Use this subtask to view transaction information related to labor. Although it will show information for all transactions, only labor transactions will have labor categories and timesheet dates and comments.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This non-editable field displays the period selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod selected for the G/L Inquiry.


This non-editable field displays the Costpoint journal abbreviation.

Posting Seq

This field displays the sequence number of the posting process.


These non-editable fields display the number and description of the selected account.


These non-editable fields display the number and description of the selected org.

Table Window

Other Fields

The other columns in this table window show labor-specific information, such as Project, Vendor Name, Employee Name, Effective Bill Date, GLC, PLC, Timesheet Date, Hours, Amount, Transaction Description, JE Number, Voucher Number, Posting User ID, Entry User ID, Transaction Comments, Ref No 1, and Ref No 2, from the original posting of data to the general ledger.

Total Hours

This field displays the total for the Hours column.

Total Amount

This field displays the total for the Amount column.