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Ajera API

message for Ajera API general doc

For additional api methods see the following below:
Clients API
Employees API
Vendors API
Projects API
Expense Reports API
GL Accounts API
Various List Methods


Group of all messages-related resources.

API Endpoint

id is an Ajera API specific id that is required to access the API for any given API server call. This id and specific url can be obtained from the Ajera 8 Menu Utility -> Setup Integrations -> API Settings

List Contacts

ListContacts returns an array of Contacts, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Contact includes only very basic information. This method is intended to be used for querying Contacts for particular key values, which can then be passed to GetContacts for more detailed information.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListContacts
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListContacts",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByCompany: [1, 2, 3],
        FilterByStatus: ["Active"],
        FilterByText: "string",
        FilterByContactType: [1, 2, 3, null],
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700"
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByCompany: "int array, optional",
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional",
        FilterByText: "string, optional",
        FilterByContactType: "int array, optional"
        FilterByEarliestModifiedDate: "date string, optional(specific format)",
        FilterByLatestModifiedDate: "date string, optional(specific format)"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    Content: {
        Contacts: [{
            ContactKey: 3,
            FirstName: "Bob",
            MiddleName: "M",
            LastName: "Johnson",
            Company: "Accuterra"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"

    Content: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
            ContactKey: {
                type: int
            FirstName: {
                type: "string"
            MiddleName: {
                type: "string"
            LastName: {
                type: "string"
            Company: {
                type: "string"

    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Get Contacts

GetContacts takes one or more key values, and returns an array of matching Contacts.

This method returns detailed information, which can be used to populate required fields when calling UpdateContacts.

CustomFields can be viewed/updated, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  GetContacts
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "GetContacts",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedContacts: [11]
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        RequestedContacts: "int array, required"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        Contacts: [{
            ContactKey: 11,
            Status: "Active",
            FirstName: "Dominica",
            MiddleName: "",
            LastName: "Appleton",
            Company: "Anderson Construction",
            Title: "Architect",
            FaxNumber: "(503)245-1551",
            FaxDescription: "",
            Email: "",
            Website: "",
            Notes: "",
            PrimaryAddressLineOne: "965 NE Savie Drive",
            PrimaryAddressLineTwo: "",
            PrimaryAddressLineThree: "",
            PrimaryAddressCity: "Portland",
            PrimaryAddressZip: "97227",
            PrimaryAddressState: "OR",
            PrimaryAddressCountry: "USA",
            MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: true,
            MailingAddressLineOne: "965 NE Savie Drive",
            MailingAddressLineTwo: "",
            MailingAddressLineThree: "",
            MailingAddressCity: "Portland",
            MailingAddressZip: "97227",
            MailingAddressState: "OR",
            MailingAddressCountry: "USA",
            PrimaryPhoneNumber: "503-240-5000",
            PrimaryPhoneDescription: "Office",
            SecondaryPhoneNumber: "",
            SecondaryPhoneDescription: "",
            TertiaryPhoneNumber: "",
            TertiaryPhoneDescription: "",
            ContactTypeKey: 6,
            ContactTypeDescription: "Client",
            ContactTypeNotes: "",
            LastModifiedDate: "2015-05-19 10:24:30.610 GMT-05:00"
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Content: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                ContactKey: {
                    type: int
                Status: {
                    type: "string"
                FirstName: {
                    type: "string"
                MiddleName: {
                    type: "string"
                LastName: {
                    type: "string"
                Company: {
                    type: "string"
                Title: {
                    type: "string"
                FaxNumber: {
                    type: "string"
                FaxDescription: {
                    type: "string"
                Email: {
                    type: "string"
                Website: {
                    type: "string"
                Notes: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressLineOne: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressLineTwo: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressLineThree: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressCity: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressZip: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressState: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryAddressCountry: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: {
                    type: "boolean"
                MailingAddressLineOne: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressLineTwo: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressLineThree: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressCity: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressZip: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressState: {
                    type: "string"
                MailingAddressCountry: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryPhoneNumber: {
                    type: "string"
                PrimaryPhoneDescription: {
                    type: "string"
                SecondaryPhoneNumber: {
                    type: "string"
                SecondaryPhoneDescription: {
                    type: "string"
                TertiaryPhoneNumber: {
                    type: "string"
                TertiaryPhoneDescription: {
                    type: "string"
                ContactTypeKey: {
                    type: "int"
                ContactTypeDescription: {
                    type: "string"
                ContactTypeNotes: {
                    type: "string"
                LastModifiedDate: {
                    type: "string"
        UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Update Contacts

UpdateContacts is used to update, create or delete contacts.

To create contacts, Contacts is set to empty, and UpdatedContacts items are given an ContactKey with a negative value.

To update or delete contacts, Contacts must be provided with all fields populated with current data, most likely obtained from calling GetContacts. If updating, UpdatedContacts is populated with the desired values in place for each field, and optional fields may be omitted. If deleting, UpdatedContacts has the optional “Delete” field set to true, and only ContactKey and LastModifiedDate fields are required.

CustomFields can be viewed/updated, the field names are prepended with the string CF_

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  UpdateContacts
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "UpdateContacts",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        UpdatedContacts: [
                ContactKey: 1,
                LastModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700",
                Delete: false,
                FirstName: "Tom",
                MiddleName: "",
                LastName: "Harding",
                Company: "Test Company",
                Title: "Manager",
                FaxNumber: "555-555-5555",
                FaxDescription: "Buisness fax",
                Email: "",
                Website: "",
                Notes: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineOne: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineTwo: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineThree: "",
                PrimaryAddressCity: "",
                PrimaryAddressZip: "",
                PrimaryAddressState: "",
                PrimaryAddressCountry: "",
                MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: true,
                MailingAddressLineOne: "",
                MailingAddressLineTwo: "",
                MailingAddressLineThree: "",
                MailingAddressCity: "",
                MailingAddressZip: "",
                MailingAddressState: "",
                MailingAddressCountry: "",
                PrimaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                PrimaryPhoneDescription: "",
                SecondaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                SecondaryPhoneDescription: "",
                TertiaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                TertiaryPhoneDescription: "",
                ContactTypeKey: 1,
                ContactTypeDescription: "Test",
                ContactTypeNotes: ""
                ContactKey: -1,
                LastModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700",
                Delete: false,
                FirstName: "Tom",
                MiddleName: "",
                LastName: "Harding",
                Company: "Test Company",
                Title: "Manager",
                FaxNumber: "555-555-5555",
                FaxDescription: "Buisness fax",
                Email: "",
                Website: "",
                Notes: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineOne: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineTwo: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineThree: "",
                PrimaryAddressCity: "",
                PrimaryAddressZip: "",
                PrimaryAddressState: "",
                PrimaryAddressCountry: "",
                MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: true,
                MailingAddressLineOne: "",
                MailingAddressLineTwo: "",
                MailingAddressLineThree: "",
                MailingAddressCity: "",
                MailingAddressZip: "",
                MailingAddressState: "",
                MailingAddressCountry: "",
                PrimaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                PrimaryPhoneDescription: "",
                SecondaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                SecondaryPhoneDescription: "",
                TertiaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                TertiaryPhoneDescription: "",
                ContactTypeKey: 1,
                ContactTypeDescription: "Test",
                ContactTypeNotes: ""
            }, {
                ContactKey: 2,
                LastModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700",
                Delete: true
        UnchangedContacts: [
                ContactKey: 1,
                LastModifiedDate: "2015-03-11 16:22:54.229 GMT-0700",
                Delete: false,
                FirstName: "Tom",
                MiddleName: "",
                LastName: "Harding",
                Company: "Test Company",
                Title: "Manager",
                FaxNumber: "555-555-5555",
                FaxDescription: "Buisness fax",
                Email: "",
                Website: "",
                Notes: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineOne: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineTwo: "",
                PrimaryAddressLineThree: "",
                PrimaryAddressCity: "",
                PrimaryAddressZip: "",
                PrimaryAddressState: "",
                PrimaryAddressCountry: "",
                MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: true,
                MailingAddressLineOne: "",
                MailingAddressLineTwo: "",
                MailingAddressLineThree: "",
                MailingAddressCity: "",
                MailingAddressZip: "",
                MailingAddressState: "",
                MailingAddressCountry: "",
                PrimaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                PrimaryPhoneDescription: "",
                SecondaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                SecondaryPhoneDescription: "",
                TertiaryPhoneNumber: "555-555-5555",
                TertiaryPhoneDescription: "",
                ContactTypeKey: 1,
                ContactTypeDescription: "Test",
                ContactTypeNotes: ""
        UseSingleTransaction: false
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string, required",
    UseSessionCookie: "boolean",
    MethodArguments: {
        UpdatedContacts: [
                ContactKey: "int, required",
                LastModifiedDate: "string, required, date string format",
                Delete: "boolean, default false",
                Status: "string, default Active",
                FirstName: "string, optional if company is populated",
                MiddleName: "string, optional",
                LastName: "string, optional if company is populated",
                Company: "string, optional if FirstName, MiddleName, LastName is populated",
                Title: "string, optional",
                FaxNumber: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                FaxDescription: "string, optional, max(80 characters)",
                Email: "string, optional, max(254 characters)",
                Website: "string, optional, max(100 characters)",
                Notes: "string, optional, nullable",
                PrimaryPhoneNumber: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                PrimaryPhoneDescription: "string, optional, max(80 characters)",
                SecondaryPhoneNumber: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                SecondaryPhoneDescription: "string, optional, max(80 characters)",
                TertiaryPhoneNumber: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                TertiaryPhoneDescription: "string, optional, max(80 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressLineOne: "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressLineTwo:  "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressLineThree:  "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressCity: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressZip:  "string, optional, max(20 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressState: "string, optional, max(10 characters)",
                PrimaryAddressCountry: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                MailingAddressSameAsPrimary: "boolean, optional, default true",
                MailingAddressLineOne: "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                MailingAddressLineTwo: "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                MailingAddressLineThree:  "string, optional, max(50 characters)",
                MailingAddressCity: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                MailingAddressZip:  "string, optional, max(20 characters)",
                MailingAddressState:  "string, optional, max(10 characters)",
                MailingAddressCountry: "string, optional, max(30 characters)",
                ContactTypeKey: "int, optional, nullable",
                ContactTypeDescription: "string, optional",
                ContactTypeNotes: "string, optional"
        UnchangedContacts: "array, required, use contact record from GetContacts, empty array if only creating",
        UseSingleTransaction: "boolean, required"

Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    Content: {
    Errors: [],
    Message: "Success",
    ResponseCode: 0,
    UsageKey: "6e983af4-946f-4947-9fbd-a233f796f6b4"
        Content: {
            type: "object"
        Errors: {
            type: "array"
        Message: {
            type: "string"
        ResponseCode: {
            type: int
        UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

List Contact Types

ListContactTypes returns an array of Contact Types, limited by the optional filters detailed below.

Each returned Contact Type includes only very basic information. This method is intended to be used for querying Contact Types for particular key values.

Example URI

POST /AjeraAPI.ashx?ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9
URI Parameters
string (required) Example: ew0KICAiRGF0YWJhc2VOYW1lIjogIkFqZXJhX01haW4iDQp9

An unique identifier required for api access.

Request  ListContactTypes
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    Method: "ListContactTypes",
    SessionToken: "",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: ["Active"]
    Method: "string, required",
    SessionToken: "string",
    MethodArguments: {
        FilterByStatus: "string array, optional"
Response  200
Content-Type: application/json
    ResponseCode: 200,
    Message: "Success",
    Errors: [],
    Content: {
        ContactTypes: [{
            ContactTypeKey: 1,
            Description: "Accountant",
            Status: "Active",
            Notes: ""
    UsageKey: "d286b4e7-41fe-42f9-97e8-bfd842a77b88"
    ResponseCode: {
            type: int
    Message: {
            type: "string"
    Errors: {
            type: "array"
    Content: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                ContactTypeKey: {
                    type: int
                Description: {
                    type: "string"
                Status: {
                    type: "string"
                Notes: {
                    type: "string"
    UsageKey: {
            type: "guid"

Generated by aglio on 17 Apr 2024