Apply Payments Window

The following enhancements were made for convenience fees in the Apply Payments window (Accounts Receivable > Apply Payments):

  • On the Import Payments from Bill & Pay window, you can now view the following columns:
    • Total Amount
    • Convenience Fee
    • On Account Amount
    Note: Convenience fees are automatically populated by Bill & Pay.
  • On the Apply Payments window, you can now view the following columns:
    • Total Amount
    • Convenience Fee
    • On Account Amount
  • When you click on a Bill & Pay payment type on the Apply Payments window, Edit is now disabled as Convenience Fee values are determined by Bill & Pay.
  • On the New Payment window and Edit Payment window, Bill&Pay is now removed as an option in the Payment Type field for manual entries. Manual entries are payments not created by Bill & Pay.
  • When you click OK on the Import New Payments dialog box, a warning now displays if a convenience fee General Ledger has not been account configured in Departments Maintenance or Accounts Receivable Parameters.