Calculate Progress using the Calculated Apportionment Progress Technique

The Progress values of work packages with Calculated Apportionment progress technique are calculated depending on the apportionment mapping defined.

The target resource Progress values are calculated using the Budget and Progress values of the source resource.

The calculated value will go to the base result of the target resource, which you set during apportionment definition.
Note: Refer to the Apportionment Definition Tab of the Resource View topic for more information.

Assume that you have a project that contains 3 control accounts (and each with 3 work packages), source resource is DRAFT, and apportionment resource is DRAFT1:

CA/WP Resource BAC(Budget) Progress Progress Technique
1.1.1 \ 1000 \ APPN DRAFT_1 1000 0 Calculated Apportionment
1.1.1 \ 1000 \ 01 DRAFT 1000 100 % Complete 10%
1.1.1 \ 1000 \ 02 DRAFT 2000 200 % Complete 10%
1.1.2 \ 2000 \ APPN DRAFT_1 2000 0 Calculated Apportionment
1.1.2 \ 2000 \ 01 DRAFT 3000 600 % Complete 20%
1.1.2 \ 2000 \ 02 DRAFT 4000 800 % Complete 20%
1.1.3 \ 3000 \ APPN DRAFT_1 3000 0 Calculated Apportionment
1.1.3 \ 3000 \ APPN DRAFT 5000 1500 % Complete 30%
1.1.3 \ 3000 \ 02 DRAFT 6000 1800 % Complete 30%

Cobra will calculate the earned values for each type of mapping as follows:

Scenario 1

If the mapping is Target:<Same as Source>, Cobra will not perform the Progress value apportionment calculation. This is because the apportioned values are calculated based on the Progress that is already there, which does not exist.

Result: No Progress value will be calculated for this mapping.

Scenario 2

If the mapping is Source: <All> and Target: specific Work Package, Cobra will calculate the Progress value by Target resource Budget * (sum of Progress of all CA/WP source resources / sum of BAC of all CA/WP source resources).

Result: The Source is <All> CA's and the Target is 1.1.1 \ 1000 \ 01, then the value will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Progress / DRAFT BAC ) = 1,000 * (100+200+600+800+1,500+1,800)/(1,000+2,000+3,000+4,000+5,000+6,000) = 1,000 * (5,000/21,000) = 1,000*0.238095 = 238.095

Scenario 3

If the mapping is Source: specific CA and Target: specific WP, Cobra will calculate the Progress value by Target resource Budget * (Progress of the source resource / BAC of the source resource).

Result: The Source is CA 1.1.1 \ 1000 and the Target is 1.1.1 \ 1000 \ 01, then the value will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Progress / DRAFT BAC ) = 1,000 * (100+200)/(1,000+2,000) = 1,000 * (300/3,000) = 1,000*0.1 = 100.

Scenario 4

If the mapping is Source:<All> and Target:<Same as Source> \ <WP>, Cobra will calculate the Progress value for each individual WP by Target resource Budget for the WP * (Progress of the source resource for all WP under the current CA / BAC of the source resource for all WP under the current CA).

Result: The Source is <All> CA's and the Target is <Same as Source> \ APPN, then the value for:
  • 1.1.1 \ 1000 \ APPN will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Progress / DRAFT BAC ) = 1,000 * (100+200)/(1,000+2,000) = 1,000 * (300/3,000) = 1,000*0.1 = 100.

  • 1.1.2 \ 2000 \ APPN will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Progress / DRAFT BAC ) = 2,000 * (600+800)/(3,000+4,000) = 2,000 * (1,400/7,000) = 2,000*0.2 = 400.

  • 1.1.3 \ 3000 \ APPN will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Earned / DRAFT BAC ) = 3,000 * (1,500+1,800)/(5,000+6,000) = 3,000 * (3,300/11,000) = 3,000*0.3 = 900.

Scenario 5

If the mapping is Source: specific CA and Target:<Same as Source> \ <WP>, Cobra will calculate the Progress value for the Target WP by Target resource Budget for the WP * (Progress value of the source resource for all WP under the specific CA / BAC for the source resource for all WP under the specific CA).

Result: The Source is CA 1.1.3 \ 3000 and the Target is <Same as Source> \ APPN, then the value for 1.1.3 \ 3000 \ APPN will be DRAFT_1 Budget * ( DRAFT Progress / DRAFT BAC ) = 3,000 * (1,500+1,800)/(5,000+6,000) = 3,000 * (3,300/11,000) = 3,000*0.3 = 900.