Use this subtask to view additional posting detail for the selected fiscal year, period, account, and organization. The table window displays the individual journal postings supporting the period balance. Information displayed includes the journal code (APV, CR, AJE, PR, etc.) posting sequence and subperiod that this journal was posted. Posting amounts in hours and currency are also displayed.
Use this subtask whenever you need to review posting detail supporting the balance of a given fiscal year and period for a given account/org combination.
This non-editable field displays the fiscal year selected for the G/L Inquiry.
This non-editable field displays the period selected for the G/L Inquiry.
These non-editable fields display the number and description of the selected account.
These non-editable fields display the number and the description of the selected org.
The column displays the sequence number of the journal posting (1, 2, etc.).
The column displays the subperiod in which the journal was posted.
This column displays the type of journal posted (APV, AJE, etc.).
This column displays a summarized amount of the journal posting.
This column displays summarized hours of the journal posting.
Use this pushbutton to view the transaction detail that makes up the posting activity for the row selected. See the documentation for the Transactions subtask for more information.
Use this pushbutton to view the labor portion of the transaction detail that makes up the posting activity. It will be inactive if labor suppression is in force. Although you can select the Labor pushbutton for all transactions, only labor transactions will have the additional labor category and employee name information. If you select this pushbutton and do not see this information, but you do see other information, it means only that the transaction does not have labor or employee information. See the documentation for the Labor Detail subtask for more information.