
Use this subtask to view transaction-level detail for the selected line. The table window displays the individual transactions supporting the account balance on which you have inquired. Information displayed includes the journal code (APV, CR, AJE, etc.) and posting sequence, as well as the project or reference number charged. Examples of fields displayed include the Voucher, PO Number, Journal Entry, Cash Receipt or Bill Number, Vendor, Invoice, and Check Information. Transaction amounts in hours and currency amounts are also displayed.

Use this subtask whenever you need to review transaction detail supporting the balance of a given account/org combination. You can access this subtask from the main screen and from the Period Detail and Posting subtasks.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This non-editable field displays the period selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This field displays the Costpoint journal abbreviation.

Posting Seq

This field displays the sequence number of the posting process.


These non-editable fields display the number and description of the selected account.


These non-editable fields display the number and description of the selected org.

Table Window

Other Fields

All information in the table is display-only.

To select another item for inquiry, close out this screen and return to the previous Inquiry screen.

Transaction Total

This field displays the transaction total for the Amount column.


Use this pushbutton to see a form view of the selected (highlighted) row in the Transaction table window. You can use this form view, instead of scrolling back and forth in the table window, to see all the information related to one particular transaction.