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Ajera API

message for Ajera API general doc

For additional api methods see the following below:
Clients API
Contacts API
Employees API
Vendors API
Expense Reports API
GL Accounts API
Various List Methods


Group of all messages-related resources.

API Endpoint

id is an Ajera API specific id that is required to access the API for any given API server call. This id and specific url can be obtained from the Ajera 8 Menu Utility -> Setup Integrations -> API Settings

List Projects

See v2.0 for more details on other methods Projects

ListProjects returns an array of Projects, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Project includes only very basic information. This method is intended to be used for querying Projects for particular key values, which can then be passed to GetProjects for more detailed information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListProjects
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListProjects",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ["Preliminary", "Hold"],
        FilterByCompany: [1],
        FilterByNameLike: "Description",
        FilterByDescriptionLike: "Project Description",
        FilterByDescriptionEquals: "Project Description",
        FilterByIDLike: "03-M4",
        FilterByProjectType: [1, null],
        FilterBySyncToCRM: [true],
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11"
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional, (valid values: "Preliminary", "Active", "Hold", "WorkHold", "BillingHold", "Closed", "Marketing")",
        FilterByCompany: "int array, optional",
        FilterByNameLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on Description and ID)",
        FilterByDescriptionLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on Description)",
        FilterByDescriptionEquals: "string, optional, (equality match on Description)",
        FilterByIDLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on ID)",
        FilterByProjectType: "int array, can include null, optional",
        FilterBySyncToCRM: "bool array, optional",
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "date string (specific format), optional",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "date string (specific format)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        ProjectKey: 3,
        ID: "some text",
        Description: "the description"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        ResponseCode: {
            type: int
        Message: {
            type: "string"
        Errors: {
            type: "array"
        Content: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                ProjectKey: {
                    type: int
                ID: {
                    type: "string"
                Description: {
                    type: "string"
        UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Get Projects

See v2.0 for more details on GetProjects

GetProjects takes one or more key values, and returns an array of matching Projects.

This method returns detailed information, which can be used to populate required fields when calling UpdateProjects.

CustomFields can be viewed/updated, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  GetProjects
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "GetProjects",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: [1, 2, 3]
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: "int array, required"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    Content: {
        Projects: [
                ProjectKey: 1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                Status: "Active",
                CompanyKey: 1,
                CompanyDescription: "",
                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                DepartmentKey: 1,
                DepartmentDescription: "",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: 175.0,
                ProjectManager: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "PM",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                PrincipalInCharge: {
                   EmployeeKey: 2,
                   FirstName: "PC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                MarketingContact: {
                   EmployeeKey: 3,
                   FirstName: "MC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                Location: "",
                WageTableKey: 1,
                WageTableDescription: "",
                IsCertified: false,
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                TaxState: "OR",
                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ApplySalesTax: false,
                SalesTaxCode: "",
                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                Notes: "project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                IsFinalBudget: false,
                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                RateTableKey: 1,
                RateTableDescription: "",
                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                LockFee: false,
                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                Units: 0.00,
                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                UnitDescription: "",
                ConstructionCost: 0.00,
                PercentOfConstructionCost: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentDate: "2015-03-11",
                BillingDescription: "",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                LaborEntry: false,
                ExpenseConsultantEntry: false,
                Contacts: [
                       ContactKey: 1,
                       Order: 1,
                       Text: "",
                       Description: "",
                       FirstName: "C1",
                       MiddleName: "",
                       LastName: "",
                       Title: "",
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: 1,
                        Description: "",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: 1,
                            Description: "",
                        InvoiceFormatKey: 1,
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        EmailClientStatementTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailClientStatementTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        PrintBackup: false,
                        EmailIncludeBackup: false,
                        BillingManager: {
                            EmployeeKey: 1,
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        BillingContact: {
                            ContactKey: 2,
                            Description: "",
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "",
                        InvoiceScope: "",
                        Notes: "invoice gropup notes",
                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                Notes: "phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: false,
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: false,
                                Status: "Active",
                                CompanyKey: 1,
                                CompanyDescription: "",
                                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                                DepartmentKey: 1,
                                DepartmentDescription: "",
                                ProjectManager: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                PrincipalInCharge: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                MarketingContact: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                Location: "",
                                WageTableKey: 1,
                                WageTableDescription: "",
                                IsCertified: false,
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                                TaxState: "OR",
                                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ApplySalesTax: false,
                                SalesTaxCode: "",
                                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                IsFinalBudget: false,
                                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                                RateTableKey: 1,
                                RateTableDescription: "",
                                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LockFee: false,
                                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                                Units: 0.00,
                                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                                UnitDescription: "",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                                BillingDescription: "",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                                Contacts: [
                                        ContactKey: 3,
                                        Order: 1,
                                        Text: "",
                                        Description: "",
                                        FirstName: "",
                                        MiddleName: "",
                                        LastName: "",
                                        Title: "",
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    ResponseCode: 200,
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
        type: int
    Message: {
        type: "string"
    Errors: {
        type: "array"
    Content: {
        type: "object"
    UsageKey: {
        type: "guid"

Update Projects

See v2.0 for more details on UpdateProjects CreateProjects

UpdateProjects is used to update, create or delete Projects.

To create Projects, Projects is set to empty, and UpdatedProjects items are given an ProjectKey with a negative value.

To update or delete Projects, Projects must be provided with all fields populated with current data, most likely obtained from calling GetProjects. If updating, UpdatedProjects is populated with the desired values in place for each field, and optional fields may be omitted. If deleting, UpdatedProjects has the optional “Delete” field set to true, and only ProjectKey and LastModifiedDate fields are required.

CustomFields can be viewed/updated, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

To create each negative key must be unique, see example below.

Some List methods may be required in order to create a record.


Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  UpdateProjects
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Minimum required to create --v
  Method: "UpdateProjects",
  SessionToken: "string, see CreateAPISession",
  MethodArguments: {
    UpdatedProjects: [
        ProjectKey: -1, int must be unique,
        LastModifiedDate: "string, must match this format: 2017-12-06 14:46:06.873 GMT-08:00",
        Description: "string",
        BillingType: "string, ('Null', 'TimeAndExpense', 'FixedFee', 'PercentComplete', 'UnitPrice', 'PercentofConstructionCost', 'Nonbillable', 'Marketing', 'Overhead', 'Adjustment')"
        CompanyKey: int, see ListCompanies,
        Contacts: [],
        InvoiceGroups: [
            InvoiceGroupKey: -2, int must be unique,
            InvoiceFormatKey: (int, see ListInvoiceFormats),
            Description: "string",
            Client: {
              ClientKey: int, see ListClients
            Phases: [
                PhaseKey: -3, int must be unique,
                LastModifiedDate: "string, must match this format: 2017-12-06 14:46:06.873 GMT-08:00",
                Description: "string",
                Contacts: [],
                BillingType: "string, ('Null', 'TimeAndExpense', 'FixedFee', 'PercentComplete', 'UnitPrice', 'PercentofConstructionCost', 'Nonbillable', 'Marketing', 'Overhead', 'Adjustment')"
    UnchangedProjects: [],
    UseSingleTransaction: false
Minimum required to create --^

    Method: "UpdateProjects",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
    Content: {
        UpdatedProjects: [
                ProjectKey: 1,
                Delete: false,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                Status: "Active",
                CompanyKey: 1,
                CompanyDescription: "",
                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                DepartmentKey: 1,
                DepartmentDescription: "",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: 175.0,
                ProjectManager: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                PrincipalInCharge: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                MarketingContact: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                Location: "",
                WageTableKey: 1,
                WageTableDescription: "",
                IsCertified: false,
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                TaxState: "OR",
                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ApplySalesTax: false,
                SalesTaxCode: "",
                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                Notes: "project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                IsFinalBudget: false,
                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                RateTableKey: 1,
                RateTableDescription: "",
                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                LockFee: false,
                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                Units: 0.00,
                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                UnitDescription: "",
                ConstructionCost: 0.00,
                PercentOfConstructionCost: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                BillingDescription: "",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                LaborEntry: false,
                ExpenseConsultantEntry: false,
                Contacts: [
                       ContactKey: -1,
                       Order: 1,
                       Text: "",
                       Description: "",
                       FirstName: "",
                       MiddleName: "",
                       LastName: "",
                       Title: "",
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: 1,
                        Description: "",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: 1,
                            Description: "",
                        InvoiceFormatKey: 1,
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        BillingManager: {
                            EmployeeKey: 1,
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        BillingContact: {
                            ContactKey: -1,
                            Description: "",
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "",
                        InvoiceScope: "",
                        Notes: "invoice group notes",
                        EmailClientStatementTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailClientStatementTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        PrintBackup: false,
                        EmailIncludeBackup: false,
                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                Notes: "phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: false,
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: false,
                                Status: "Active",
                                CompanyKey: 1,
                                CompanyDescription: "",
                                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                                DepartmentKey: 1,
                                DepartmentDescription: "",
                                ProjectManager: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                PrincipalInCharge: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                MarketingContact: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                Location: "",
                                WageTableKey: 1,
                                WageTableDescription: "",
                                IsCertified: false,
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                                TaxState: "OR",
                                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ApplySalesTax: false,
                                SalesTaxCode: "",
                                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                IsFinalBudget: false,
                                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                                RateTableKey: 1,
                                RateTableDescription: "",
                                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LockFee: false,
                                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                                Units: 0.00,
                                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                                UnitDescription: "",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                                BillingDescription: "",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                                Contacts: [
                                        ContactKey: -1,
                                        Order: 1,
                                        Text: "",
                                        Description: "",
                                        FirstName: "",
                                        MiddleName: "",
                                        LastName: "",
                                        Title: "",
        UnchangedProjects: [
                ProjectKey: 1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                Status: "Active",
                CompanyKey: 1,
                CompanyDescription: "",
                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                DepartmentKey: 1,
                DepartmentDescription: "",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: 175.0,
                ProjectManager: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                PrincipalInCharge: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                MarketingContact: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                Location: "",
                WageTableKey: 1,
                WageTableDescription: "",
                IsCertified: false,
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                TaxState: "OR",
                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ApplySalesTax: false,
                SalesTaxCode: "",
                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                Notes: "project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                IsFinalBudget: false,
                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                RateTableKey: 1,
                RateTableDescription: "",
                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                LockFee: false,
                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                Units: 0.00,
                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                UnitDescription: "",
                ConstructionCost: 0.00,
                PercentOfConstructionCost: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                BillingDescription: "",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                Contacts: [
                       ContactKey: -1,
                       Order: 1,
                       Text: "",
                       Description: "",
                       FirstName: "",
                       MiddleName: "",
                       LastName: "",
                       Title: "",
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: 1,
                        Description: "",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: 1,
                            Description: "",
                        InvoiceFormatKey: 1,
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        BillingManager: {
                            EmployeeKey: 1,
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        BillingContact: {
                            ContactKey: -1,
                            Description: "",
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "",
                        InvoiceScope: "",
                        Notes: "invoice group notes",

                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                Notes: "phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: false,
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: false,
                                Status: "Active",
                                CompanyKey: 1,
                                CompanyDescription: "",
                                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                                DepartmentKey: 1,
                                DepartmentDescription: "",
                                ProjectManager: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                PrincipalInCharge: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                MarketingContact: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                Location: "",
                                WageTableKey: 1,
                                WageTableDescription: "",
                                IsCertified: false,
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                                TaxState: "OR",
                                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ApplySalesTax: false,
                                SalesTaxCode: "",
                                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                IsFinalBudget: false,
                                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                                RateTableKey: 1,
                                RateTableDescription: "",
                                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LockFee: false,
                                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                                Units: 0.00,
                                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                                UnitDescription: "",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                                BillingDescription: "",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                                Contacts: [
                                        ContactKey: -1,
                                        Order: 1,
                                        Text: "",
                                        Description: "",
                                        FirstName: "",
                                        MiddleName: "",
                                        LastName: "",
                                        Title: "",
        UseSingleTransaction: false
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        UpdatedProjects: [
                ProjectKey: "int, required (negative value indicates that this is a create request)",
                LastModifiedDate: "string, required"
                Description: "string, required only for create, max (80 characters)",
                Delete: "bool, optional, flag as a delete request, in which case only ProjectKey, LastModifiedDate required",
                ID: "string, optional, max (30 characters)",
                Status: "string, optional, ('Null', 'Preliminary', 'Active', 'Hold', 'Workhold', 'BillingHold', 'Closed' or 'Marketing')",
                CompanyKey: "int, required, see ListCompanies",
                CompanyDescription: "string, optional, read only, (will be ignored for updates) (populated from CompanyKey if provided)",
                ProjectTypeKey: "int, optional",
                ProjectTypeDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from ProjectTypeKey if provided)",
                DepartmentKey: "int, optional",
                DepartmentDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from DepartmentKey if provided)",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: "decimal, optional",
                ProjectManager: { "null if empty"
                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a project manager and active",
                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                PrincipalInCharge: { "null if empty"
                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a principal in charge and active",
                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                MarketingContact: { "null if empty"
                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a marketing contact and active",
                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                Location: "string, optional, no max length",
                WageTableKey: "int, optional",
                WageTableDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from WageTableKey if provided)",
                IsCertified: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                TaxState: "string, OPTIONAL, state abbreviation",
                TaxLocalKey: "int, optional",
                TaxLocalDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from TaxLocalKey if provided)",

                    :All Dates must between 1900-01-01 and 2019-06-06
                EstimatedStartDate: "string, date only format, optional, nullable, must be before completion date",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "string, date only format, optional, nullable, must be after start date",
                ActualStartDate: "string, date only format, optional, nullable, must be before completion date",
                ActualCompletionDate: "string, date only format, optional, nullable, must be after start date",
                ApplySalesTax: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                SalesTaxCode: "string, optional, max (20 characters)","
                SalesTaxRate: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                RequireTimesheetNotes: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                Notes: "string, optional, project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                LaborCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                ExpenseCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                ConsultantCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                PercentDistribution: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                IsFinalBudget: false, "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                BillingType: "string, required, ('Null', 'TimeAndExpense', 'FixedFee', 'PercentComplete', 'UnitPrice', 'PercentofConstructionCost', 'Nonbillable', 'Marketing', 'Overhead', 'Adjustment')",
                RateTableKey: "int, optional, nullable",
                RateTableDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from RateTableKey if provided)",
                TotalContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                LaborContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                ExpenseContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                ConsultantContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                LockFee: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                BillLaborAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                BillExpenseAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                BillConsultantAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                Units: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                UnitRate: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                UnitDescription: "string, optional, max (50 characters)",
                ConstructionCost: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                PercentOfConstructionCost: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                ReportedPercentComplete: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "date, optional",
                BillingDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters)",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                LaborInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",

                Contacts: [ //Array of Contacts (max 5), required can be an empty array
                        ContactKey: "int, required",
                        Order: "int, required, 0-based index of the contact (0-4)",
                        Text: "string, optional, max (80 characters)",
                        Description: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                        FirstName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                        MiddleName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                        LastName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                        Title: "string, (will be ignored for updates)"

                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: "int, required, negative to create must be unique",
                        Description: "string, max (80 characters), required",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: "int, required",
                            Description: "string, max (80 characters), optional"
                        InvoiceFormatKey: "int, required, see ListInvoiceFormats",
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "string, max (80 characters), optional",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: "int, optional",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "string, max (80 characters), optional",
                        BillingManager: { // optional
                            EmployeeKey: "int, required",
                            FirstName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                            MiddleName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                            LastName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)"
                        BillingContact: { // optional
                            ContactKey: "int, required",
                            Description: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                            FirstName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                            MiddleName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                            LastName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "string, optional, no max length",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "string, optional, no max length",
                        InvoiceScope: "string, optional, no max length",
                        Notes: "string, optional, invoice group notes"

                        Phases: [ // required must have at minimum 1 phase
                                PhaseKey: "int, required",
                                LastModifiedDate: "string, required"
                                Description: "string, max (80 characters), required",
                                ID: "string, max (30 characters), optional",
                                Notes: "string, optional, phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: "bool, optional, phase table only",
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: "bool, optional, phase table only",
                                Status: "string, optional, ('Null', 'Preliminary', 'Active', 'Hold', 'Workhold', 'BillingHold', 'Closed', 'Marketing')",
                                CompanyKey: "int, optional",
                                CompanyDescription: "string, max (80 characters), (populated from CompanyKey if provided)",
                                ProjectTypeKey: "int, optional",
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "string, max (80 characters), (populated from ProjectTypeKey if provided)",
                                DepartmentKey: "int, optional",
                                DepartmentDescription: "string, max (80 characters), (populated from DepartmentKey if provided)",
                                ProjectManager: { "null if empty"
                                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a project manager and active",
                                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                                PrincipalInCharge: { "null if empty"
                                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a principal in charge and active",
                                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                                MarketingContact: { "null if empty"
                                    EmployeeKey: "int, optional, employee must be a marketing contact and active",
                                    Delete: "boolean, optional, if true it will delete from project or phase"
                                    FirstName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    MiddleName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)",
                                    LastName: "string, optional (will be ignored for updates)"
                                Location: "string, optional, no max length",
                                WageTableKey: "int, optional",
                                WageTableDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from WageTableKey if provided)",
                                IsCertified: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                TaxState: "string, OPTIONAL, state abbreviation",
                                TaxLocalKey: "int, optional",
                                TaxLocalDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from TaxLocalKey if provided)",

                                    :All Dates must between 1900-01-01 and 2019-06-06
                                EstimatedStartDate: "string, date time format, optional, nullable, must be before completion date",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "string, date time format, optional, nullable, must be after start date",
                                ActualStartDate: "string, date time format, optional, nullable, must be before completion date",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "string, date time format, optional, nullable, must be after start date",
                                ApplySalesTax: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                SalesTaxCode: "string, optional, max (20 characters)","
                                SalesTaxRate: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                HoursCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                LaborCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                ExpenseCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                ConsultantCostBudget: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                PercentDistribution: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                IsFinalBudget: false, "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                BillingType: "string, required, ('Null', 'TimeAndExpense', 'FixedFee', 'PercentComplete', 'UnitPrice', 'PercentofConstructionCost', 'Nonbillable', 'Marketing', 'Overhead', 'Adjustment')",
                                RateTableKey: "int, optional, nullable",
                                RateTableDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters), (populated from RateTableKey if provided)",
                                TotalContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                LaborContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                ExpenseContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                ConsultantContractAmount: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                LockFee: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                BillLaborAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                BillExpenseAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                BillConsultantAsTE: "bool, optional, defaults to false",
                                Units: "decimal(19,2), optional)",
                                UnitRate: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                                UnitDescription: "string, optional, max (50 characters)",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: "decimal(19,4), optional)",
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "date, optional",
                                BillingDescription: "string, optional, max (80 characters)",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "string, no max, optional",

                                Contacts: [ //Array of Contacts (max 5), required can be an empty array
                                        ContactKey: "int, required",
                                        Order: "int, required, 0-based index of the contact (0-4)",
                                        Text: "string, optional, max (80 characters)",
                                        Description: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                                        FirstName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                                        MiddleName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                                        LastName: "string, (will be ignored for updates)",
                                        Title: "string, (will be ignored for updates)"
        UnchangedProjects: [
                // same schema as UpdatedProjects, without "Delete" field
        UseSingleTransaction: "bool, defaults to false (If true will use single sql transaction for all updates.  Any failure will reject all changes)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        NumberOfProjectsUpdated: 2,
        Projects: [
                ProjectKey: 2,
                Deleted: true
                ProjectKey: 12,
                OriginalProjectKey: -1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                Status: "Active",
                CompanyKey: 1,
                CompanyDescription: "",
                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                DepartmentKey: 1,
                DepartmentDescription: "",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: 175.0,
                ProjectManager: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "PM",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                PrincipalInCharge: {
                   EmployeeKey: 2,
                   FirstName: "PC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                MarketingContact: {
                   EmployeeKey: 3,
                   FirstName: "MC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                Location: "",
                WageTableKey: 1,
                WageTableDescription: "",
                IsCertified: false,
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                TaxState: "OR",
                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ApplySalesTax: false,
                SalesTaxCode: "",
                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                Notes: "project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                IsFinalBudget: false,
                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                RateTableKey: 1,
                RateTableDescription: "",
                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                LockFee: false,
                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                Units: 0.00,
                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                UnitDescription: "",
                ConstructionCost: 0.00,
                PercentOfConstructionCost: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                BillingDescription: "",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                Contacts: [
                       ContactKey: 1,
                       Order: 1,
                       Text: "",
                       Description: "",
                       FirstName: "C1",
                       MiddleName: "",
                       LastName: "",
                       Title: "",
                Resources: [
                        ResourceKey: 1,
                        Status: "NotStarted",
                        Priority: "None",
                        Description: "",
                        IsTask: false,
                        ActivityType: "Labor",
                        EmployeeKey: 1,
                        EmployeeTypeKey: 1,
                        ActivityKey: 1,
                        VendorTypeKey: 1,
                        VendorKey: 1,
                        Reference: "",
                        PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                        Units: 0.00,
                        CostRate: 0.0000,
                        CostAmount: 0.00,
                        FeeRate: 0.0000,
                        FeeAmount: 0.00,
                        MarkupRate: 0.00,
                        BeginBalanceCostAmount: 0.00,
                        BeginBalanceFeeAmount: 0.00,
                        EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                        EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                        ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                        ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                        Notes: ""
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: 1,
                        Description: "",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: 1,
                            Description: "",
                        InvoiceFormatKey: 1,
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        BillingManager: {
                            EmployeeKey: 1,
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        BillingContact: {
                            ContactKey: 2,
                            Description: "",
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "",
                        InvoiceScope: "",
                        Notes: "invoice group notes",

                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                Notes: "phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: false,
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: false,
                                Status: "Active",
                                CompanyKey: 1,
                                CompanyDescription: "",
                                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                                DepartmentKey: 1,
                                DepartmentDescription: "",
                                ProjectManager: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                PrincipalInCharge: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                MarketingContact: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                Location: "",
                                WageTableKey: 1,
                                WageTableDescription: "",
                                IsCertified: false,
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                                TaxState: "OR",
                                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ApplySalesTax: false,
                                SalesTaxCode: "",
                                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                IsFinalBudget: false,
                                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                                RateTableKey: 1,
                                RateTableDescription: "",
                                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LockFee: false,
                                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                                Units: 0.00,
                                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                                UnitDescription: "",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                                BillingDescription: "",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                                Contacts: [
                                        ContactKey: 3,
                                        Order: 1,
                                        Text: "",
                                        Description: "",
                                        FirstName: "",
                                        MiddleName: "",
                                        LastName: "",
                                        Title: "",
                                Resources: [
                                        ResourceKey: 1,
                                        Status: "NotStarted",
                                        Priority: "None",
                                        Description: "",
                                        IsTask: false,
                                        ActivityType: "Labor",
                                        EmployeeKey: 1,
                                        EmployeeTypeKey: 1,
                                        ActivityKey: 1,
                                        VendorTypeKey: 1,
                                        VendorKey: 1,
                                        Reference: "",
                                        PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                        Units: 0.00,
                                        CostRate: 0.0000,
                                        CostAmount: 0.00,
                                        FeeRate: 0.0000,
                                        FeeAmount: 0.00,
                                        MarkupRate: 0.00,
                                        BeginBalanceCostAmount: 0.00,
                                        BeginBalanceFeeAmount: 0.00,
                                        EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                        EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                        ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                        ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
        ResponseCode: {
            type: int
        Message: {
            type: "string"
        Errors: {
            type: "array"
        Content: {
            type: "object"
        UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

List Project Types

ListProjectTypes returns an array of Project Types, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Project Type includes only very basic information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListPays
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListProjectTypes",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ['active']
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional, (either 'Active' or 'Inactive', case-insensitive)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        ProjectTypes: [{
            ProjectTypeKey: int, 1,
            Description: string, "New Residence - Typical",
            Status: string, "Active"
            Notes: string, ""
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Content: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
            ProjectTypes: {
                type: "array",
                properties: {
                    ProjectTypeKey: int,
                    Description: string,
                    Status: string,
                    Notes: string
    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

List Project Templates

ListProjectTemplates returns an array of Project Templates, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Project Template includes only very basic information. This method is intended to be used for querying Project Templates for particular key values, which can then be passed to GetProjectTemplates for more detailed information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListProjectTemplates
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListProjectTemplates",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ["Preliminary", "Hold"],
        FilterByCompany: [1],
        FilterByNameLike: "Description",
        FilterByDescriptionLike: "Project Description",
        FilterByDescriptionEquals: "Project Description",
        FilterByIDLike: "03-M4",
        FilterByProjectType: [1, null],
        FilterBySyncToCRM: [true],
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11"
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional, (valid values: "Preliminary", "Active", "Hold", "WorkHold", "BillingHold", "Closed", "Marketing")",
        FilterByCompany: "int array, optional",
        FilterByNameLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on Description and ID)",
        FilterByDescriptionLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on Description)",
        FilterByDescriptionEquals: "string, optional, (equality match on Description)",
        FilterByIDLike: "string, optional, (LIKE match on ID)",
        FilterByProjectType: "int array, can include null, optional",
        FilterBySyncToCRM: "bool array, optional",
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "date string (specific format), optional",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "date string (specific format)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        ProjectTemplates: [
                ProjectTemplateKey: 3,
                ID: "some text",
                Description: "the description"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        ResponseCode: {
            type: int
        Message: {
            type: "string"
        Errors: {
            type: "array"
        Content: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                ProjectTemplates: {
                    type: "array",
                    properties: {
                        ProjectTemplateKey: {
                            type: int
                        ID: {
                            type: "string"
                        Description: {
                            type: "string"
        UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Get Project Templates

GetProjectTemplates takes one or more key values, and returns an array of matching Project Templates.

This method returns detailed information.

CustomFields can be viewed, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  GetProjectTemplates
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "GetProjectTemplates",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: [1, 2, 3]
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: "int array, required"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    Content: {
        ProjectTemplates: [
                ProjectTemplateKey: 1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                Status: "Active",
                CompanyKey: 1,
                CompanyDescription: "",
                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                DepartmentKey: 1,
                DepartmentDescription: "",
                BudgetedOverheadRate: 175.0,
                ProjectManager: {
                   EmployeeKey: 1,
                   FirstName: "PM",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                PrincipalInCharge: {
                   EmployeeKey: 2,
                   FirstName: "PC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                MarketingContact: {
                   EmployeeKey: 3,
                   FirstName: "MC",
                   MiddleName: "",
                   LastName: ""
                Location: "",
                WageTableKey: 1,
                WageTableDescription: "",
                IsCertified: false,
                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                TaxState: "OR",
                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                ApplySalesTax: false,
                SalesTaxCode: "",
                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                Notes: "project notes",
                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                IsFinalBudget: false,
                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                RateTableKey: 1,
                RateTableDescription: "",
                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                LockFee: false,
                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                Units: 0.00,
                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                UnitDescription: "",
                ConstructionCost: 0.00,
                PercentOfConstructionCost: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                ReportedPercentDate: "2015-03-11",
                BillingDescription: "",
                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                Contacts: [
                       ContactKey: 1,
                       Order: 1,
                       Text: "",
                       Description: "",
                       FirstName: "C1",
                       MiddleName: "",
                       LastName: "",
                       Title: "",
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        InvoiceGroupKey: 1,
                        Description: "",
                        Client: {
                            ClientKey: 1,
                            Description: "",
                        InvoiceFormatKey: 1,
                        InvoiceFormatDescription: "",
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateKey: 1,
                        EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription: "Default Template",
                        BillingManager: {
                            EmployeeKey: 1,
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        BillingContact: {
                            ContactKey: 2,
                            Description: "",
                            FirstName: "",
                            MiddleName: "",
                            LastName: ""
                        InvoiceHeaderText: "",
                        InvoiceFooterText: "",
                        InvoiceScope: "",
                        Notes: "invoice gropup notes",
                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                Notes: "phase notes",
                                IsBillingGroup: false,
                                SummarizeBillingGroup: false,
                                Status: "Active",
                                CompanyKey: 1,
                                CompanyDescription: "",
                                ProjectTypeKey: 1,
                                ProjectTypeDescription: "",
                                DepartmentKey: 1,
                                DepartmentDescription: "",
                                ProjectManager: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                PrincipalInCharge: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                MarketingContact: {
                                    EmployeeKey: 1,
                                    FirstName: "",
                                    MiddleName: "",
                                    LastName: ""
                                Location: "",
                                WageTableKey: 1,
                                WageTableDescription: "",
                                IsCertified: false,
                                RestrictTimeEntryToResourcesOnly: false,
                                TaxState: "OR",
                                TaxLocalKey: 1,
                                TaxLocalDescription: "",
                                EstimatedStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                EstimatedCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualStartDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ActualCompletionDate: "2015-03-11",
                                ApplySalesTax: false,
                                SalesTaxCode: "",
                                SalesTaxRate: 0.000,
                                RequireTimesheetNotes: false,
                                HoursCostBudget: 0.00,
                                LaborCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ExpenseCostBudget: 0.00,
                                ConsultantCostBudget: 0.00,
                                PercentDistribution: 0.00,
                                IsFinalBudget: false,
                                BillingType: "TimeAndExpense",
                                RateTableKey: 1,
                                RateTableDescription: "",
                                TotalContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LaborContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ExpenseContractAmount: 0.00,
                                ConsultantContractAmount: 0.00,
                                LockFee: false,
                                BillLaborAsTE: false,
                                BillExpenseAsTE: false,
                                BillConsultantAsTE: false,
                                Units: 0.00,
                                UnitRate: 0.0000,
                                UnitDescription: "",
                                ReportedPercentComplete: 0.0000,
                                ReportedPercentCompleteDate: "2015-03-11",
                                BillingDescription: "",
                                PhaseInvoiceText: "",
                                LaborInvoiceText: "",
                                ExpenseInvoiceText: "",
                                ConsultantInvoiceText: "",
                                Contacts: [
                                        ContactKey: 3,
                                        Order: 1,
                                        Text: "",
                                        Description: "",
                                        FirstName: "",
                                        MiddleName: "",
                                        LastName: "",
                                        Title: "",
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    ResponseCode: 200,
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
        type: int
    Message: {
        type: "string"
    Errors: {
        type: "array"
    Content: {
        type: "object"
    UsageKey: {
        type: "guid"

Get Projects With Resources

GetProjectsWithResources takes one or more key values, and returns an array of matching Projects with resources.

This method returns detailed information similar to GetProjects API but also contains detail about Resources

CustomFields can be viewed, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

This method can not be used to update resources and should not be used in conjunction with UpdateProjects.

Since this methods contains the same info as GetProjects but also includes resource info, this documentation will

only include info about the Resources tag which can be located on the Project and Phase objects

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  GetProjectsWithResources
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "GetProjectsWithResources",
    SessionToken: "See CreateAPISession to get this token",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: [1, 2, 3]
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string, required",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjects: "int array, required"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    Content: {
        Projects: [
                ProjectKey: 1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",
                // Additional fields omitted for clarity, to see other fields see GetProjects
                InvoiceGroups: [
                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 1,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                // Additional fields omitted for clarity, to see other fields see GetProjects
                                Resources: [
                                       ResourceKey: 81,
                                       Status: "NotStarted, InProgress, Complete, Waiting or Deferred",
                                       Priority: "",
                                       Description: "",
                                       IsTask: false,
                                       ActivityType: "None, Labor, Expense or Consultant",

                                       //If employee is present on record
                                       Employee: {
                                          EmployeeKey: 26 (See ListEmployees and GetEmployees for detail),
                                          FirstName: "First name of the employee",
                                          MiddleName: "Middle name of the employee",
                                          LastName: "Last name of the employee"

                                       //Or if employee is not present on record
                                       EmployeeKey: null,

                                       EmployeeTypeKey: 2 (See ListEmployeeTypes for detail),
                                       EmployeeTypeDescription: "Description if present",
                                       ActivityKey: null,
                                       ActivityDescription: "Description if present",
                                       VendorKey: null (See ListVenders and GetVendors for detail),
                                       VendorDescription: "Description if present",
                                       VendorTypeKey: null (See ListVendorTypes for detail),
                                       VendorTypeDescription: "Description if present",
                                       Reference: "",
                                       PercentDistribution: 0,
                                       Units: 30,
                                       CostRate: 28.845,
                                       CostAmount: 865.35,
                                       FeeRate: 112.4956,
                                       FeeAmount: 3374.87,
                                       MarkupRate: 0,
                                       BeginBalanceCostAmount: 0,
                                       BeginBalanceFeeAmount: 0,
                                       EstimatedStartDate: null,
                                       EstimatedCompletionDate: null,
                                       ActualStartDate: null,
                                       ActualCompletionDate: null
                Resources: [
                    //See above for resource fields
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    ResponseCode: 200,
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
        type: int
    Message: {
        type: "string"
    Errors: {
        type: "array"
    Content: {
        type: "object"
    UsageKey: {
        type: "guid"

Get Project Totals

GetProjectTotals takes one key value, and returns an object of the matching Project with totals.

This method returns detailed information similar to GetProjects API but also contains detail about Project Totals

This method can not be used to update project totals and should not be used in conjunction with UpdateProjects.

Since this methods contains the same info as GetProjects but also includes project totals info, this documentation will

only include info about the project totals tag which can be located on the Project and Phase objects

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  GetProjectTotals
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "GetProjectTotals",
    SessionToken: "See CreateAPISession to get this token",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjectTotals: 1
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string, required",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedProjectTotals: "integer, required"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    Content: {
        Projects: [
                ProjectKey: 1,
                Description: "",
                ID: "",

                // Additional fields omitted for clarity, to see other fields see GetProjects
                // Project totals listed in phases (Phase Project Totals) will also occur on the main Project after invoices (Project - Totals)

                InvoiceGroups: [
                        Phases: [
                                PhaseKey: 2,
                                Description: "",
                                ID: "",
                                // Additional fields omitted for clarity, to see other fields see GetProjects
                                Hours Worked: 303,
                                Premium 1 Hours Worked: 11,
                                Premium 2 Hours Worked: 0,
                                Premium 3 Hours Worked: 0,
                                Regular Hours Worked: 292,
                                Scheduled Hours: 0,
                                WIP Hours: 0,
                                Written off Hours: 0,
                                Billed Adjustments Consultant: 0,
                                Billed Adjustments Expense: 0,
                                Billed Adjustments Labor: 0,
                                Billed Adjustments: 0,
                                Billed Amount By Accounting Date: 39852.95,
                                Billed Consultant: 5800,
                                Billed Expense: 1052.95,
                                Billed Labor: 33000,
                                Billed Sales Tax: 0,
                                Billed: 39852.95,
                                Consultant Billed by Accounting Date: 5800,
                                Cost + Premium Burdened: 34663.35,
                                Cost + Premium: 21400.9,
                                Cost Burdened: 34245.72,
                                Cost Consultant: 7109.09,
                                Cost Expense: 952.58,
                                Cost Labor + Premium Burdened: 26601.68,
                                Cost Labor + Premium: 13339.23,
                                Cost Labor Burdened: 26184.05,
                                Cost Labor: 13215.48,
                                Cost: 21277.15,
                                Expense Billed by Accounting Date: 1052.95,
                                Labor Billed by Accounting Date: 33000,
                                Payable Balance: 0,
                                Payments Consultant: 5000,
                                Payments Expense: 418.26,
                                Payments: 5418.26,
                                Receipts Adjustments Consultant: 0,
                                Receipts Adjustments Labor: 0,
                                Receipts Adjustments: 0,
                                Receipts Consultant: 2320,
                                Receipts Credit Memo Consultant: 0,
                                Receipts Credit Memo Expense: 0,
                                Receipts Credit Memo Labor: 0,
                                Receipts Credit Memo: 0,
                                Receipts Expense: 464,
                                Receipts Labor: 14500,
                                Receipts Sales Tax: 0,
                                Receipts: 17284,
                                Receivable Balance: 22780.42,
                                Scheduled Dollars: 0,
                                Spent Consultant: 7820,
                                Spent Expense: 1052.95,
                                Spent Labor: 37681.1,
                                Spent: 46554.05,
                                Vendor Invoiced Consultant: 5000,
                                Vendor Invoiced Expense: 418.26,
                                Vendor Invoiced: 5418.26,
                                WIP Consultant: 0,
                                WIP Expense: 0,
                                WIP Labor: 0,
                                WIP: 0,
                                Written off Consultant: 0,
                                Written off Expense: 0,
                                Written off Labor: 0,
                                Written off: 0
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    ResponseCode: 200,
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
        type: int
    Message: {
        type: "string"
    Errors: {
        type: "array"
    Content: {
        type: "object"
    UsageKey: {
        type: "guid"

List Marketing Final Dispositions

ListMarketingFinalDispositions returns an array of Marketing Final Dispositions, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Marketing Final Disposition includes only very basic information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListMarketingFinalDispositions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListMarketingFinalDispositions",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ['active']
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional, (either 'Active' or 'Inactive', case-insensitive)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        MarketingFinalDispositions: [{
            MarketingFinalDispositionKey: int, 1,
            Description: string, "Marketing Final Disposition Description",
            Status: string, "Active",
            Notes: string, ""
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Content: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
            MarketingFinalDispositions: {
                type: "array",
                properties: {
                    MarketingFinalDispositionKey: int,
                    Description: string,
                    Status: string,
                    Notes: string
    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

List Marketing Stages

ListMarketingStages returns an array of Marketing Stages, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Marketing Stage includes only very basic information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListMarketingStages
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListMarketingStages",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ['active']
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional, (either 'Active' or 'Inactive', case-insensitive)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        MarketingStages: [{
            MarketingStageKey: int, 1,
            Description: string, "NBD",
            LongDescription: string, "New Business Development",
            Status: string, "Active"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Content: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
            MarketingStages: {
                type: "array",
                properties: {
                    MarketingStageKey: int,
                    Description: string,
                    LongDescription: string,
                    Status: string
    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

List Overhead Groups

ListOverheadGroups returns an array of Overhead Groups, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Overhead Group includes only very basic information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListOverheadGroups
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListOverheadGroups",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {}
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {}
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        OverheadGroups: [{
            OverheadGroupKey: int, 1,
            Description: string, "MV Overhead",
            Notes: string, ""
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Content: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
            OverheadGroups: {
                type: "array",
                properties: {
                    OverheadGroupKey: int,
                    Description: string,
                    Notes: string
    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Generated by aglio on 16 Nov 2023