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IntegrateActualCostsServiceArguments Properties

The IntegrateActualCostsServiceArguments type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowPostingActualCostsToCompletedControlAccountOrWorkPackage
Determines whether to allow the entry of actual costs against control accounts and work packages with a status of Complete. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the setting in the project preference is used.
Public propertyAllowPostingActualCostsToPlannedControlAccountOrWorkPackage
Determines whether to allow entry of actual costs against a control account or work package that has a status planned. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the setting in the project preference is used.
Public propertyClass
Determines the cost class that will be used for all actual costs that are loaded if the transaction file does not include a class field. The class must be a valid actual cost class in the Cobra project. Optional if a configuration file is used, otherwise, required. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the class in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyConfigurationName
The name of the Integrate Actual Costs saved configuration to use to load actual costs. Optional.
Public propertyConfigurationOwner
The user ID of the user who owns the configuration file specified in ConfigurationName. Use this setting if the user who is logged into the web service to run this process is not the owner of the configuration. Default is the user logged into the web service running this process.
Public propertyConnectionName
If the actual costs records are defined in a database, determines the name of the connection that contains the connection information that connects to the database. This setting only applies when LoadFromTransactionFileOrDatabase is Database. Optional if a configuration file is used. Required if a configuration file is not used and actual costs records are defined in a database. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyDatabaseTable
If the actual costs records are defined in a database, determines the name of the table on the database that contains the actual costs records. This setting only applies when LoadFromTransactionFileOrDatabase is Database. Optional if a configuration file is used. Required if a configuration file is not used and actual costs records are defined in a database. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyExclusionFile
Determines the file containing the list of items that Cobra will skip when zeroing actual costs. The file must be in the same format (current period or cumulative costs) and have the same column order as the TransactionFile . This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Cumulative and ZeroUnreferencedActualCosts is true. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, there will be no cost classes that will be ignored when zeroing out existing actual costs.
Public propertyGenerateSeperateProcessLogForEachSubProject
Determines whether information in the actual cost log file to be segregated into seperate files for each sub project. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the actual cost log file will not be segregated into seperate files for each sub project.
Public propertyIgnoreClassList
Determines the list of cost classes that will be ignored when zeroing out existing actual costs. This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Cumulative and ZeroUnreferencedActualCosts is true. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, there will be no cost classes that will be ignored when zeroing out existing actual costs.
Public propertyIncludedCosts
Determines whether the actual costs records contain period or cumulative costs. Optional. If a configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If a configuration file is not used and this is not set, the actua costs records must contain cumulative costs.
Public propertyLevelOfCosts
Determines the level of costs contained in the actual transaction file or database table. Optional. Applicable only if the project has actual costs defined at both levels; otherwise, the level defined in the project is always used. If the project has actual costs defined at both levels and this is not set, Control Account will be used.
Public propertyLoadFromTransactionFileOrDatabase
Determines whether actual costs records is defined in a transaction file or database. Optional. If configuration file is used, the setting in the saved configuration is used; otherwise, records from a transaction file will be imported.
Public propertyPostValidRecords
Determines whether to post valid records even if invalid records are found. This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Period and ReplaceExistingActualCostRecords is true. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, Cobra will not post valid records if invalid records are found.
Public propertyPreventLoadingHistoricalActuals
Determines whether to load only the actual costs with cost date values that fall between the start and finish dates of the current status period. This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Period. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the setting in the project preference is used.
Public propertyPrintValuesOfInvalidRecordsToProcessLog
Determines whether to save the result values of the actual cost import in the error log. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, result values of the actual cost import will be saved in the error log.
Public propertyProject
Determines the project where you want to import actual costs. Opional if a configuration file is used, otherwise, required. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the project in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyReplaceExistingActualCostRecords
Determines whether to replace any existing actual cost records in Cobra with the corresponding records in the import records. This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Period. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, Cobra will not replace any existing actual cost records.
Public propertyResultsToCalculate
Determines the list of resource Results that are calculated after the actual costs are loaded. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyTransactionFile
Determines the file that contains the actual cost data to be imported. If the file is uploaded to the web service, this must be the filename uploaded; otherwise, this must be a fully qualified filename and must be visible to the web service host. This setting only applies when LoadFromTransactionFileOrDatabase is File. Optional if a configuration file is used. Required if a configuration file is not used and actual costs records are defined in a transaction file. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the filename in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyTransactionFileContainsHeaderRow
If the actual costs records are defined in a transaction file, determines whether tha actual cost transaction file contains header row. This setting only applies when LoadFromTransactionFileOrDatabase is File. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the actual cost transaction file must not contains header row.
Public propertyTransactionFileFieldList
Specifies the list of the fields in the transaction file or in the database table. The field list must use field labels such as CA1, CA2, WP, CECODE, HOURS, DIRECT, OVERHEAD, or GANDA, rather than the label (such as WBS or Resource). Optional if a configuration file is used, otherwise, required. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the field list defined in the saved configuration is used.
Public propertyUploadFileUid
Determines the Upload File UID that was returned after uploading a file. Optional.
Public propertyUseStatusDateAsTheActualStartDate
Determines whether to enable Cobra to automatically set the status of planned control accounts and work packages to In-Progress during the load actual process. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the setting in the project preference is used.
Public propertyValidateOnly
Determines whether the actual costs in the transaction file are only validated without posting any data to the Cobra database. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, actual costs will be posted.
Public propertyZeroUnreferencedActualCosts
Determines whether Cobra zeroes out actual cost records that do not have a corresponding entry in the load actuals transaction file. This setting only applies if IncludedCosts is Cumulative. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, Cobra zeroes out actual costs records.
See Also