Apportionment Definition Tab of the Resource View

Apportionment is used to create budget, earned value, and a forecast for work that is based on other work.

For example, if you budget IT Support as a percentage of Engineering, the apportionment will help you develop your budget, earn value, and forecast for your IT Support.

Apportionment definition is the step where you specify how apportioned resources are calculated, which result to use in the calculation, and what resources the apportionment is based on. For example, if the IT Support resource is based on Engineering DIRECT dollars, you create an apportionment definition for the IT Support resource and select that the calculation is based on DIRECT. Then select the Engineering resource as the source resource.

Note: The Apportionment Definition is secured by role in the EPM Security Administrator. If a user's role does not provide access to apportionment definitions, the content of this is not displayed.


Field Description
Resource budgeted by apportionment

Select this option to start the apportionment definition process. When selected, this option indicates that the selected resource is being apportioned. If you do not select this option, the fields and options on the Apportionment Definition tab will remain unavailable.

Source Result

Select a result from this drop-down list. This list contains all results defined for the resource file.

Source Resources

This field displays all source resources defined for the apportioned resource. If no source resource is defined for the apportioned resource, this field is blank.


Click this button to display the Resource Lookup dialog box, where you can select the source resource. You can only select resources that have the same source results.


The order number indicates the order by which the selected resource is calculated with respect to other resources.