs table stores the "this level" cost elements, while the proposal item detail table in the main screen stores the proposal cost elements for each breakpoint. The proposal cost element represents the "this level" cost amount plus the rolled-up cost amounts from all of the part's PBOM components. If a part is not an assembly part (i.e., it does not have a PBOM row for this proposal), the "this level" cost and the total cost should usually be equal.

You must run the Compute Proposal Item Costs process whenever a change occurs to a proposal or proposal BOM so that the appropriate cost changes roll up the new costs. When you recalculate, the Last Costed field in the Maintain Proposal Master screen will be updated for this proposal ID. 

Most of the maintenance activities that affect the proposal line item detail rows in the main screen table window are performed at the subtask level (there are 13 subtasks in this screen). The Auto-save function is enabled so that when you enter data in a subtask, select OK, and then move from one row to another row in the main screen table window (or select the Load Costs pushbutton), all the data from the subtask is validated and saved. When you save cost information on a given row, you may need to update the main screen table window with new cost information, in which case you must run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application and then re-open the proposal record in this screen.

When you access a proposal record in this screen and an Engineering Change Notice exists for the end item, the ECN ID will appear as a warning.

Use both the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized applications after processing proposal costs in the Compute Proposal Item Costs screen for the selected proposal ID. 

Proposal, Rev, Description

After you use Query or Find to select the proposal ID, these fields will default as they appear in the Maintain Proposal Master screen.

Assembly, Rev, Description

After you use Query or Find to select the proposal ID, the assembly, revision and end item description fields will default as they appear in the Maintain Proposal Master screen.

Load Proposal Item Costs for Qty Break, Quantity, Load Costs

Use the Load Proposal Item Costs for Qty Break drop-down box and the Load Costs pushbutton to view existing cost information for a specific end item quantity breakpoint in this table window. When you initialize this screen (after processing proposal costs in the Compute Proposal Item Costs screen for the selected proposal ID), only the proposal costs for one quantity breakpoint (and all component costs applicable to that quantity breakpoint) will be loaded in the table window; however, you can change the quantity breakpoint before or after selecting Find or Query to view these costs. If you select the quantity breakpoint before executing Find or Query, the cost loading logic will be handled when the indented PBOM is loaded. If you change the quantity breakpoint after a PBOM is loaded, you must select the Load Costs pushbutton. Selecting the Load Costs pushbutton will not reload the entire PBOM, but only the cost data for the quantity breakpoint selected. First, the record is autosaved with all subtask data that was previously changed from the last row to ensure that all applicable proposal item cost rows are updated.

For each PBOM line where a proposal item row exists for that proposal, component part, and make/buy code, the system determines the unit cost of that line by summing up the cost elements for the selected breakpoint. If no matching proposal item row exists, the row’s proposal cost and cost source columns will be null.

Table Window

All basic line functions (New, Insert, Repeat, Delete, Undelete) are disabled. The Subquery and Export functions are enabled. The table window is populated with an all-level indented PBOM explosion based on the settings in the PBOM Explosions group box in the Materials Estimating Settings screen, which define the component parts to be included when displaying and costing PBOM rows for a given proposal line. For example, if the Include Tooling Parts checkbox is not selected in the Materials Estimating Settings screen, component parts whose Component Type is "T" (Tooling), along with their lower-level components, will not be loaded into this table window. In a PBOM explosion, the system matches all assembly and component parts (PBOM line rows) for the PBOM with the proposal ID.

Columns labeled This Level Unit Cost represent the incremental costs that are incurred when building a part, excluding the costs of components and subassembly parts used when building the part. Columns labeled Proposal Unit Cost include both the cost of building a part and all component and subassembly part costs. Changing the This Level costs in this application will not change the proposal costs for the given part. You must execute the Compute Proposal Item Costs application to calculate proposal costs. Additionally, if you change cost data in one of the subtasks in this screen, select the Load Costs pushbutton to view the revised costs in the main screen.


This field displays the level(s) at which each component exists below the specified end item. For example, in the Maintain PBOM screen, Assembly Part "A" contains the component parts "B1" and "B2" (this is the first level). Component Part "B1" is also listed as an Assembly Part in a separate PBOM, and consists of the Component Parts "C1" and "C2" (this is the second level). Furthermore, part "C1" is listed as an Assembly Part in yet another separate PBOM, and consists of the Component Parts "D1" and "D2" (this is the third level). 

After all exhausted levels display for each subsequent component part, the table window will display the next component part for a given level. To continue the example listed above, component part "B2" (at the first level for Assembly Part "A") is also listed as an Assembly Part in a separate PBOM, and consists of the Component Parts "C3" and "C4" (this is the second level). Furthermore, part "C3" is listed as an Assembly Part in yet another separate PBOM, and consists of the Component Parts "D3" and "D4" (this is the third level), and so on. This means that the table window has been populated with an all-level indented PBOM explosion, as mentioned in the first paragraph of the Table Window documentation.

In addition, the Indented BOM Sort column displays a sequence number showing how the rows were originally displayed in the table window, in order to provide a way to resort the rows in the original indented BOM sequence.

Line No

This field displays the line number for the component part as it appears in the PBOM line row, based on the level at which this component is implemented.

Find No

This field displays the drawing find number for this PBOM component line, based on the level at which this component is implemented.

Part, Rev, Description

These fields display the component part ID, revision number, and description as they appear on the PBOM line.

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type as it appears on the PBOM line if the component part is a provisional part. This field will be blank for standard parts. You establish provisional part types in the Maintain Provisional Part Types screen, and assign them in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component part as it appears on the PBOM line. You assign the unit of measure for the item in the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition (for standard parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).


This field displays the Make or Buy status of the standard or provisional part as "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy) as it appears on the PBOM line. This setting defaults from the Maintain Parts screen (for standard parts) or Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

PBOM Line Quantity

This field displays the component part's quantity as it appears on the PBOM line. This value represents the quantity of the component required to build the next-level parent part. When you use Find or Query, or select the Load Costs pushbutton, the PBOM line quantity is loaded.

End Item Qty Per

If you did not select the Include Scrap and Yield Factors checkbox in the Materials Estimating Settings screen, and the Quantity Type is "A" (Per Assembly) for the PBOM line, the system calculates the End Item Qty Per by multiplying the component's quantity by the figure in the End Item Qty Per field for the parent part at the next level. The value in this field represents the quantity of this part needed to build one end item. If the Qty Type is "O," the component's quantity will display in this field.

If you selected the Include Scrap and Yield Factors checkbox, the End Item Qty Per is calculated as described above, multiplied by (1 + the PBOM line's scrap percentage for the component) divided by the yield percentage for the component part. If the resulting quantity is not a whole number, and if the part's unit of measure is "EA" (Each), the quantity is increased to the next whole number.

Proposal Costs Exist

If proposal costs exist for this proposal item row, this field will display "Y" (Yes), and the appropriate proposal cost fields will be populated.

Proposal Total Unit Cost

This field displays the sum of the Proposal Direct Unit Cost and Proposal Burden Unit Cost.

Proposal Direct Unit Cost

The system calculates this field by summing each of the following unit cost amounts associated with the required breakpoint quantity:

material cost + labor cost + subcontract cost + miscellaneous 1 cost + miscellaneous 2 cost.

Proposal Burden Unit Cost

The system calculates this field by summing each of the following cost amounts and burden rates (as indicated under the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen) for the proposal row's selected breakpoint:

(material cost * material burden rate) + (labor cost * labor burden rate) + (subcontract cost * subcontractor burden rate) + (miscellaneous 1 cost * miscellaneous 1 burden rate) + (miscellaneous 2 cost * miscellaneous 2 burden rate).

PBOM Line Extended Cost

This amount represent the total unit cost multiplied by this PBOM line's quantity.  Any fixed costs associated with this part are added to this amount. The system calculates this field by summing the following for the proposal row's selected breakpoint:

Proposal Total Unit Cost * PBOM Line Qty + Fixed Cost Amount

Proposal Extended Cost

This amount represent the total unit cost multiplied by the total quantity required of this part for the selected proposal breakpoint. Any fixed costs associated with this part are added to this amount. The system calculates this field by summing the following for the proposal row's selected breakpoint:

(Proposal Total Unit Cost * the quantity of this part required for the selected end item’s breakpoint quantity) + Fixed Cost.

This Level Total Unit Cost

This amount represents the incremental unit costs associated with making this part, excluding any costs of components and subassemblies that are used to assemble the part. For parts with no components, this will equal the total unit cost of the part. This field is the sum of the This Level Direct Unit Costs and This Level Burden Unit Costs columns.

This Level Direct Unit Cost

This amount cost represents the incremental direct unit costs associated with making this part, excluding any costs of components and subassemblies that are used to assemble the part. For parts with no components, this will equal the total unit cost of the part. The system calculates this field by summing the following columns as they appear in the Proposal Item Costs subtask for the proposal row's selected breakpoint quantity:

This Level Material Unit Cost Amount + This Level Labor Unit Cost Amount + This Level Subcontractor Unit Cost Amount + This Level Miscellaneous 1 Unit Cost Amount + This Level Miscellaneous 2 Unit Cost Amount

This Level Burden Unit Cost

This amount represents the incremental burden unit costs associated with making this part, excluding any costs of components and subassemblies that are used to assemble the part. For parts with no components, this will equal the total unit cost of the part. The system calculates this field by summing each of the following cost amounts (as they appear for the selected proposal row in the Proposal Item Costs subtask) and burden rates (as indicated in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen) for the proposal row:

(This Level Material Unit Cost Amount * material burden rate) + (This Level Labor Unit Cost Amount * labor burden rate) + (This Level Subcontractor Unit Cost Amount * subcontractor burden rate) + (This Level Miscellaneous 1 Unit Cost Amount * miscellaneous 1 burden rate) + (This Level Miscellaneous 2 Unit Cost Amount* miscellaneous 2 burden rate).

Cost Source

This field displays the ID of the cost source (i.e., usually an order or quote number) that was used to determine the unit costs for this part at this quantity breakpoint. You can view additional cost source details in the Proposal Item Costs subtask.

Cost Source Type

This field displays the type of the cost source (i.e., PO, MO, vendor quote) that was used to determine the unit costs for this part at this quantity breakpoint. You can view additional cost source details in the Proposal Item Costs subtask. You establish cost source types and descriptions in the ME Cost Source Types screen.

Cost Source Description

This field displays the description of the cost source type (i.e., PO, MO, vendor quote) that was used to determine the unit costs for this part at this quantity breakpoint. You can view additional cost source details in the Proposal Item Costs subtask. You establish cost source types and descriptions in the ME Cost Source Types screen.

Proposal Qty Break 1-5

The system displays the quantity breakpoint for each item in these fields by multiplying the part's End Item Qty Per by the breakpoint Quantity (from this screen's header) for each proposal quantity break field. 

Available Inventory

This field displays the available inventory of the part. This field is the same as the Available Inventory field in the Inventory subtask.

Net Required Extended Cost

This field displays the total cost of the item and is calculated as follows:

(Proposal Total Unit Cost * (the proposal quantity based on the selected breakpoint number - Available Component Inventory)) + Fixed Cost. If the result is less than zero, this field will display zero.

Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost

This value determines what the cost will be if the minimum or multiple lot size rules are met when the part is purchased or fabricated. It should not be used for subassemblies.

The Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost is calculated if:

  1. The part's Order Policy Type is "M" (you selected "Min/Mult Lot Size" in the Policy Type field and made entries in the Minimum/Multiple fields in the Order Policy group box in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen for provisional parts and in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition for standard parts);

  2. The component part is a make part (where the Make/Buy status is "M") and is an assembly in a PBOM for this proposal, and

  3. The component is a buy part (where the Make/Buy status is "B") and the component Type field is "B" (Buy with Components).

The table below is outlines the conditions for calculating the Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost. If condition 1 above is true, then:

Minimum Lot Size Quantity is:

Multiple Lot Size Quantity is:

Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost is calculated as:

Greater than or equal to the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Component Inventory


(Proposal Total Unit Cost * the part's minimum lot size quantity) + Fixed Cost

Less than the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Component Inventory

Equal to 0

Equal to Net Required Extended Cost

Less than the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Component Inventory

Greater than 0

Proposal Total Unit Cost * (the smallest multiple of the Multiple Lot Size Quantity that is greater than or equal to the proposal quantity based on the selected breakpoint number - Available Component Inventory) + Fixed Cost

Fixed Cost

This field defaults from the Fixed Cost field in the Proposal Item Costs subtask. This value represents the costs associated with a part regardless of the number of units ordered or built.

Total Fixed Cost

This field displays the rolled-up fixed costs for each level. The total fixed cost amount for the top level is cumulative.


This field displays the commodity code for the selected part from the Maintain Parts screen (for standard parts) or Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). You establish commodity codes in the Product Definition Controls menu in Costpoint Product Definition.

Industry Class

This field displays the industry classification code for the selected part from the Maintain Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). You establish industry classification codes in the Product Definition Controls menu in Costpoint Product Definition.

Always Quote

This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the Always Quote checkbox is selected in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition, which indicates that use of this part when estimating will require quotes from vendors. This field will display "N" (No) if the Always Quote checkbox is not selected.

Minimum Lot Size/Multiple Lot Size

These fields display the minimum lot size and/or multiple lot size based on the order Policy Type in the Planning Part Data screen (for standard parts) in Costpoint Product Definition, or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts) in Costpoint Product Definition or Materials Estimating.

Common Stock

This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the Common Stk checkbox is selected in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition, which indicates that this part will not be tied to a particular project but ordered as part of a common pool of items. This field will display as "N" (No) if the Common Stk checkbox is not selected.

Comp Type

This field displays the component type code that was assigned to this component part in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen.  Valid options are: "B" (Buy w/Comp), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), "T" (Tool), and "D" (Deleted). You originally assigned the component type code to the part in Part Type drop-down box in the Basic Part Data screen (for regular parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Qty Type

This field displays the quantity type code that was assigned to this component part in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen and specifies how component requirements are calculated, in accordance on one of the following options:

The default value in this field depends on the Comp Type and the setting of the As Required checkbox in the Basic Part Data screen (for regular parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Component Part Status

This field displays the release status of the component part from the Maintain Proposal BOM screen. If the component is a provisional part, this field will display "Provisional." However, if the component is a standard part, this field will default from the Maintain Parts screen with one of the following:

Component Firmed

This field displays "Y" (Yes) if this component is considered firm for pricing purposes, and is taken from the Maintain Proposal BOM screen.

Cost Date

This field displays the date on which the proposal was last calculated. Each time a line is calculated in the Compute Proposal Item Costs screen, this field is updated.


This field displays the work breakdown structure for the component part from the Maintain Proposal BOM screen.

Procurement Type

This field displays the Procurement Type code from the Details subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen. Procurement type codes default for the RFQ that is generated from this proposal. You establish procurement type codes in the Procurement Types screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning and Costpoint Purchasing.

PBOM Line Notes

This field displays up to 254 alphanumeric characters of notes about this PBOM line as it appears for the component part in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen.

Proposal Item Notes

This field displays up to 254 alphanumeric characters of notes about this item line as it appears in the Notes subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.

Indented BOM Sort

This field is loaded automatically with a sequence number that signifies the order in which the original row was displayed in the table window; this enables you to resort the rows in the original indented BOM sequence.

Most of the maintenance activities that affect the proposal line item detail rows in the main screen are performed at the subtask level. The Auto-save function is enabled so that, when you enter data in a subtask, select OK, and then move from one row to another row in the main screen table window (or select the Load Costs pushbutton), all the data from the subtask is validated and saved. When you save cost information on a given row, you may need to update the main screen table window with new cost information, in which case you must run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application and then re-open the proposal record in this screen.

Prop Item Costs

Select this pushbutton to view and maintain proposal item cost rows for the selected part row.

Matl Cost WS

Select this pushbutton to view all quote, purchase order line, PO line history, and vendor quote history information for the selected part row.

Other Cost WS

Use this pushbutton to view all Manufacturing Order (MO), inventory, item cost, and project item cost information for the selected part row. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected component part row is a provisional part.


Use this pushbutton to view all RFQ rows for the selected part row.

Add Quotes

Select this pushbutton to add new vendor quotes for the selected part row.


Select this pushbutton to view all inventory rows for the selected item/component part row in the main screen. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected component part row is a provisional part.


Select this pushbutton to view all applicable primary routings for the selected part in the main screen. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected component part row is a provisional part.


Use this pushbutton to view information about the component part selected in the main screen table window. This subtask is similar to the Assembly Information subtask (called by the End Item/Assy pushbutton); however, only information for the selected component part line in the main screen displays in this subtask. 

End Item/Assy

Use this pushbutton to view information about the end item and the next-level assembly part of the component selected in the main screen table window. This screen is similar to the Component Part subtask; however, this screen displays assembly information for two levels of the end item's assembly.

Alternate Parts

Use this pushbutton to view the list of alternate parts by manufacturer and vendor for the selected component. 

Substitute Parts

Select this pushbutton to view the substitute parts information for a selected component. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected component part row is a provisional part.


Select this pushbutton to view the preferred vendor(s) from which an individual item is purchased. This subtask also displays information regarding the assigned vendor(s) for the selected item. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected component part row is a provisional part.


Select this pushbutton to view all documents that are related to the selected component part line in the main screen.